Just in case you thought Israel was a nice country, just misunderstood

Israel you mean the european colony in the middle east?
These mostly european jews that immigrated there have no real legal claim to this land.
This should have never been aloud to happen in modern civilized world but its too late to remove Israel from middle east so the Israelis need to give back all land gains from the 1968 war and comply with the International Law and stop behaving as International criminal state and then we can start to relize peace in the middle east.

I basically agree with Harry Trumans Secretary of state George Marshall.
Israel you mean the european colony in the middle east?
These mostly european jews that immigrated there have no real legal claim to this land.
This should have never been aloud to happen in modern civilized world but its too late to remove Israel from middle east so the Israelis need to give back all land gains from the 1968 war and comply with the International Law and stop behaving as International criminal state and then we can start to relize peace in the middle east.

I basically agree with Harry Trumans Secretary of state George Marshall.
You are wrong.

And where did the Jews across northern Africa go?
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So you agree that they're nearly all invaders of ancestral Palestinian lands.

Thanks for making that point. Again.
Who is the liar?

So you admit then that Jews were attacked and this same land taken FROM them about 1000 years ago. So you admit when Jews first had a state in "Paliestine" there was nobody around then considered any more Palestinian than THEM!!
So you admit when the first Jewish state existed in what now is Israel that no Muslim existed there and most non-Jews worshipped things on the level of snakes and goats.

So you admit that if Israel laid down their weapons tomorrow they would be slaughtered tomorrow while if the Palestinians did there would be peace tomorrow.
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Who is the liar?

So you admit then that Jews were attacked and this same land taken FROM them about 1000 years ago. So you admit when Jews first had a state in "Paliestine" there was nobody around then considered any more Palestinian than THEM!!
So you admit when the first Jewish state existed in what now is Israel that no Muslim existed there and most non-Jews worshipped things on the level of snakes and goats.

So you admit that if Israel laid down their weapons tomorrow they would be slaughtered tomorrow while if the Palestinians did there would be peace tomorrow.

I didn't even address any of that. If your best debate technique is stuffing everyone's mouth full of lies it's no wonder you never learn a damned thing.

Biased idiot.
I didn't even address any of that. If your best debate technique is stuffing everyone's mouth full of lies it's no wonder you never learn a damned thing.

Biased idiot.


You call the Israeli government apartheid...I provide you a black member of the South African parliament to tell you you don't have a clue.

You paint the Israelis the aggressor and I give you the commander of all British forces in Afghanistan to speak of their restraint and over-the-top attempts to reduce civilian casualties. (While Palestinians set then up as human shields)

You question the legal legitimacy of the Jewish state and I provide a renowned Harvard Law professor to step you through its legal history.

...there is more but I will end it with...

You give us a half-baked story from Al Jazeera and tell me I am the biased idiot. Hmmmmmm
Israel could become the symbol of peace in the world if they overthrow the Zionist that run their country... Jews are smart people and should stand up for whats right...

If Israel gave back the Arabs their land... you'd put a fork in Islamic Extremism..

We are all one species .. its sad how fairy tales can divide us so far apart from each other
Israel could become the symbol of peace in the world if they overthrow the Zionist that run their country... Jews are smart people and should stand up for whats right...

If Israel gave back the Arabs their land... you'd put a fork in Islamic Extremism..

We are all one species .. its sad how fairy tales can divide us so far apart from each other
Mostly delusional, Yeah, right, Middle East peace all comes down to an internal problem.
At your conclusion however, you may be on to something.
Matthew, Karl, Mark, Luke, John, and Mo have created some problems.
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Israel could become the symbol of peace in the world if they overthrow the Zionist that run their country... Jews are smart people and should stand up for whats right...

If Israel gave back the Arabs their land... you'd put a fork in Islamic Extremism..

We are all one species .. its sad how fairy tales can divide us so far apart from each other

This. There IS an ultra nationalist faction that actively aids, abets and excuses atrocities carried out in Israeli's name. Whether they're Zionists or not is irrelevant to me, they're involved in mass murder, cultural suppression and land confiscation. As gross and habitual violators of human rights, they must be stopped, preferably made an example of- not armed and encouraged to continue.
I didn't even address any of that.
I Am Biased.

That's right! You have addressed NOTHING. You only continue to spew your BS rhetoric that turns a blind, biased eye to the terrorists attacking Israel daily. You excuse the attacker and accuse Israel. You, like these terrorists, are the worst kind if scum. Why do you hate the Jews so much?
Israel could become the symbol of peace in the world if they overthrow the Zionist that run their country... Jews are smart people and should stand up for whats right...

If Israel gave back the Arabs their land... you'd put a fork in Islamic Extremism..

We are all one species .. its sad how fairy tales can divide us so far apart from each other

speaking of fairy tales, tell us more about your belief in holocaust denial.
Don't tell the jewz but I just uncovered a pottery fragment in my garden. They are gonna claim it's jew pottery and homestead my land.
How many times do people have to tell you Prager University is dogshit?

Citing it as a legitimate source means you're too stupid to understand this
Like someone else piped in...interesting to see all the anti-semites come out of the woodwork.

The last video I posted has had over 2 million views in just a couple days. Lots of good stuff there. You should actually watch a couple, or just stay ignorant. You also have no real arguments. Just a putz.
Like someone else piped in...interesting to see all the anti-semites come out of the woodwork.

The last video I posted has had over 2 million views in just a couple days. Lots of good stuff there. You should actually watch a couple, or just stay ignorant. You also have no real arguments. Just a putz.
Criticizing the Israeli government doesn't make you anti-semetic

Prager University is right-wing propaganda and I'm going to point that out to you every time you post something from them on RIU

What did you think of that .pdf I linked to from Harvard that dispels all of your bullshit about Israel? You think Prager is a more objective source than fuckin' Harvard?
Let me ask can you be against the idea of letting jewish folk from all over the world to immigrate to israel/palestine and get subsidized housing and probably alot more stuff mostly from our (US) taxes and displace the indigenous peoples through brutal means and not be a antisemite I believe you can I believe they are different I believe you can be against all those things and not be an antisemite.

I don't make that strong of connection between jewish people and the land area of Israel/Palestine. I don't believe God gave this land to Jews and Jews only for all time. I don't hate jewish people. I have jewish freinds with whom I have lots of respect and value there freindship but I don't discuss this subject with them much a couple agree with me but its still sensitive but its starting to change.