Found a male in my flowering tent tonight!


Well-Known Member
I planted a feminized G13 Cheese that I got from Attitude as a freebie and used it for a mother. I have taken about 30 clones from the plant and decided to go ahead and flower it out. I flipped it a week ago and when I checked the tent at lights on tonight, I noticed that it has balls! The bad part is that in my other tent there are a bunch of it's clones ( not sure how many) and not all of them are marked....It looks like I have quite a task ahead of me tomorrow trying to sort it out. I needed more space in my tent, but this is sure not how I wanted to go about it. My first indoor grow seems to have a new challenge every day!


Well-Known Member
I think I got them out in time as no flowers had opened, and after pondering the situation all night I think I know what happened. I think labels got mixed up somewhere in the process. Yep, another dumbass mistake on my part. The only regular seeds I planted were Mosca C-99. I think that somehow I managed to mislabel one of those as Cheese. Since I thought it was a feminized seed, I didn't bother to sex it. I think what I have is a C-99 male. Now I'm wondering if I can pollinate some clones that I have outside to make some seeds. I have some Blue Dream and Strawberry Amnesia that are 4 weeks into flower. The male has flowers that look like they will open within the next week. Would the seeds have time to mature?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I think I got them out in time as no flowers had opened, and after pondering the situation all night I think I know what happened. I think labels got mixed up somewhere in the process. Yep, another dumbass mistake on my part. The only regular seeds I planted were Mosca C-99. I think that somehow I managed to mislabel one of those as Cheese. Since I thought it was a feminized seed, I didn't bother to sex it. I think what I have is a C-99 male. Now I'm wondering if I can pollinate some clones that I have outside to make some seeds. I have some Blue Dream and Strawberry Amnesia that are 4 weeks into flower. The male has flowers that look like they will open within the next week. Would the seeds have time to mature?
Plenty of time left if you harvest some pollen and have "white" pistols on the female still!
When the un pollinated ripe buds are ready - just harvest them and leave the forming seeded ones to finish!

Sounds like you want to experiment a bit.....No problem. Simple way would be to move the Male out somewhere safe......Put a baggie over 1 or 2 branch's (2 into 1 bag) and tie it off well. When the balls get their "nut", shake the branch(s) and bag a bit, till you see yellow powder collect in the bag a bit.....BE SURE this done in a SAFE place....Like outside and down wind of the grow. Get the pollen to settle into a corner of the bag and carefully remove it and carefully seal it.....

When ready to artificially "inseminate" your lady of choice......Use a fine camel hair brush CAREFULLY dipped into the pollen and brush that onto some willing "girly" parts (pistils) and wait for the big day! The seeds should be "mature" before harvesting for seed..You know what your seeds looked like that you planted - That's what you want....Nice thing with this way can only do a bud or 2 and not have to have the whole plant ravaged by the horny male! :hump:

These seeds are going to have differing pheno's that will display differing traits (F1's)......Some may be good some bad and hopefully something better then the parents ( We all want that for our kids,,don't we?)

If you find something you liked out of those AND you cloned that really nice one you like....Get out the brush and hit a few more bud sites! Same thing from these seeds (F2's) - you find a pheno you really like and you happened to be lucky enough to have cloned that one. Guess what? Hit that one again! The resulting off spring will be "cubed" or commonly known as "stabilized". You now have seeds that are - one purebred bitch!

Be careful as this practice can be habit forming!


(Try not to hand out the F1 seeds......wait for the cubed one's to share. Unstable cannabis genetics? We have enough already ;-) ;-))
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Well-Known Member
When ready to artificially "inseminate" your lady of choice......Use a fine camel hair brush CAREFULLY dipped into the pollen and brush that onto some willing "girly" parts (pistils) and wait for the big day! The seeds should be "mature" before harvesting for seed..You know what your seeds looked like that you planted - That's what you want....Nice thing with this way can only do a bud or 2 and not have to have the whole plant ravaged by the
Be careful as this practice can be habit forming!

I like plucking open male flowers, put them in a small cup with tweezers, and go around the plant and put them directly on the pistil. It marks where I polinated I think it delivers way more pollen to the pistils. Its literally coated with pollen, and the male flower still releases more pollen. Better for making seeds IF the polinated female is isolated from the sinsemilla crop.

I'm not sure how the brush got to be the status quo.. I felt like I was loosing alot of pollen in the brush. And then I have to either label that brush for that strain only. At least with tweezers I can totally decontaminate it by throwing it in the dishwasher.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I like plucking open male flowers, put them in a small cup with tweezers, and go around the plant and put them directly on the pistil. It marks where I polinated I think it delivers way more pollen to the pistils. Its literally coated with pollen, and the male flower still releases more pollen. Better for making seeds IF the polinated female is isolated from the sinsemilla crop.

I'm not sure how the brush got to be the status quo.. I felt like I was loosing alot of pollen in the brush. And then I have to either label that brush for that strain only. At least with tweezers I can totally decontaminate it by throwing it in the dishwasher.
Quite true bro!

I felt the brush would be good for her being new to the idea and to keep the possible spreading of the dreaded "fornicating horndog" pollen from her limited grow area.....Besides, whats the chances of her having both plants ready to do at the same time? Although it would work out ok outdoors in a "safe" way just dandy....My way she has pollen saved for the BXing too.....Hell might as well go for the winner, winner, chicken dinner!


Well-Known Member
Quite true bro!

I felt the brush would be good for her being new to the idea and to keep the possible spreading of the dreaded "fornicating horndog" pollen from her limited grow area.....Besides, whats the chances of her having both plants ready to do at the same time? Although it would work out ok outdoors in a "safe" way just dandy....My way she has pollen saved for the BXing too.....Hell might as well go for the winner, winner, chicken dinner!
Heh, male plants are so undervalued in the MJ community. When I started growing, it was murder, death, kill those motherfuckers.. Nowadays I'm like.. OOOOH!!.. breeding stud!.. :).. ok that sounded ghey..

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Heh, male plants are so undervalued in the MJ community. When I started growing, it was murder, death, kill those motherfuckers.. Nowadays I'm like.. OOOOH!!.. breeding stud!.. :).. ok that sounded ghey..
LMAO! Nah! I agree!
Finding that big strong burly ladies man is just as hard as sorting out the ladies for his wanton desires!

Sounds like @cindysid might have one!
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice, ya'll! I have the male and his harem outdoors away from everything else except 2 plants that will be harvested next weekend. One of them is a C-99. She still has popcorn buds on the lower branches that still have white hairs. I think I will try to pollinate those also and see if she will live long enough for them to finish. I plan to move the females indoors next week, (after a good shower). He had about 6 flowers open today which I sprinkled over the top of the female clones. He is a monster and has hundreds of flowers yet to open. I have never made seeds on purpose before. I think this could be addictive!

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice, ya'll! I have the male and his harem outdoors away from everything else except 2 plants that will be harvested next weekend. One of them is a C-99. She still has popcorn buds on the lower branches that still have white hairs. I think I will try to pollinate those also and see if she will live long enough for them to finish. I plan to move the females indoors next week, (after a good shower). He had about 6 flowers open today which I sprinkled over the top of the female clones. He is a monster and has hundreds of flowers yet to open. I have never made seeds on purpose before. I think this could be addictive!
Once you have chunked pollen, there is no going back. We will be reading about you over on the breeders section soon.

And I'm right there with you in forgetting to label. Luckily I'm putting the same strains in most patches, so I can add them later.

Good luck with those seeds,



Well-Known Member
Once you have chunked pollen, there is no going back. We will be reading about you over on the breeders section soon.

And I'm right there with you in forgetting to label. Luckily I'm putting the same strains in most patches, so I can add them later.

Good luck with those seeds,

I don't know why I'm finding it such a hassle to keep my labeling straight! I am making a monumental effort to accurately label everything this next round. I am using the stick in plant markers, plus a color coded toothpick in each pot, in case the label falls out. I'm also beginning to realize that I MUST write everything down. No more telling myself that I will "remember", because experience is telling me that I won't!


Well-Known Member
I don't know why I'm finding it such a hassle to keep my labeling straight! I am making a monumental effort to accurately label everything this next round. I am using the stick in plant markers, plus a color coded toothpick in each pot, in case the label falls out. I'm also beginning to realize that I MUST write everything down. No more telling myself that I will "remember", because experience is telling me that I won't!
I have a labeling machine, and a barcode reader. I lost a few labels, and I had to give the "unknowns" away. Either way Its a small investment if you're going to mess around with breeding, bad labeling or lost labels is a headache.

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I don't know why I'm finding it such a hassle to keep my labeling straight! I am making a monumental effort to accurately label everything this next round. I am using the stick in plant markers, plus a color coded toothpick in each pot, in case the label falls out. I'm also beginning to realize that I MUST write everything down. No more telling myself that I will "remember", because experience is telling me that I won't!
I use my threads as my grow notes. I just have to remember what I put where until I get to RIU. I make labels from plastic milk jugs. But I'm finding the rain will wash sharpie off. I guess I will need to put them in ziplock bags. When I went out transplanting on Thursday, I had all my labels ready. And they still are. Sitting on my truck seat where I left them.

I put out mostly the same strain in any given patch, so all I have to remember is which strain. I do label the trays of seeds when I plant them.