Potential perpetual grow


Hey guys I'm just looking for some feedback on my ideas for a perpetual grow. I already have a 48"x48" with a 600w hps that I'm currently using and I was thinking about getting a 48"x32" tent and putting a 250w mh in there as my veg tent and then make the 600w my flower tent. I would run 6 plants in 3ga smart pots. Taking clones right before I put plants into flower. Any input would be much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
122x122cm for flower with a 600w hps and 122x81cm for veg with a 250w mh.
600 in 120x120 is great

250w in 122x81 is not gonna make it you need 400 for that

My veg tent is 150x90cm

My 400w in cool tube and I have a northstart reflector above the cool tube covers 120x90 exactly.

I have a dead zone of 30cm,I have in it fan humidifer and intake fan.

Check this out

You cant see it from here but the coverge end under the lift side of the reflector exactly under the mj seedlings that sets above the pots.

hope this helps.



Well-Known Member
Also if you are intending to have 6 plants in that space from clones in that veg tent for the time that the others plants sets in the flower.... that tent is not gonna make it, it will get really cramped with 6 plants in that space..

I would say go with four from seeds till the others finnish!

My 150x90 couldnt take 6 plants in it that have been vegged for 6 weeks!

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Instead of a 250 I'd go with 2 150's. Then if you have too add another 150 for 450 watts total.

150 watt HID is standard outdoor lighting and more convenient than 250's.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you could stagger it a bit, so you'd have them in batches of three rather than 6, that way they wouldn't get as cramped if you had in your veg room 3 seedling sized plants with 3 ready to go in the flower room. Then when you harvest 3 from the flower room, replace them with the big three from the veg closet. Just a thought if space does become an issue. I have a 2 lamp T5 in my veg closet and 2x 600w dual spectrum in my flower room and have another 4 plants vegging but I'm still on my first crop so my system hasn't really been tested properly yet. I can't fit as many in my veg closet as I can in the flower room, but I don't ever want so many in one batch again anyway cos I have 11 now and at 19 days into flower, space is becoming an issue :peace:


Well-Known Member
Maybe you could stagger it a bit, so you'd have them in batches of three rather than 6, that way they wouldn't get as cramped if you had in your veg room 3 seedling sized plants with 3 ready to go in the flower room. Then when you harvest 3 from the flower room, replace them with the big three from the veg closet. Just a thought if space does become an issue. I have a 2 lamp T5 in my veg closet and 2x 600w dual spectrum in my flower room and have another 4 plants vegging but I'm still on my first crop so my system hasn't really been tested properly yet. I can't fit as many in my veg closet as I can in the flower room, but I don't ever want so many in one batch again anyway cos I have 11 now and at 19 days into flower, space is becoming an issue :peace:

I know exactly what you mean :) lool