EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Trump is center ..just like Hillary..I bet he appoints his sister if given a chance..I don't care to be honest, you have backed the absolute worst candidate imaginable ..she's unelectable IMO.. The dems really fucked up by not giving Bernie a fair shake..it could bite em in the ass..let the chips fall where they may.
really ? Bernie is going to vote for Hillary. What does that say about Bernie ?
Out of curiosity are you a man or a woman. Right now you have me picturing a upset female who is rather bitter..
I turned 38 this week..my life won't change if its Clinton or Trump.. If you asked me the biggest problem with this country I'd answer Super PACs, lobbyists, greed, corruption.. Hillary checks all boxes..she's despicable.. If you really want to see a better future then write Bernie in.
why do you act like this your first time voting ?
First time voting? No...first time I really liked n believed in a candidate? Yes... I'll be very disappointed in Bernie if he supports her..I'd have to see it before I'd believe it.
Bernie is a good democrat he will endorse Hillary for president......afterall he's a republican! lol
First time voting? No...first time I really liked n believed in a candidate? Yes... I'll be very disappointed in Bernie if he supports her..I'd have to see it before I'd believe it.
Bernie will support her because he knows it is the right thing to do. Anything else would get you Trump. Bernie does not want Trump. He would rather have Hillary than Trump. Bernie is a good guy.
So then Tty, if Clinton does not represent the needs or interest of the people..why would anyone vote her?

That's exactly the point I'm trying to make.

I don't give a fuck who is on who's team, none of them give a shit about my interests, so I'm going to vote for the only one who does!
bullshit and you know it. Most people who support Sanders would of voted for Clinton. You vote for Sanders, who cannot win and you are taking away a vote for Clinton.

Total dick move on your part if you do so

You're really stuck on trying to lump Bernie Sanders supporters in as good little democrats who can be counted upon to fall in line when the establishment tells us to.

You're just flat wrong in that assumption. Be butthurt about it if you must, but it's you who's being disrespectful, nevermind shortsighted.

Answer the question about how Mrs Clinton will make any changes in our country that will benefit Joe Sixpack instead of the mega corporations who've already paid their bribes to her campaign fund and you'll arrive at why we aren't going to fucking vote for her.

Because we want change! Not more of the same, tepidly repackaged conservative shit sandwich we've been fed for HALF A CENTURY.

So no. Not doing it. Piss and whine about how I'm throwing my vote away all you want, it just makes you look like a coward.
Its a matter of perspective. I lived in Idaho for a while. A California conservative is a flaming liberal there. Compared to Cruz, Hillary is a liberal. Who says the cross hairs on your chart are an absolute?

Political compass dot org. You can even take a quiz to determine your own position on the chart. Here's mine;
Might explain a few things about my outlook, lol
I think I may have seriously miss judged the maturity of these Burnie supporters.....kids these days:roll:

You may have seriously misjudged what this election is about.

Considering all the disinformation out there, your confusion is understandable, and it's intentional. Think of who benefits?

The moment We the People figure out how to stand as one and not divided the shenanigans in the corner office, nevermind the Oval Office, will come to a sudden stop.
I still say it's the court nominees that will play a bigger role in your lives than the president for the next 4 years. I voted for Sanders in the primary. He lost. My alternative is the woman who beat him. A lot of the problems of today were caused by Republican control of the presidency for 20 of 28 years from 1980 to 2008. A lot of those court decisions led to the rise of Bernie Sanders. I think Bernie would be upset if his supporters (like me) dropped the ball and let Trump get elected.
I still say it's the court nominees that will play a bigger role in your lives than the president for the next 4 years. I voted for Sanders in the primary. He lost. My alternative is the woman who beat him. A lot of the problems of today were caused by Republican control of the presidency for 20 of 28 years from 1980 to 2008. A lot of those court decisions led to the rise of Bernie Sanders. I think Bernie would be upset if his supporters (like me) dropped the ball and let Trump get elected.

I think you've been suckered into thinking there's any difference in the distinction between republicrat and demublican.
I still say it's the court nominees that will play a bigger role in your lives than the president for the next 4 years. I voted for Sanders in the primary. He lost. My alternative is the woman who beat him. A lot of the problems of today were caused by Republican control of the presidency for 20 of 28 years from 1980 to 2008. A lot of those court decisions led to the rise of Bernie Sanders. I think Bernie would be upset if his supporters (like me) dropped the ball and let Trump get elected.
Bernie moved the ball further down the line. The Dems got the message. But Trump would be a disaster...
Bernie moved the ball further down the line. The Dems got the message. But Trump would be a disaster...

Bernie spoke for hundreds of millions of Americans.

If Shillary wins, how would you figure anyone running the DNC would get any message, other than 'we can trample the will of the American People anytime we like'?!
I still say it's the court nominees that will play a bigger role in your lives than the president for the next 4 years. I voted for Sanders in the primary. He lost. My alternative is the woman who beat him. A lot of the problems of today were caused by Republican control of the presidency for 20 of 28 years from 1980 to 2008. A lot of those court decisions led to the rise of Bernie Sanders. I think Bernie would be upset if his supporters (like me) dropped the ball and let Trump get elected.

Warhawk like Hillary will be disastrous, especially since she will be more aggressive as the first woman and be afraid of looking weak. If you want the keystone pipeline and more wars..by all means vote Hillary, she's as red as the typical GOP nominees.. I actually believe Trump is more liberal than her.
So if she doesn't "win" you over
You are effectively voting for Trump
We agree about a lot of things but this one difference isn't some shade of grey. A vote for Clinton is the same as voting for Eisenhower. I wasn't around back then but I'd never have voted for him, although I'd say he probably was the last somewhat acceptable Republican president we've had. So a vote for Clinton is a vote for a center of right Republican. I don't think that's good enough. Clinton promises -- and her track record indicates -- status quo. Not good enough. If she starts saying the things that motivated me to vote for Bernie then I'll listen. But "no universal healthcare, no way no how", her backing for the continuance of war in the Middle East and her unconscionable acceptance of money from Wall Street have me completely turned off.

Trump would be awful. Clinton would only be bad. The political parties think they have the electorate bottled up. A backlash of protest votes that tips the election towards Trump is about the only way to shock the Democrats into a more liberal stance.
We agree about a lot of things but this one difference isn't some shade of grey. A vote for Clinton is the same as voting for Eisenhower. I wasn't around back then but I'd never have voted for him, although I'd say he probably was the last somewhat acceptable Republican president we've had. So a vote for Clinton is a vote for a center of right Republican. I don't think that's good enough. Clinton promises -- and her track record indicates -- status quo. Not good enough. If she starts saying the things that motivated me to vote for Bernie then I'll listen. But "no universal healthcare, no way no how", her backing for the continuance of war in the Middle East and her unconscionable acceptance of money from Wall Street have me completely turned off.

Trump would be awful. Clinton would only be bad. The political parties think they have the electorate bottled up. A backlash of protest votes that tips the election towards Trump is about the only way to shock the Democrats into a more liberal stance.

Dude. Eisenhower won the Second World War. Mrs Clinton can't win Benghazi.

Other than that I agree with this post.