Things to Know About Lighting

6 guys working the construction site near me found a couple people tryign to steal tools one morning, beat the F out of them and didn't call the police until lunch time..just left them bloody and hurting for a few hours, no charges against the workers..hope the same happens to any thief.
Shoulda tested that light out on his NUTS if he had any
Yeah, if you are ever outside and your hair starts to stand up,
then you might want to get down near the ground....

These dudes got shocked moments later:
Shoulda tested that light out on his NUTS if he had any
6 on 2, should have just hilti gunned them to a lamp post and then called the police. Imagine the commotion that would follow trying to remove them now that would be a perfect home video of the whole aftermath. oh yeah, don't steal my plants and I wont hilti you to a lamp post. he knows who I mean lol it was funny at the time, but it was over 10yrs ago, and im very protective of my flowers
Hey what up guys, I was wondering if you could check my thread I got a question concerning lighting with pics and all that good details!! I dubbing ya can find if of not I'll copy it to here