Well-Known Member
I do not have a criminal record, nor do I use marijuana or alcohol daily. Sometimes not even weekly. Gainfully employed in the private sector. Weed would be my "drug" of choice over alcohol. I volunteer and sit on a couple boards. Never been drug tested at work although I have been lucky to stay with the same company for a long time.
place and relationship problems, the authors found that those dependent on cannabis experienced more financial difficulties, such as paying for basic living expenses and food, than those who were alcohol dependent.
How about you guys? What kind of jobs do you have--or social standing of any kind? Are you as indigent and stressed as the article wants us to believe? I'd be interested in hearing input from easy-to-reach stoners and maybe compare some anecdotal evidence to the presented empirical data at hand.
How about yourself? Same questions back at you. If you answered already I apologize, must have missed that.