Failed drug test home depot oral swab


New Member
Took drug test. Smoked on Sunday, swab test on Wednesday.

What happens if I failed the test?
Can I reapply in 30 day, 90 days, or never?

I can't find any information in this.
What happens if I failed the test?
Can I reapply in 30 day, 90 days, or never?

Honestly they are a big corporation with what i'm guessing are fairly strict guidelines. So if you are asking the corporate written answer I would say they would no longer be interested in your services if you fail a drug screening. that being said we are all human and if the people hiring you have a more positive view on marijuana you might catch a break.
I read that oral swab was only good up to about a day after you partake as cannabis does not metabolize into oral fluids...any word on how the test went??
A swab is good for like 12 hours 24 hours max with weed.... My mates would pass everytime. Urine tests are the killer.!!!
Iv even passed swab tests less than 12hours after taking Benzo's for sleep.. I wish every drug test was a swab... Walk in the park. Your good as gold :))
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I had a mouth swab drug test not too long ago. my company decided to implement random ones and I knew i was going to get popped one day. i google around and found a site that mentioned some sort of gum. it was a stoner site, at first i didn't trust it but after reading the comments i was like, okay i'l try it.

I got two packs of the gum, which set me back a ton of money, but it was definitely worth it. I came into work on a monday and my supervisor said meet me in the office we're going to screen ya. I ran back to my desk, popped the gum in my mouth, hung out in the bathroom for a few mins while I chewed it. Took the test and passed. HIGHLY recommend.
Sorry that you lost your opportunity this time...Any company that requires drug testing does so for a couple of and workman's comp claims. Believe this they do not want to pay the exorbitant costs of lab testing but in the end it costs less to do that then to pay workman's comp claims and higher insurance premiums. I do not believe that any company anywhere will consider hiring a new employee that has already failed a drug test.

BTW with a urine screen they are not actually testing for the drug but for the metabolites the body manufactures to clean your system. But that is neither here nor there...bottom line it wall take minimum 30 days for those metabolites to leave your urine stream. Anyone that says different is unaware of the physiological facts. Yes, you can 'mask' this effect by drinking massive amounts of water prior to taking a test...but random testing does not allow for 2 hours needed to drink two gallons of water. There are many chemicals available in head shops and online that also 'mask' the effects. But, those will not help much for a random test.

All that said...cannabis is (despite what ignorant people and agencies claim) not physically addictive. So, while you are on the hunt for employment your BEST course of action is to abstain. Outside of that...there are also great synthetic products available. I have used some of them very effectively and have never failed a screening. But again, no help for a random...take this bottle and go pee now scenario.

Good Luck, Great Growz, and Get a job!
Haha. I love the interwebs. Here are facts.

Smoking enough cannabis to get high 1 time will stay in your system about 1 week.

Moderate use of cannabis, 1 gram 2 times a week for a period of time will stay in your system for 30+ days.

Heavy use of cannabis, 5 grams everyday for a period of time will stay in your system 90+ days

I have failed a test 120 days after I quit. Before I quit I was smoking 14 or more grams a day, everyday.

Cannabis attaches to fat cells. The more you smoke and how often matters. Not so much size or weight which is something I hear all the time. It all depends of how much and how frequent you consume cannabis.
Haha. I love the interwebs. Here are facts.

Smoking enough cannabis to get high 1 time will stay in your system about 1 week.

Moderate use of cannabis, 1 gram 2 times a week for a period of time will stay in your system for 30+ days.

Heavy use of cannabis, 5 grams everyday for a period of time will stay in your system 90+ days

I have failed a test 120 days after I quit. Before I quit I was smoking 14 or more grams a day, everyday.

Cannabis attaches to fat cells. The more you smoke and how often matters. Not so much size or weight which is something I hear all the time. It all depends of how much and how frequent you consume cannabis.

This seems absurd, however everyones body reacts differently. I'm a daily smoker and average between 3.5-7grams a day, and have never failed any drug test including randoms. The only time I tried hiding it for a pre-employment UA, I got a call the test came back as "diluted" and they requested a new test. Retested the next day fine.

Been picked up and brought in numerous times and forced to take a UA on the spot with no real option and have never failed, even within a couple hours of smoking 2+ grams in one sitting. In one instance even told them they would find it in my system, and was shocked to find out my test came back 100% clean.

Each person reacts differently to everything. Thus the reason we all have different tolerances, allergies, etc. However, general rule of thumb is 30+ days for UA, but mouth swabs are not nearly as accurate.
This seems absurd, however everyones body reacts differently. I'm a daily smoker and average between 3.5-7grams a day, and have never failed any drug test including randoms. The only time I tried hiding it for a pre-employment UA, I got a call the test came back as "diluted" and they requested a new test. Retested the next day fine.

Been picked up and brought in numerous times and forced to take a UA on the spot with no real option and have never failed, even within a couple hours of smoking 2+ grams in one sitting. In one instance even told them they would find it in my system, and was shocked to find out my test came back 100% clean.

Each person reacts differently to everything. Thus the reason we all have different tolerances, allergies, etc. However, general rule of thumb is 30+ days for UA, but mouth swabs are not nearly as accurate.

So you are saying that you have never failed a piss test even tho you smoke?

I call bullshit
This seems absurd, however everyones body reacts differently. I'm a daily smoker and average between 3.5-7grams a day, and have never failed any drug test including randoms. The only time I tried hiding it for a pre-employment UA, I got a call the test came back as "diluted" and they requested a new test. Retested the next day fine.

Been picked up and brought in numerous times and forced to take a UA on the spot with no real option and have never failed, even within a couple hours of smoking 2+ grams in one sitting. In one instance even told them they would find it in my system, and was shocked to find out my test came back 100% clean.

Each person reacts differently to everything. Thus the reason we all have different tolerances, allergies, etc. However, general rule of thumb is 30+ days for UA, but mouth swabs are not nearly as accurate.

It sounds like you are saying you have been given multiple UA's after smoking large amounts of cannabis within as short as a few hours and have never tested positive? Either you are so completely full of shit that you do not excrete enough pollutants in your urine to get an accurate result...or you need to call the Vatican to verify an absolute miracle. What you are claiming is an absolute impossibility, could not, would not ever happen. I would have a better chance of winning powerball 5 times in a row than you have in making me believe such utter idiocy.
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So you are saying that you have never failed a piss test even tho you smoke?

I call bullshit

I have smoked for 15+ years and in that time had 1/2 a dozen to a dozen random UA's and have never failed other then having a "diluted result" for pot. However, I also haven't gone around applying at places that require UA's. Plenty of great job opportunities without ever needing to be tested.

Call bull shit all you want, there are no 2 peoples who's bodies react 100% the same way. In MY case I've never failed a UA, even randoms, for pot and am a daily smoker.
It sounds like you are saying you have been given multiple UA's after smoking large amounts of cannabis within as short as a few hours? Either you are so completely full of shit that you do not excrete enough pollutants in your urine to get an accurate result...or you need to call the Vatican to verify an absolute miracle.

I dont understand why someone would make up something like this. Can't explain, but have never failed for bud. I've failed for other things but never for bud.
I agree with you there...I have NO idea why you would make up such an unbelievable fiction.

Believe as you wish, doesn't both me one bit. Just stating what I have personally experienced. Obviously this is not normal, but it's my personal experience.

Real question is why submit to a drug test for a job when you know you smoke? If you can't afford to smoke then you probably shouldn't and this doesn't simply mean financially.
Believe as you wish, doesn't both me one bit. Just stating what I have personally experienced. Obviously this is not normal, but it's my personal experience.

Real question is why submit to a drug test for a job when you know you smoke? If you can't afford to smoke then you probably shouldn't and this doesn't simply mean financially.
My intention was not to 'bother' 'troll' or insult you.

But, if any of what you claim is true...your liver, gall bladder, kidneys, and pancreas are not functioning as they should or maybe even not at all. In any NEED to call a doctor NOW!!!