Why`s tranny afraid to walk into a bathroom full of men ? Because he feels threatened. The dude above you asked about that. Only he was on the Gay side of things.
You know damn well it`s not about What they do and all about What they get. Who cares how may dicks he sucks or men he can jams ???, ...The problem is leaders giving him Rights, protections, and now mandated laws because the behavior of that person is simply to pretend to be something he is not.
Gay Rights,...Everyone is familiar with the term.
Protections,.... Hate Crimes written to protect the victim`s feelings,.... He said .."take that,... faggot.... just as he would any other day but now it`s against the laws while he is behaving a certain way himself. If you say,..."take that radiator hose,...would it fucking matter ?
Mandated laws,... The federal Government overriding States laws on the grounds that people pretending to be someone else are entitled to continue and the rest of the country must accept and adjust to them.
Gays now by law get to share with prolific incentives, and restrooms of their choice. Soon they will share their Constitution with mine, and guys like me don`t sit well with that.