Coca Plant


Well-Known Member
does anyone here know....

would that coca plant used for making cocaine grow outdoors in the uk? if not then would it grow indoors under grow lights?

also anyone know where to get some seeds or clones?
The trouble with this idea is that even if you could grow it indoors, it takes so much leaf matter to make the end product (i.e. Cocaine!), that it would be completely uneconimical.

Its only worth it if you can grow LARGE amounts, which wouldn't really be feasable outside of its natural environment.
i have looked into this in the past and there are sources for buying seeds and also seedlings, youll just need to know the correct strain with the alkaline your looking for. i cant think of it right now though. also the best coca plants are grown in high altitudes, im not sure why, maybe the humidity as they need it very high. heres a link to set you on your way, they have loads of information on coca. Ibogaine, kratom, lophophora williamsii, ayahuasca, salvia divinorum, trichocereus
let us know how you get on. im very interested in this subject.
well coca plant's dosent resist cold and too wet climates like england.. and it need's lot's of sun and long sun vacasion :)

and by the way u need 100kg good fresh, perfect coca leaves to make 1g of cocaine..
and 100kg of leaves are fuckin much and lot of leaves.
and you need many plant's to get 100kg. if yu dont have big big hall or landscape !

i can tell you how yu can make it or where u find making infromation, i have seen in peru how they make that shit..

1. i dont like cocaine
2. i only succest coca leaves to medical purpose!
3. if yu want to taste, taste raw coca paste
4. coca paste is named base paste.
but i think yu only find it dirty way.. like the way that many people dont like!

so i succest to you, take a trip in south america. :)
but seriously guys think about it! grow some plants to get 100kg to make 1kg of PURE COCAINE! then cut that in half that right there alone will be enough to make bank if not someone will be having a BALL HAHAget it BALL!!!!!
The flower of the Poppy plant is the one that has the milk that after putting a shit load of chemicals you get cocaine, and remember that morphin comes from there too, you are better multiplying Kilos, that means that with 3 kilos of good Quality you can get 1 more mixing it whit a special sacarose that wont affect the purity of the final product. And you can also extract milk from the leaves but is different chemicals.

Stay on weed!!!!!!!


Poppy's are where opium comes from, not cocaine.

I saw a thing on tv showing miners in peru or wherever. They buy small bags of coca leaves and chew a whole bag before going to their incredibly hard slave labor type jobs for a few pennies.

Supposedly they do it so they don't get hungry/thirsty/and to make it through a long day, extra stamina.

I mention this because if a small bag like that does anything then who knows maybe you could get something off one tree if you can grow it. The bag they chew would be about what would fit in the smallest paper bag you'd get wrapped around your beer at the quickie mart.

But don't get an actual cocaine habit, that wouldn
t be fun, and it's better just to stick to weed.
does anyone here know....

would that coca plant used for making cocaine grow outdoors in the uk? if not then would it grow indoors under grow lights?

also anyone know where to get some seeds or clones?

you need too many of them just to get a lil bit n make $
wrong, 100kg of leaves = 1kg coke.

wrong it's a 1g because one coca leave contain 0.009mg of cocaine alkaloid, it's a standart but if you got those good cocaleaves which contain 0,07mg then it's 7g of cocaine, or real good cocaplant which contain 0.7mg of cocaine it's 70g of cocaine, even if you can pic those best cocaleaves only
where is cotaine 1mg of cocaine what is very rare.. if you dont have manipulate gens or anything of cocaplant then it's only 100g of cocaine

if you want to do 1kg of cocaine you need 1000kg of cocaleaves with in 1kg
and good leaves which cotain 0.8 to 1mg of coca alkaloids

i know that i have seen hole operation in peru village were one guy do it 20kg of cocaine and another 1.5kg of cocaine..

the plant is very sensitivy of any harm or diases or enviroment changes..

there is different strong cocaplant's and there is different strong coca leaves...
Coca leafs x cement x Petrol x acid and bubble bags = Columbias Purest lol
Watch it last night

I think it takes 2 years to harvest is the main problem poppies 3 months
In a National geographic article back in the late 90's, it said about 1 acre to make 1 pure KG of cocaine.That's one big green house because you would have to mimic high alttitude with the humidity and temp. My buddy told me it also takes 5 years for cocoa plants to mature. If that's right, helluva wait for a crop.
if you want to get into hard drugs, there's much nicer stuff than coke.

enlighten me my friend, im a great lover of mdma, have tried ketamine, meth once by mistake, some polish guy told me it was mdma when he knew it wasnt, crack once, speed, ectasy, a few more in there but cant think at the mo. but i rate cocaine very highly depending on the quality, and the amount of course.