
Well-Known Member
Hey Doc you got any veg plants of the Rum Bayou # 18 or whatever it was that is PM resistant? I want one bro real bad as my version gets pm real easy. In other words clone that please for me with whipped topping and cherry on top.
Yea the bms crosses have been hell and I have 5 or so doing really well was just a matter of popping enough beans.
Rum bayou #17 bms dominate and pm resistant
all three that did really well and there are two more ok and one probably will get sent south with durzil.
ok batch and the lanky one is next to go


Well-Known Member
So i got a call at about 7 tonight from my old neighbour and his buddy i had talked to about burls was over there and had a couple in the truck. Peyton and me road over and the guy had a whole full size Chevy truck loaded diwn with burls that had been stored for the past twenty years. Got them for two ozs and $50 which is crazy cheep for green burls much less 100% dry birdseye maple burl and English walnut.
I will get better pics tomorrow of all of it but you get the point I bet

This is just one of the burl caps that would kick ass to turn a bowl from and there are some slabs 5ft long!


Well-Known Member
Fireballs looking lovely Doc. Will have that one too in the garden soon. Genstash cut so I won't be left out cus everyone on this site is enjoying Fireballs except for me lol

OG looking very proper too. Your shit always looking proper!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh sweet score. Good things happen to good people bro. Glad you got a great deal. So I guess I know what my tray will be made from lol. Cant wait to see you in CO bro. so dam excited.


Well-Known Member
Those are the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen! Thanks for the cut!

I wish the seeds were going to be ready by the time the BBQ rolls around.
Man i know how you feel about seeds not being ready. Mine will be ready right after but i wanted to see if you have any bsb x la con or akki you could bring oh and a slymer if there is an extra with anyone?
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