O Me, O My

I'm intrigued by the "No smell" aspect.
Would you be so kind as to expound on that or link to existing thread pls?
I have talked about it in so many threads I really have no idea of which one to pick lol

Simply put ya just need to eliminate things that stress em or what I like to say things they don't like. Plants don't like to be crowded, they don't like to touch each other, they don't like too much of anything, this includes light, they don't like improper spectrum's, they don't like improper pressure (think barometric/atmosphere), they don't like imbalances (this mostly applies to nutes), they don't like improper/unnatural light timings. They don't like bugs or critters eatin on em. Just like us, they are genetically programmed to to thrive, to eat, to procreate, to rest and being in an environment that allows these things to occur naturally makes them happy.

I have had growers tell me that after readin my stuff they simply opened their tent and the smells went away IMO a tent is the worst place to grow