10billion for a fence vs... Well you know..


Well-Known Member
How tall is this fence going to be?
View attachment 3682347
Here is how this works. A 20' fence prevents anyone who doesnt own 2 25' ladders from getting across. Then you have a gap and another fence. In the gap you have motion sensing and/or seizmic equipment that notifies you of a breach.

In various locations along the border will be monitoring stations with border patrol that respond to any attempts at crossing.

Not guaranteed to stop 100% of the traffic but if it takes out 90% I will be satisfied.


Well-Known Member
Here is how this works. A 20' fence prevents anyone who doesnt own 2 25' ladders from getting across. Then you have a gap and another fence. In the gap you have motion sensing and/or seizmic equipment that notifies you of a breach.

In various locations along the border will be monitoring stations with border patrol that respond to any attempts at crossing.

Not guaranteed to stop 100% of the traffic but if it takes out 90% I will be satisfied.
They going to put this up on our northern border?


Well-Known Member
Here is how this works. A 20' fence prevents anyone who doesnt own 2 25' ladders from getting across. Then you have a gap and another fence. In the gap you have motion sensing and/or seizmic equipment that notifies you of a breach.

In various locations along the border will be monitoring stations with border patrol that respond to any attempts at crossing.

Not guaranteed to stop 100% of the traffic but if it takes out 90% I will be satisfied.
your stupidity will be legendary


Well-Known Member
They going to put this up on our northern border?
When it becomes a problem that Canada lets anyon in with a pasport and has major problems with corruption in the agency that monitors their arrivals at intl airports and the like, then yeah sure.

To compare the situation at the northern and southern border is idiotic.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Here is how this works. A 20' fence prevents anyone who doesnt own 2 25' ladders from getting across. Then you have a gap and another fence. In the gap you have motion sensing and/or seizmic equipment that notifies you of a breach.

In various locations along the border will be monitoring stations with border patrol that respond to any attempts at crossing.

Not guaranteed to stop 100% of the traffic but if it takes out 90% I will be satisfied.
Border crossing like your talking about is so long gone and in the movies your watching and the news casts your viewing. I think you know whats really going on you just have fun pushing buttons.


Well-Known Member
And the total is 12 billion now and that's not including labor just rebar and cement
The government overspend 10 trillion over the last 8 years. They can find it in the couch cushions.

For those bad at math that is 10,000 Billion