Gnoot the Gnomes Organic Garden - DIY COBs

these seemed appropriate.. mini cherry pies made with infused coconut oil made from just cherry pie trim + pupcorn buds. weighed the appropriate dose of frozen oil and put it into each pie tin then warmed it up just past melting point. once its melted tilted the tins and held them in the freezer as i rotated to get a nice even coat of oil over the inside of tins. chilled them 10 mins to solidify the oil then popped the filling in and baked. just a sample batch. would do a more organic homemade recipe in the future probably

been lazy with pics going to post some more another time of the first organic run in the veg tent. fireballs clones looking very nice and loving their soil dwelling friends. have run out of room actually... needed to transplant the sour cherry x hotdogs a week+ ago and but just dont have room in the tents! also need to get the fireballs tied down under a net too soooo.. going to do some rearranging soon and retire the tents and open the room up.
here the clones are just under 4 weeks from transplant into soil. sc x hd 3 weeks from busting soil. havent done any bending/training/topping on them because of spacing issue/no room to up pot. may just cut and label some clones and see which of 6 is best pheno.

some of the FB coming down in 7-10 days.
appreciate the kind words friend! i definitely consider COBs a solid investment. doubled my yield with same strain and growing methods compared to previous run with HPS.

13/13 clones have taken root from the Fireballs mumsey so we're going to have a full room on deck. luckily have lots of supersoil cooking up. this is also my first time cloning with a straight organic method (previously cloneX gel) . . i had intended to order ful-power fulvic acid for this purpose, when ordering overlooked things and when it arrived had ful-power humic acid. didnt bother sending it back so i did my cloning solution as 1/2 gallon of water, 2/3 oz humic acid, 1 oz powdered aloe , 1/2 tsp potassium silicate. did the soak on cuttings and grow blocks for a couple hours then stuck em in there. for those who arent aware fulvic acid is better for cloning due to its lower molecular weight allowing it to penetrate the cell and mitochondria of the cell where humic acid cannot (i think, dear god dont listen to me for real information! haha, do proper research before trying products[also welcome anyone to correct me! :)] ) point is organic cloning is much more effective than cloneX... 1 out of 13 of my cuttings has even the slightest hint of chlorosis and its the smallest/weakest cut of the bunch that i designated as a guinea pig to watch for progress...pulled the stem out of the grow block once to check for swelling/root growth a 4-5 days ago which i suspect caused the minor chlorosis... carefully pulled apart the grow block tonight to check and it had several root tips shooting out of the swelled bottom.. my basic test for clones is to pick them up by the stem around 10-12 days after cutting to see if they can support the wet grow block... if theyve swelled and produced minor roots they'll be able to pick it right up and hold on..if not, well.... give it a few more days before you chuck it lol... probably no good!
a little trimming & coffee to start the day

some FB no flashems & with



3/6 sour cherry x hotdog females. finally got room to pot them up into 5g containers and tie them down a bit

veg tent with fireballs clones @ just under 5 weeks.. begging for me to switch them to flower. really want to get them tied down into a scrog to flip asap but been limited on space.




stop fucking with those plants and take me to the park!

first full organic run.. off the bottled nutes so hopefully dont run into any problems on the learning curve. doing teas every other or other other watering to get a good microherd built up in the soil. still waiting on the hps tent to finish its last run, which flipped before the COB's... /retired
ya it's actually super simple. i went into it with no electrical knowledge whatsoever. pretty sure it would be even easier now with those Mau5 kits Cutter is selling with everything you need for them in 1 package..
only used a single 200w panel for the first 2.5 weeks of veg. added a 2nd for 2.5-4ish weeks. put 3rd in about a week ago. thats another thing i really like about the panels is being able to switch them out for what ya need where you need it. rather than dimming an entire lighting module. still have 800w of white magic sitting on the shelf...Soon.
It's not impossible to replace a breaker. A little scary if you have never done it, but it can be done safely. You just need one with more amps. .

I know this is kinda old. But this is not good advice. You never ever just replace the breaker. The electrical system was built that way for a reason. All replacing a breaker does is let more amps run through your wires which are only rated at the amp limit of the breaker you just replaced. The wire doesn't care how much your asking of it. It will pull and pull until it frys itself out and starts a fire.

The breaker is meant to be the weakest link in the chain to break the circuit if its pulling too much. Changing the breaker now makes the wires the weakest link and you will most definatly start a fire
been remodeling the grow room to make more space.. cut an old tent up to ghetto rig the walls for reflection :hump: still need to build a frame tomorrow to hang the other 600w of cob's. going to get a new veg tent set up then flip stuff to flower.
the fireballs are absolutely loving organic life..super bushy and healthy. until today i haven't done any bending/training/ topping at all except for the initial bend of the main stem.. kept 8 FB clones and cut 2 from each of the Sour Cherry x Hotdog females.. got the feminized Plemon and x2 Dog BX2, x2 CQ48 germinated and in soil, will be popping through tomorrow. room full gear from BB.. next run or 2 im gonna be trying some genetics from gage green group, just undecided on what specifically. probably a grape stomper og cross :weed: unless i get a surprise from someone around here ;-)



Love that veg setup,I'm one finger click away from ordering my first led..for veg.
I'd love to build one,is it simple...

they are very easy to built , i followed @Growmau5 instruction on youtube, good demonstration with links to buy all the part , and have pre made diy ledgrow pack with cxb 3590
that would be very ideal ;) they are pretty happy girls not a single sad leaf in the whole 10x4 area.. now to start filling the other side. still going to scrog but going to take more of a sea/scrog approach with less veg time and more plants to reestablish the perpetual harvest.

Dog approves