White people, particularly men:

I have read some of your stuff is this coming from natural law, juris prudens?


My ideas come from different sources, but usually they remain consistent to the philosophy that human interactions should be based on voluntary interactions with a respect for the distinction between the use of offensive force and defensive force.
I've never thought of the bad areas in Little Rock as some place I would call a hood. Even hoodish may be to strong. There are a lot of nice people even the bad areas and most are accepting of you who ever you are.
Ft. Collins Just north of Denver? Isn't that where they keep the time?
I have a Arkansas Traveler from Bill Clinton making me a Ambassador of the state.

Yep. WWV broadcasts the US Standard Time signal, outdated as it is. GPS does the same thing.
What kind of discrimination have you faced? I want to know about your first hand stories of how hard it has been for you being a white guy.
well lets see,i grew up in a very black part of detroit for the first 15 years of my life.it was fucked up bad is all i can say about that.then we moved to a 99%white area 50 miles away and the one black kid in our school was treated like royalty,it was almost comical to me to see how kids who never spent time in the city acted towards blacks.my brother became real close friends with this guy who also came from detroit.in my own experience the whites treated him much better than we ever got treated in the hood.
my most notable memory from the hood lol.last year we lived there we got robbed on christmas eve,they took everything.MERIKA yeah !!!
well lets see,i grew up in a very black part of detroit for the first 15 years of my life.it was fucked up bad is all i can say about that.then we moved to a 99%white area 50 miles away and the one black kid in our school was treated like royalty,it was almost comical to me to see how kids who never spent time in the city acted towards blacks.my brother became real close friends with this guy who also came from detroit.in my own experience the whites treated him much better than we ever got treated in the hood.
my most notable memory from the hood lol.last year we lived there we got robbed on christmas eve,they took everything.MERIKA yeah !!!

Is that you, Petey?
well lets see,i grew up in a very black part of detroit for the first 15 years of my life.it was fucked up bad is all i can say about that.then we moved to a 99%white area 50 miles away and the one black kid in our school was treated like royalty,it was almost comical to me to see how kids who never spent time in the city acted towards blacks.my brother became real close friends with this guy who also came from detroit.in my own experience the whites treated him much better than we ever got treated in the hood.
my most notable memory from the hood lol.last year we lived there we got robbed on christmas eve,they took everything.MERIKA yeah !!!
So you're saying that white people don't belong there?
by my white priviledge, my whitey-sense not spidey-sense, I Imagine like JoHn Lennon, tHat one day youll join us...and tHe world will live as one.
I know this. If I was born black I'd have been in prison longgg time ago..fortunately I'm white n can maneuver around easily driving dirty and nobody knows dick..I can go 3-4 years without getting pulled over n harassed by the pigs. I also drive a 2004 sedan to blend in.
it seemed to me that he was explaining how incredibly nice white people are to black people, but that black people are mean and racist to white people.

it might explain why he chose to share his story of woe and persecution.
They even took his christmas gifts because MERIKA (read: thanks Obama).
It is extremely hard for me to acknowledge ANY privilege in this country when I am forced to live, and more importantly watch my daughter have to live as a second class citizen. You have no Idea (why would you?) what it's like to be black in this country. Just today, I'm walking out of the grocery store to my car in broad daylight and there are 2 white women sitting in a car parked near mine. As I approach their car (just walking by), I hear the doors lock. Why? I think we all know why.

My wife always wanted me to lock the doors before I started the car and would have a fit if I tried to take it out of park without locking the doors.
I for one don't know why you think they locked the doors? Nor do I understand why you would take note of this? Nor do I understand why you would care?

Or the fact that I still get "followed" around in certain stores, never mind the fact that I'm college educated and earn a 6 figure income. I pull up at a red light, and the car next to me won't even pull up next to me. I've been on elevators and when the doors open and white women see me on the elevator alone, they won't get on with me. I have a million different examples of this. This is just a few, because things like this happen daily.

Maybe they had noted you shoplifting on video on an earlier trip there, maybe look and act wrong or maybe its just your paranoia. People with more than 20 times your income shoplift. I know a guy named Gary Wiggs his nickname is stroker college educated 6 figure income, he was the pres. of a motorcycle club. So I'm not sure why you think this should make a difference. Does it bother you to ride a elevator alone? Why are you troubled by this? Could be your disorder shows and women are troubled by that. Could be you just need to pull up your pants. Do you look like a thug? Are you very ugly? Its hard for me to diagnose your problems from what you have written but with paranoia and delusions, you shouldn't just let this go, you should seek help a psychologist could help with your disorder as these symptoms could point to an underlying psychosis. PLEASE SEEK HELP!
It is extremely hard for me to acknowledge ANY privilege in this country when I am forced to live, and more importantly watch my daughter have to live as a second class citizen. You have no Idea (why would you?) what it's like to be black in this country. Just today, I'm walking out of the grocery store to my car in broad daylight and there are 2 white women sitting in a car parked near mine. As I approach their car (just walking by), I hear the doors lock. Why? I think we all know why. Or the fact that I still get "followed" around in certain stores, never mind the fact that I'm college educated and earn a 6 figure income. I pull up at a red light, and the car next to me won't even pull up next to me. I've been on elevators and when the doors open and white women see me on the elevator alone, they won't get on with me. I have a million different examples of this. This is just a few, because things like this happen daily. Even John Henson, a 24 year old NBA player tries to go into a jewelry store to buy himself a watch. The employees locked the doors and ran back into the office called FUCKING 911! Never mind the fact that the young man just signed a $44 million contract extension.


What this tells me is that even if I have millions of dollars in my pocket, America still just sees me as a "nigger". So forgive me if I don't see this "privilege" that you speak of.

I'm so white I'm damn near translucent. Means NOTHING, other than by the perception of others. Well, ok, I sunburn easily- I don't see that as proof of my racial superiority.

My firm belief, having lived everywhere from white bread northern Colorado to rough neighborhoods in the Deep South, is that we need to stop the drumbeat of racism. We need to root it out, hunt it down and completely eliminate it from our national discourse as anything approaching acceptable behavior.

Why? Because we need each other. Divided we fall before the organized power of those who control the State. United, no crowd of plutocrats stands a snowball's chance.

The bottom line is that race is a convenient illusion for those who would sow division for personal gain; we really aren't any different.

Culturally? Sure! Viva la difference! But culture isn't race- and for that matter, we need cultural diversity as well, lest our one culture suffers from groupthink.

Besides, I find women of other racial backgrounds physically and intellectually attractive.

So call me an ANTI-racist; and white as I am, I think that Dr Martin Luther King, Jr was an American hero and example every bit as worthy as President Lincoln.
My wife always wanted me to lock the doors before I started the car and would have a fit if I tried to take it out of park without locking the doors.
I for one don't know why you think they locked the doors? Nor do I understand why you would take note of this? Nor do I understand why you would care?

Maybe they had noted you shoplifting on video on an earlier trip there, maybe look and act wrong or maybe its just your paranoia. People with more than 20 times your income shoplift. I know a guy named Gary Wiggs his nickname is stroker college educated 6 figure income, he was the pres. of a motorcycle club. So I'm not sure why you think this should make a difference. Does it bother you to ride a elevator alone? Why are you troubled by this? Could be your disorder shows and women are troubled by that. Could be you just need to pull up your pants. Do you look like a thug? Are you very ugly? Its hard for me to diagnose your problems from what you have written but with paranoia and delusions, you shouldn't just let this go, you should seek help a psychologist could help with your disorder as these symptoms could point to an underlying psychosis. PLEASE SEEK HELP!

wow. racist as shit. not even trying to hide it at all.
From reading this thread I draw some conclusions. People who claim to be disgusted by racism seem to be ok with racism when it's non-whites being racist.

Anecdotes about blacks who are mistreated by whites are seen as the gospel truth and only the tip of a big ugly racist conspiracy by whites to keep blacks down.

Anecdotes by whites talking about discrimination at the hands of blacks are mocked and belittled.

Why is it so hard for people to admit that racism, bigotry and prejudice is a two way street.

The truth as I see it is that racism is a human social trait. We see it in all times and in all multi-ethnic cultures. It's a learned behavior I think. Its not as much of a human trait as it is a trait of human societies. Once that idea is sprung it seems to catch on and grow until it is opposed but has yet to show that it can be erradicated entirely from society.

So if you say blacks can't be racist you're saying they're not fully human.

No one is arguing that racism against whites has the potential to be as damaging or as sinister as racism by whites, at least not in the USA where whites basically dominate the access to wealth and power.

But to say that you're opposed to racism and at the same time excuse acts of racism by blacks is disingenuous at best.
Anecdotes about blacks who are mistreated by whites are seen as the gospel truth and only the tip of a big ugly racist conspiracy by whites to keep blacks down.

it wasn't a conspiracy, it was the law. the law allowed families like yours and skunkdoc's to own slaves.

again, you just have a problem with the historical revisionism.

racism is a human social trait...it is a trait of human societies.

no. it's just a learned behavior. a trait is genetically determined.

you clearly don't know what words mean. and you are a racist stooge.

now if you can please just get back to making my subway sandwich, that would be great kid. thanks.
it wasn't a conspiracy, it was the law. the law allowed families like yours and skunkdoc's to own slaves.

again, you just have a problem with the historical revisionism.

no. it's just a learned behavior. a trait is genetically determined.

you clearly don't know what words mean. and you are a racist stooge.

now if you can please just get back to making my subway sandwich, that would be great kid. thanks.
First point you made... We're not talking about the 19th century here buck. Nor the 20th. Its the 21st century. Racism is racism no matter who is holding it. To condemn one type and excuse another is unacceptable.

To you second point... I know it's learned behavior. That's why I said it's a trait of human society, a meme instead of a gene. A meme that is present in every human society we know about.

Humans tend to "other" people. Racism is just a form of "oghering."

OR just make taxes 10 % across the board. Done. I would be fine with no return if everyone was in the same boat.