Thanks!Can't wait to see the journey on this one.
I was an absolute beginner when i first grew the ECSD. I let it get really lanky and I burned the crap out of most of them with nutrients.
This time I have a lot more experience. Lets hope I do them justice.
Not sure.....Out of 5 I got 2 survivors I can't get a bead on her I have 1 bushy 1 and another 1 that's not is that normal
Quick question doc is it better to have 4 main colas because I top at like the 5th node and have like 6 or 8 but they arent like arm length nugs or anything
Does it affect yield
Im still running turkish delight how was it for you
O ok ive got about 5 or 6 they have a smell cant pinpoit it amells more than oh zone