Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: "Transgendered Men Don’t Become Women, They Become ‘Feminized Men’

When I'm in khakis and a dress shirt at work I look like Harry potter. The first week I'm at work I get the "you're not trying to jew me are you"?

Fuck really? I did try to adapt hat's the problem. Do you read? I went to church I went to charity events I volunteered on farms. Its the same shit. People are ignorant assholes down here and that's ok with you. Keep voting that way. They vote to defund arts and education here. Please read. And I am moving but that doesn't change the fact that your just producing more and more of these citizens by your voting.
Name one southern Republican politician who can argue this position intelligently and passionately without all the economic subterfuge asshole.

Go lookup subterfuge. Ill give you a minute fake black guy.
Where did I say I was black? Are you some kinda racist that thinks I can't have a black person on my avatar? You are the people you hate. Until you realize that you're going to be angry at the world. You have no clue about who I am or what I believe or why I have come to those conclusions.. You have about 50 different things that are bothering you about the vast majority of people you interact with everyday. I have 1 issue with transpeople and that is adults of the opposite sex in the restroom my child. Other than that I am all for them living their lives the way the want to. Since you're a mental midget on a pedestal of self delusion you've tried painting me as some kind of bigot that is out harming lives of other people. You obviously have a chemical imbalance and probably are diagnosed bi polar. I can tell it's not hard to read between the lines of your posts. Continue focusing your hate on me bro bro. It's a states right issue in my eyes if the state and the constituents don't want it where they live it should be respected. If you can rally the people and get it changed where you live that's awesome too. If I was a transperson I would just go in whatever bathroom made me comfortable. What can I say I'm a southern outlaw and lawlz aint really something I've concerned myself about.
When I'm in khakis and a dress shirt at work I look like Harry potter. The first week I'm at work I get the "you're not trying to jew me are you"?

Fuck really? I did try to adapt hat's the problem. Do you read? I went to church I went to charity events I volunteered on farms. Its the same shit. People are ignorant assholes down here and that's ok with you. Keep voting that way. They vote to defund arts and education here. Please read. And I am moving but that doesn't change the fact that your just producing more and more of these citizens by your voting.
Fuck all that shit bro bro. Get a 30 pack of busch and bring it to a bbq you'll be cool if you do that. That's what rednecks run on. I'm sophisticated and can't drink that shit it has the worst taste of any beer I've ever had it's definitely no Pabst. Make sure they are the orange camo cans too!
Toma cabron

Learn to put quotes around it you dumbass

How can you privileged white folks keep comparing the black civil rights movement to transpeople in the bathroom with kids? Was malcom x talking about trans rights? hell no. Malcom would be talking about the systemic feminization of the black man that has been pushed lately. It's actually veiled racism to compare black civil rights with lgbt rights.
Are you saying this shit doesn't happen? You're just as big of a problem.
No it definitely happens. I worked as a doorman at a bar for a few months to get my cash back on track when I was younger I had to quit because they used a bullshit system where they called themselves a "private club" after 9 pm to keep out the blacks. I hated it and got yelled at by the owner nearly every night for letting in the "n******" They never caused any problems you know cuz they are normal people like the rest of us. I even let in trans people too. I don't have a disdain for them. I made good money for an easy job but it felt like selling my soul to work there so I had to quit I didn't even go back for my last check I just needed to cut it out my life. Oh yeah the only fights I had to handle were with white boys and girls. omg that was a horrible job. lmao I liked the fighting part though. Except them bitches that shit sucked they will slap and scratch the fuck outcha and you can't really do anything but hover arm around them while walking to the door.
Sorry man this is the same ignorant shit I heard in boarding school. Now those same ignorant rich kids are running some of the largest companies in the world. It continues...
And I'm not saying some trans or gay People aren't obonoxious or annoying as fuck when pushing for rights but it doesn't mean they don't deserve them. Even playing field that's all.
And I'm not saying some trans or gay People aren't obonoxious or annoying as fuck when pushing for rights but it doesn't mean they don't deserve them. Even playing field that's all.
I agree they should continue fighting for the rights they want. Everyone with all their different ideologies should. That's what makes america awesome is that we can have these dialogues. Saying that though doesn't mean I do or do not support what they are about. Or maybe I am for or against one part of the point. I am comfortable with that. The times they are a changing. It's outta our hands at an individual level. You gotta be the change you wanna see in the world.
That's what I'm doing and I'm getting chased out of town and people here are defending that. Smh.

I'll pass you a joint of you're cool. First weekend here I was introduced to my girls childhood friends and we watched them drive in the demolition derby and we shot shotguns together. Cool people but the shit that makes me sad is that the words nigger and spic get so casually tossed around even though I know they chill with Mexicans and work with black guys. It's that little bit of extra thought and effort that seemingly good people can't be "hassled" to put forth but it does really reflect on them. It's that kind of lazy inertia that keeps change from taking place.

It's probably why the PC thing seems forced. It's kind of about time people who "aren't really racist" stop saying those words no?
A good business will have a manager looking over the property including the bathrooms to check for cleanliness, theft or shady people.

We used to kick out or call the police immediately when some mentally ill Hasidic guys started hanging out in the kids section. Same thing with The heroin addicts nodding off in the corners. Nobody bothered The slightly slow adult who would color movies posters on The floor because he wasn't a threat. The employees said something anytime a true weirdo was around.
Hey what cool parts of the South do y'all recommend I move to? I want to hear from more than the crickets.
KY is not so bad. There are a couple bases and multiple large college towns and lots of immigrant workers. People are used to diversity here. The eastern part of the state is a little worse and you will see confederate flags. Though people tend to keep their opinions to themselves.
That's what I'm doing and I'm getting chased out of town and people here are defending that. Smh.

I'll pass you a joint of you're cool. First weekend here I was introduced to my girls childhood friends and we watched them drive in the demolition derby and we shot shotguns together. Cool people but the shit that makes me sad is that the words nigger and spic get so casually tossed around even though I know they chill with Mexicans and work with black guys. It's that little bit of extra thought and effort that seemingly good people can't be "hassled" to put forth but it does really reflect on them. It's that kind of lazy inertia that keeps change from taking place.

It's probably why the PC thing seems forced. It's kind of about time people who "aren't really racist" stop saying those words no?
I agree with ya there. We were just talking about how damn funny the white girls who start acting super ghetto when they come around are or how most whiteboys always start snitching on themselves trying to talk up how gangsta they are it's funny. I swear 90% of whites who wanna be down with the hood will always talk about selling dope and shit like that's the only thing black people can comprehend. Naww bitcvh when we're playing cards we talk about normal ass shit like how are kids are doing in school or gardening. It's fucking funny shit how fucked up and manipulated people views of other people are but I think it's genetic to have the mentality of all of them against all of us. That's why we have all the means to not go to war but it will always happen and has always happened. But for real though it is funny when a gd with face tats is showing pictures of his landscaping and vegetable garden. But that's real not the fake shit that media wants people to believe.
And the Hasidic guys weren't targeted because of the way they looked, they were single adult males spending a lot of time in the kids section without picking up a book. Simple flag. If there were straight kids making out in the teen section they were asked to stop it or leave.
It's just about appropriate behavior for all people. Those not giving the benfit of the doubt to transgender people are just prejudiced.