Dolomite lime question


Well-Known Member
Interesting read and I have a few questions if you don't mind.
I live in a condo and have a small balcony where I could keep a trash bin. I'd like to keep it as organic as possible.
The Pro-Mix soils. I'd prefer to get one with less of their time release nutrients. If I do, what kind of nutes would I need to use? I can't brew teas unfortunately but I've seen a few tea "bags" thst might work. Can anyone please let me know what route I should take.

old shol4evr

Well-Known Member
that curling can also be caused from lack of root development,plant sucking everything away not enough roots to keep up,even in pro mix you can have bioligy,did you buy chance do a root drench or leave the bottom of pot standing in water for a long time,what i call a flush is a real good waste coming out the pot,i also never just feed water,i always feed at least 250 ppm when i just feed light,you flush soil you flush all the goodies inside there working for ya

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Dolomite lime will drop the ph. I use it in hydro. I wouldn't recommend adding it in the middle of a soil or peat grow. If you have to, ph the water to were you need it and water. This stuff will build up in the soil, peat, coco, etc, unlike rock and can only be done in minute amounts if the plant(s) are in the medium. Amendments are to be done and completed before planting. Other than a ph stabilizer DL would need several months to break down so the plant can actually use it. The ph for peat, coco, and all hydro is 5.8.