EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Hillary supporters are just like Trump supporters

Any of you guys have any interactions with any of them?

Moderate democrats are a joke. Since the democratic party has shifted way to the right, they might as well be republicans. I never would have thought taking so much money from Wall St. wouldn't matter to people who call themselves democrats, they brush it off just like republicans do. Pretty sick shit if you ask me. I read an article today that said Sanders supporters just don't know anything about how politics works that was defending the electoral college system

I won't be voting for her whether she wins or not

These people believe the lie they're told that campaign contributions don't affect democracy.

Joseph Goebbels knew the power of a big lie; the bigger the lie, the more readily it's believed.

It is absolutely time to start drawing parallels with historical figures, it should be alarming that American politics- BOTH sides- now resembles a fascist oligopoly (thanks, @Padawanbater2 ) more than any other ideological approach.

These fuckers mean to take power unto themselves and keep it, the will of the People in this country be damned.
Bernie Sanders already won just by being in the race. Clinton will have no choice but to adopt some of his positions.

So please don't be sad that Sanders isn't the nominee. Just vote Democrat in the fall.
She won't get my vote, not because I'm sad Sanders didn't win, but because I won't support corruption

Now there's nobody that actually represents American interests. Both parties represent corporate interests
That's Sanders talk, and fictional. I happen to like Wall Street more than I like the shysters in the cannabis industry. Why don't you attack the shit that goes on in the cannabis industry - the pollen chuckers, the rocket fuel salesmen, the indoor light hawkers? It's rampant and you know it.


Tell me more..what is pollen chucker?
Absolutely @schuylaar ...diy led cree cob lights..3590's ... @ttystikk is lil more knowledgeable but hop into the led threads..let em know you are a girl n they will be stepping over each others dicks to help you...but my next move is replace my 5k hid watts with 3590 - 3500k led cree cobs... Drive em low n the $ saved in juice adds up quickly.

Thanks I'll do that..
No..I just put myself in the shoes of an average American and their racist beliefs..apparently there are plenty..see Trump rally crowds.

Not their target market. They were looking for people who understand that news is something you see and report, as opposed to manufacturing in the studio.

Please keep in mind that only half a given population can have below average intelligence.
She won't get my vote, not because I'm sad Sanders didn't win, but because I won't support corruption

Now there's nobody that actually represents American interests. Both parties represent corporate interests

Politics IS corrupt, always has been and always will be, as it's means of operation dictates that.

Thinking one misguided doddering old economic imbecile hypocrite from Vermont was going to change that was an error on your part.

In fact, your boy Bernie was already corrupted by politics even before he entered the puppet show Presidential race. Didn't he rail AGAINST the military industrial complex all the while protecting the woefully inept F-35 program in Vermont? Bernie voted WITH Hillary over 90% of the time....ahem.

You are right on one account though as there can't possible be anyone person who "represents American interests", because out of 350 million or so people the interests are very diverse.

Now get back to your oar, slave.