who is growing some trees????

you're very fortunate your circumstances allow that, i live in the middle of nowhere too but there's lousy thieves everywhere where i am so its as covert as possible for outdoors grows
Aww that sucks!!! I fuggin hate thieves! I pretty much stay home this time of year though. Right now they are just soakin up some sun before the transplant. I haul them in at night.
Aww that sucks!!! I fuggin hate thieves! I pretty much stay home this time of year though. Right now they are just soakin up some sun before the transplant. I haul them in at night.
yes the thieves suck big time!, turns what should be a pleasant passtime into a very stressful hobby indeed, but just gotta take every precaution available & that usually means a successful outcome at the end of the season, our season here is winding down now in the southern hemisphere, so i will be happy to watch other peeps growing out their plants there while we hibernate for the oncoming cold mths here
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yes the thieves suck big time!, turns what should be a pleasant passtime into a very stressful hobby indeed, but just gotta take every precaution available & that usually means a successful outcome at the end of the season, our season here is winding up now in the southern hemisphere, so i will be happy to watch other peeps growing out their plants there while we hibernate for the oncoming cold mths here
Here...trespassing is ...well...people can get shot. I live in a gun happy place. So knowing that people stay off other peoples land.
Not sh
Someone should start a competition (2016 Monsters) for biggest plant or something id do it but im too lazy to maintain the tread lol
kinda trying to do that...but there is no way that us short season growers can compete with the southerners lol
ganga, how old are your babies? They look really nice n full already. Some stem mass at the base. Definitely off to a great start! I have a bunch started but they're only 2 weeks old and slow growing.
I popped them in late feb. They would prob be bigger but I mainlined them at first and now have been pinching any new growth. Thank you though! They are begging for more space but my 3000 gallons of soil wont be here til the 8th or 9th
I'm starting just one seed right now, all my others died before they had any taproot showing I used the glass of water method till they sink about 12 hours and then into paper towels ontop of an Xbox that I turned on whenever I remembered but I'm not home between 8am and 9pm so it may have not have enough heat?
However I had pots of dirt ready for the seedlings that would pop. I left them in my drawer until I finally got a seed to sprout and I look at them and there's little grasses or something growing in it. So I ripped them out and planted the last seed I had in the dirt directly after soaking in water for 2 hours and they didn't sink yet.

Anyway I'm in for this outdoor grow off lol I plan on having a patch of one monster with several smaller girls in 5gal pots spray painted black for stealth.

I dug a hole up to my waist, and it's about 5 feet by 3.5 feet, about half full of native soil because the hole was mostly full of rocks that I tore out with a prybar. I'm going to bring a tarp back, and throw down some bagged soil or peat moss whichever is cheaper unless one is better? Also coffee grinds and blood and bone meal, and maybe some bagged fertilizer. I found some 8-8-8 and its a bag of little balls the size of bb's would that work okay for mixing with my base soil and some bone and blood meal and put that in my pots and my hole
I'm starting just one seed right now, all my others died before they had any taproot showing I used the glass of water method till they sink about 12 hours and then into paper towels ontop of an Xbox that I turned on whenever I remembered but I'm not home between 8am and 9pm so it may have not have enough heat?
However I had pots of dirt ready for the seedlings that would pop. I left them in my drawer until I finally got a seed to sprout and I look at them and there's little grasses or something growing in it. So I ripped them out and planted the last seed I had in the dirt directly after soaking in water for 2 hours and they didn't sink yet.

Anyway I'm in for this outdoor grow off lol I plan on having a patch of one monster with several smaller girls in 5gal pots spray painted black for stealth.

I dug a hole up to my waist, and it's about 5 feet by 3.5 feet, about half full of native soil because the hole was mostly full of rocks that I tore out with a prybar. I'm going to bring a tarp back, and throw down some bagged soil or peat moss whichever is cheaper unless one is better? Also coffee grinds and blood and bone meal, and maybe some bagged fertilizer. I found some 8-8-8 and its a bag of little balls the size of bb's would that work okay for mixing with my base soil and some bone and blood meal and put that in my pots and my hole
well your holes are bigger then mine (wait that sounded wrong lol) glad to have u here! Some native soil is super rich! Im just using 200 gallin holes with old complosted manure that has shredded alfalfa in it some biotone starter plus that has tons of goodies in it epsom salt and happy frog bulb food. Happy to see you here! :) sounds like you will have a great season