Why Is there still mail?


Well-Known Member
I will not be around to defend myself I have to drive to Albuquerque today but I ask you all to debate in a dignified manner and bring me insight as to why.

Anybody around the age of 35 and below must have asked themselves this question. I am not talking about packages and stuff I mean snail mail...all it is, is a useless means for companies to advertise to us, I personally go to the mail box once a week just to empty it out and proceed strait to the outdoor garbage bin and sort through it and 98% of the time I throw every single parcel of mail into that dumpster.

Couldn't we migrate all the mailmen into package delivery? I'm sure all the businesses get most of their advertising done online or by airwaves. mail is a product of a bygone era is it not?


Well-Known Member
I wonder this same thing...85% of mail is spam on paper. Figure out a way to get rid of it and we'd have quicker deliveries and save millions!


Well-Known Member
Snail Mail = bills I pay every 30 days ....maybe

if the cash ain't around,

and the bill fuck calls

I can always say

I've not received it

or if an expensive bill the cash stays in my bank

making good interest.......

right until the last minute

then with bill in hand and late I pay up

good luck