EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

You mean the delegate super delegate mashup?

Since your late to our little party here..try looking up the definition of super-delegate.
Hilary was ahead when they stopped counting votes and declared Obama the nominee. Been here since August, 2015.
I thought of you last night while driving in my brand new Charger Hemi..over that Yuuuuuge bridge going into St. Pete..the wind in my blonder than blonde locks..da ganja swirling around me..ri
A little break from reality? Nice to hear your thinking of me in your fantasies. Was I nekkid? Warning: that bridge sometimes falls down.
.and all those taxes I pay now..ahhhhhhhhhhh..I love paying taxes.
What's the process for taxing an EBT card?
Why do the wealthy hate America?
I'm pretty sure it's you that hates America, and you're definitely not wealthy.
Hilary was ahead when they stopped counting votes and declared Obama the nominee. Been here since August, 2015.

A little break from reality? Nice to hear your thinking of me in your fantasies. Was I nekkid? Warning: that bridge sometimes falls down.

What's the process for taxing an EBT card?

I'm pretty sure it's you that hates America, and you're definitely not wealthy.

Yeah I was thinking if Red could only see me now..you were my inspiration to give up school slacker life..it made more sense..plus I can buy some kewl new lights for my garden..that bridge is scary as shit..I was thinking how long on the open water it is and what it's like in a storm..no you weren't naked but your doll was.FYI..no tax on EBT.

I make way more money than you..so suck it!:finger:
Good article. Amazing how the major media outlets just keep pumping the garbage when it's clear they've lost all credibility.

I think We the People should force the breakup of Big Corporate Media, so they can return to their roots; REPORTING the news, as opposed to sitting in their office and making it up based solely on what they want to hear!

All it would take is 24-25 real journalists who have some integrity..you wouldn't think it'd be that hard to assemble that.
All it would take is 24-25 real journalists who have some integrity..you wouldn't think it'd be that hard to assemble that.

That, and an audience.

Sadly, this was just tried; al Jazeera America ran for several years, had a ton of top notch journalists doing great work, exposes, hard hitting and highly insightful opinion columnists, and do you know what happened?

NO ONE NOTICED. They shut down for lack of viewership, just last month.

It's for reasons like this that I wonder if maybe America is getting what it really deserves.
I coulda told ya that would never work, the name AL Jazera will never catch on here..it should have been called American News or some shit.

That in itself is a sad commentary on the stupidity ingrained in our nation.

Ali Velshi isn't a chump, man- he did a lot of good work digging at the seamy underbelly of Wall Street while he was there. I'm guessing he's not getting back on with CNBC anytime soon, he dug too deep.
Ali Velshi isn't a chump, man- he did a lot of good work digging at the seamy underbelly of Wall Street while he was there. I'm guessing he's not getting back on with CNBC anytime soon, he dug too deep.

That's Sanders talk, and fictional. I happen to like Wall Street more than I like the shysters in the cannabis industry. Why don't you attack the shit that goes on in the cannabis industry - the pollen chuckers, the rocket fuel salesmen, the indoor light hawkers? It's rampant and you know it.

That's the problem of being a public figure. People can say what the say and others can argue with them and it doesn't really matter if the public figure delivers on their promises. And if they don't, it doesn't matter then either. So all you and faux news have done adds up to pretty much nothing.

The difference is that these charges have to stick in the courts before Hillary can be convicted of doing wrong. A different matter there. The worst case I've seen is that she did nothing worse than the equivalent of jaywalking. Is jaywalking so bad that you'd get your underwear all bunched up and angry about it. Seems kind of ridiculous to me.

As I told you before, Hillary is an attorney and knows how to get things done for her via her Staff so if ever needed, wont stick charges to her.

The point isn`t really about her going to jail, although it would be neat, it`s more ,...Do we need her type as President ? (crooked career politician) I say no.

The new guy gets his turn.
That's Sanders talk, and fictional. I happen to like Wall Street more than I like the shysters in the cannabis industry. Why don't you attack the shit that goes on in the cannabis industry - the pollen chuckers, the rocket fuel salesmen, the indoor light hawkers? It's rampant and you know it.
Uhh, the cannabis industry doesn't control the global financial market