EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Nothing here says she did anything wrong.
What crime do you think she committed?
This is just right wing hysteria over their deep hatred of all things Hillary. It's same old made up shit that's been going on for 25 years.

If people have been making shit up for 25 years, don`t you think Hillary would have cleared the air by now ? That`s a long time.

By now, she should be basking in her glory after showing everyone how wrong they were.
So, waiting two years after leaving Sec/State to turn over documents is not a crime ?
Destroying content of Federal documents before turning them in is not a crime ?

The law says 90 days no more. Give me your take on why two years later is OK or normal,...please.
She blamed her staff for deleting e-mails without her knowledge.

You can give that a pass but if a republican did it, boy would they hear about it,....Right ?

Nothing to see, nothing to say,...move along,....Right ?

I only want from you why two years after 90 day is excusable.

She cleared herself by having staff delete.

She's also very cunning..she knows precisely what she's doing.
it was easier than restating it all over again. I was careful to highlight my changes. Apologies if it offended.

You're fine, you labeled it clearly so there's no question of misattribution.

I'm a Bernie fan. I'm also a realist. Realistically, our country is run by money and corrupt practices put in place over the past half century.

So now what?
Nixon's impeachment was based on nothing more than 'intent'..that was his crime.

Clintons intention was to purposely bypass the governments servers because she was inconvenienced..she only wanted to carry her (ROFL) Blackberry.

Ask yourself what's more important..her convenience or National Security?

She's a power hungry pig and does whatever she wishes..see Iraq.
So, waiting two years after leaving Sec/State to turn over documents is not a crime ?
Destroying content of Federal documents before turning them in is not a crime ?

The law says 90 days no more. Give me your take on why two years later is OK or normal,...please.
She blamed her staff for deleting e-mails without her knowledge.

You can give that a pass but if a republican did it, boy would they hear about it,....Right ?

Nothing to see, nothing to say,...move along,....Right ?

I only want from you why two years after 90 day is excusable.

She cleared herself by having staff delete.

If national security was breached and she knowingly breached it then let her fry. I don't care. Its not at all clear that she did so. As far as I can tell from what's available from reputable sources, she did nothing worse than the equivalent of jay walking.

Hell, Bush 1 and Reagan sold arms to Iran in order to finance an illegal war in Nicaragua. When that money dried up Ollie North colluded with drug dealers to raise money for more guns in Nicaragua. All so that death squads can depopulate regions that favored Ortega. Not to mention the havoc Ollie's crack cocaine caused on the streets across this country. Nobody was charged for that. The GOP establishment closed ranks and made it seem as if the traitors were the people that revealed the truth.

Republicans butt fuck boys and cry when they are prosecuted. Sky mentions Nixon but gets the crime wrong. Nixon authorized the break-in of the Democratic headquarters. Only that one time, even Republican congressmen stood with Democrats to eject that mother fucker. The last bi-partisan act of the modern era.

I'm not defending Hillary, I'm just saying show the proof and I'll get in line with the crowd carrying torches and pitchforks. They have been baying in the streets for her blood for 25 years. Talk about the boy crying wolf -- no credibility, not after 9 or 10 failed attempts from the wingnuts to gin up a case on her. The worst anybody can say about the e-mail scandal is that she maybe committed a misdemeanor.

I don't even like Hillary but that actually puts her in good company and is not a criminal offense or our jails would be packed.

National security breached, my ass.
Keep it up..they're counting on the Debbie Downers to stay home..you're buying into what the media has already decided for YOU..
Sky, back the fuck off.

I'm voting for Bernie in Oregon's primary, OK? I'm just aware that my vote isn't going to matter when it is cast and am willing to say so.

Why are you putting all your eggs in the Bernie basket? It won't be game over when Hillary takes office.
I'm a Bernie fan. I'm also a realist. Realistically, our country is run by money and corrupt practices put in place over the past half century.

So now what?
When Hillary gets into office, I'm going to think of her as just another republican and will vote for congressmen that will oppose her free trade and pro wall street and militaristic policies. I'm not going to give up.

The game will be different than if Bernie makes it into office but the game won't be over. As the great Blutarski said, "It's not over until we decide its over".
If people have been making shit up for 25 years, don`t you think Hillary would have cleared the air by now ? That`s a long time.

By now, she should be basking in her glory after showing everyone how wrong they were.
people can make shit up for their entire lives if they want. It will still be a pile of shit, even after 100 years.
Actually, that is incorrect. Someone here cited it..I'm as shocked as you..felons can't vote in many states (states rights!!!) but a felon can indeed become president of the United States of America.
I didn't see a citation, just a statement. Presidents can become felons (Nixon), so why not the other way around? B Clinton avoided prosecution for rape until the statute of limitations ran out by becoming president, looks like hhis wife may do the same thing.
If national security was breached and she knowingly breached it then let her fry. I don't care. Its not at all clear that she did so. As far as I can tell from what's available from reputable sources, she did nothing worse than the equivalent of jay walking.

Hell, Bush 1 and Reagan sold arms to Iran in order to finance an illegal war in Nicaragua. When that money dried up Ollie North colluded with drug dealers to raise money for more guns in Nicaragua. All so that death squads can depopulate regions that favored Ortega. Not to mention the havoc Ollie's crack cocaine caused on the streets across this country. Nobody was charged for that. The GOP establishment closed ranks and made it seem as if the traitors were the people that revealed the truth.

Republicans butt fuck boys and cry when they are prosecuted. Sky mentions Nixon but gets the crime wrong. Nixon authorized the break-in of the Democratic headquarters. Only that one time, even Republican congressmen stood with Democrats to eject that mother fucker. The last bi-partisan act of the modern era.

I'm not defending Hillary, I'm just saying show the proof and I'll get in line with the crowd carrying torches and pitchforks. They have been baying in the streets for her blood for 25 years. Talk about the boy crying wolf -- no credibility, not after 9 or 10 failed attempts from the wingnuts to gin up a case on her. The worst anybody can say about the e-mail scandal is that she maybe committed a misdemeanor.

I don't even like Hillary but that actually puts her in good company and is not a criminal offense or our jails would be packed.

National security breached, my ass.

Well then we can agree that she was not totally honest, late on purpose and got away with deleting by having Staff do it.

Not a life sentence or hard time, if any in my eyes, but guilty. She still denies for the History book chance. I don`t think Hillary would commit treason.

So many still want her in office because they don`t know her faults.
Many of you might be very surprised who you side with or who has many common values as you do. It also gives very detailed responses, graphs and correlation charts. Highly worth the 5 minutes. I'll tell you right now I hate trump I don't like Sanders but it's better than trump or Hilary so Sanders would be my vote. I scored 89 percent for Donald trump and 61 for Bernie. Gary Johnson I got a 92. I've had 3 classes of college students about 75 students total take it and all but 10 Have ended up with Gary Johnson. He trended from Reddit yet for some reason has already dropped out. Maybe a millenial thing but for 5 minutes of your time i promise you don't have anything better to do