So my dog def just ate my weed butter


New Member
I would hate to be a pet belonging the idiots on this page. How cruel are you people? WHY do you have pets if you are THAT uncaring? Do you know how SCARED and freaked out that poor dog must have been? DO YOU FUCKING CARE at all? Alone with no comfort from his so called best friend man? What is wrong with you? Even worse is taking videos and thinking its funny. WOW what total jerks. My dog ate a TINY amount of canna butter and almost died. It broke my heart to see her suffer like that so sick. I hope Karma gets the ones who think its funny. I hope you are scared and alone suffering one day with NO ONE who gives a rats ass to help you. Only then will you know what your poor animals went through. DOGS DIE from this. LOTS of them. Just cause no humans have died doesnt mean animals are immune. They also end up PERMANENTLY brain damaged, or with serious problems. I will NEVER EVER leave anything where a animal or kid or anyone can get it. I feel horrible for what happened and you should too. CERTAINLY not make a fucking joke out it. You people SUCK SHIT. EXCEPT for MorgenTaler who seems to be the only one on here with a brain AND a heart !!! Thank you Morgen for speaking up. You are awesome !!!


Well-Known Member
I would hate to be a pet belonging the idiots on this page. How cruel are you people? WHY do you have pets if you are THAT uncaring? Do you know how SCARED and freaked out that poor dog must have been? DO YOU FUCKING CARE at all? Alone with no comfort from his so called best friend man? What is wrong with you? Even worse is taking videos and thinking its funny. WOW what total jerks. My dog ate a TINY amount of canna butter and almost died. It broke my heart to see her suffer like that so sick. I hope Karma gets the ones who think its funny. I hope you are scared and alone suffering one day with NO ONE who gives a rats ass to help you. Only then will you know what your poor animals went through. DOGS DIE from this. LOTS of them. Just cause no humans have died doesnt mean animals are immune. They also end up PERMANENTLY brain damaged, or with serious problems. I will NEVER EVER leave anything where a animal or kid or anyone can get it. I feel horrible for what happened and you should too. CERTAINLY not make a fucking joke out it. You people SUCK SHIT. EXCEPT for MorgenTaler who seems to be the only one on here with a brain AND a heart !!! Thank you Morgen for speaking up. You are awesome !!!
Lol chill bro


Well-Known Member
I would hate to be a pet belonging the idiots on this page. How cruel are you people? WHY do you have pets if you are THAT uncaring? Do you know how SCARED and freaked out that poor dog must have been? DO YOU FUCKING CARE at all? Alone with no comfort from his so called best friend man? What is wrong with you? Even worse is taking videos and thinking its funny. WOW what total jerks. My dog ate a TINY amount of canna butter and almost died. It broke my heart to see her suffer like that so sick. I hope Karma gets the ones who think its funny. I hope you are scared and alone suffering one day with NO ONE who gives a rats ass to help you. Only then will you know what your poor animals went through. DOGS DIE from this. LOTS of them. Just cause no humans have died doesnt mean animals are immune. They also end up PERMANENTLY brain damaged, or with serious problems. I will NEVER EVER leave anything where a animal or kid or anyone can get it. I feel horrible for what happened and you should too. CERTAINLY not make a fucking joke out it. You people SUCK SHIT. EXCEPT for MorgenTaler who seems to be the only one on here with a brain AND a heart !!! Thank you Morgen for speaking up. You are awesome !!!
Also, this post was from 7 years ago, you must have been doing some deep searching to get to that post.


New Member
I was desperately searching for help for my dog. There is not much info out there either its bad. This is going to be a more prevalent thing too. I dont care how old this thread is, if I found it, so can others. People NEED to know how serious this is and its NOT funny. I love weed. It really scare the hell out of me what it did to my dog. I did not think weed could do that as its SO safe for people. I just want others to be aware in case they do actually care and love thier pets like I do. So I am glad you found it. Please let people know it CAN really hurt your pets.


Well-Known Member
ya, lots of stuff is poisonous to your dogs but harmless to humans, like chocolate, caffeine, grapes, most nuts and seeds including avocado. and lots of normal house plants too,


New Member
Actually, I had put a TEASPOON of butter in my coffee before bed to help me sleep. I put it on a stool 2 feet from my chair yet somehow my tiny 4 lb dog stretched across and I caught her drinking some. She only drank a few licks !!! I had already drank most of it and there was still some left even. So she got VERY little and it made her VERY sick. I mean Twitching, almost convulsing Eyes glazed, Tounge hanging out. Unable to stand or walk. Shaking and slow heart rate. It scared me to death. I have talked to several vets and they say they have had dogs DIE from this and end up permanently screwed up. I have read of several accounts of death in dogs from this. That is enough for ME anyway be WAY more careful. Growdict is correct, there are just way too many things they can get sick from, its a pain in the ass but like having little kids you got to watch out for them and be knowledgable on such issues. I was just STUNNED that weed could make them THAT sick cause its SO safe for us.


Well-Known Member
I was desperately searching for help for my dog. There is not much info out there either its bad. This is going to be a more prevalent thing too. I dont care how old this thread is, if I found it, so can others. People NEED to know how serious this is and its NOT funny. I love weed. It really scare the hell out of me what it did to my dog. I did not think weed could do that as its SO safe for people. I just want others to be aware in case they do actually care and love thier pets like I do. So I am glad you found it. Please let people know it CAN really hurt your pets.
A friend's dog dragged an oz. out from under his couch and ate 3/4 of it...his wife rushed it to the vet. Vet said he'll be OK in a couple days after he stops glowing. He kinda walked sideways and rested a lot for 24 hrs. with glazed eyes but recovered completely. The vet wasn't alarmed...told her to keep her stuff in another location. No, you shouldn't put weed where your dog can get it...and no it won't kill him...but it sure confuses them and I doubt they like it much...


New Member
No damn way thc isn't killing a dog.. all those other symptoms you listed are entirely possible.
Well, I tell ya what. I am NOT going to use MY dog to find out if it does kill them or not. Better safe than sorry and I could never forgive myself if I caused a living being to suffer or worse die. I am going to be WAY more responsible after this fiasco. I just hope others are too.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Well, I tell ya what. I am NOT going to use MY dog to find out if it does kill them or not. Better safe than sorry and I could never forgive myself if I caused a living being to suffer or worse die. I am going to be WAY more responsible after this fiasco. I just hope others are too.
Your dog is very small and therefore could have thermoregulation problems. Do NOT put it on a heating pad, but make sure you keep her warm with a towel and you must make SURE she's drinking. 24 hours without fluid and you better get her to the vet.

Frankly if it were my 4 lb dog it would already be at the vet.

PS don't lecture us! You were the one who poisoned YOUR dog not us.


New Member
A friend's dog dragged an oz. out from under his couch and ate 3/4 of it...his wife rushed it to the vet. Vet said he'll be OK in a couple days after he stops glowing. He kinda walked sideways and rested a lot for 24 hrs. with glazed eyes but recovered completely. The vet wasn't alarmed...told her to keep her stuff in another location. No, you shouldn't put weed where your dog can get it...and no it won't kill him...but it sure confuses them and I doubt they like it much...[/QUOTE

You have to rememner, Cannabutter is way more concentrated than buds. I make mine like STUPID strong. I mean like 2 onces of pure TLO Bud only in one pack of butter. Cause we are medical growers and cant have extra weed around so I got to get " rid" of it. They dont seem to care about the butter, tintures and oils YET anyway. So I am very liberal with the amounts. So its VERY strong and my dog is only 4 lbs. That is WAY different than a 100 lbs dog eating just the buds. PLUS with butter, its Decarbed and much stronger than just say eating a fresh bud. So just because a bigger dog or any dog eats fresh buds and is ok does not mean it applys to all situations. Smaller dog, stronger dose, Decarbed etc. Different outcome. This is not a one size fits all deal. If one of my big dogs ate fresh buds I would not worry as much. Plus a lot of the dogs died from shit like puking and choking, hyperthermia of all things. Just wierd secondary shit like that. Or they get hurt staggering around. Just a BAD BAD deal all the way around. If we are users are not safe and people start posting how funny it is to get thier pets all fucked up the people who hate us stoners are going to use that as a excuse once again to make Weed out to be bad etc. I just saw a case in the news today. A family is suing cause thier asshole Father shot and killed thier mom after he had PARTIALLY ate a small little candy edible but then took massive pills with it and went off the deep end.
They are blaming the weed . This is bad for ALL of us. I want to be able to keep growing and enjoying and we have a right I think. No one should be able to take a fucking plant away from us. And claiming the weed made him KILL someone REALLY just pisses me off. Its SO ignorant . Why not sue the damn big pharm who made the pills? I mean that is where the money is, not with some poor Mom and Pop edible company. Its sad. MILLIONS of folks use weed and we dont run around killing our family. That guy was fucked in the head to begin with and took pills but is now going to blame the weed.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
A friend's dog dragged an oz. out from under his couch and ate 3/4 of it...his wife rushed it to the vet. Vet said he'll be OK in a couple days after he stops glowing. He kinda walked sideways and rested a lot for 24 hrs. with glazed eyes but recovered completely. The vet wasn't alarmed...told her to keep her stuff in another location. No, you shouldn't put weed where your dog can get it...and no it won't kill him...but it sure confuses them and I doubt they like it much...
I pay my avian vet with cannabis currency LOL love that man.


New Member
Your dog is very small and therefore could have thermoregulation problems. Do NOT put it on a heating pad, but make sure you keep her warm with a towel and you must make SURE she's drinking. 24 hours without fluid and you better get her to the vet.

Frankly if it were my 4 lb dog it would already be at the vet.

PS don't lecture us! You were the one who poisoned YOUR dog not us.
I am not lecturing anyone but trying to make others aware as to be more careful as we tend to think of weed at totally safe at all times. I dont want to see ANYONE or anything suffer needlessly. I used to work as a Vet tech. I was up all night giving her fluids, black pepper and lemonaide also works to reuce the effects of the THC. In humans Ibuphrophen seems to be good too but you cant give that to dogs. I kept her next to me and watched her for 15 hours. She is totally fine now but not drinking as much as it seems she learned her lesson about getting into my coffee. But what got me upset is the blatant disregard for the animals. Its the people on here who thought it funny to video tape it like its some joke. When someone or something is suffering its NEVER a joke. PERIOD. If you think it IS funny then you are a fucked up piece of crap the world could do without.