Well-Known Member
You don't even understand. That is why I have not reponded to this endless banter of uneductaed nonsense.Even GreenGeenes agrees with me about getting maximum plant response through a full spectrum. Not to bring you into this. But sometimes no one listens unless it's from someone they look up to.
I'll grab the quote so you don't twist my words...
YPF( good job Abiqua) is what you are all looking for, for both sides "a photon is a photon" argument. The rest of you need to understand accepted and proven science not your own random thoughts. McCree...learn it, and understand it. And if you're going on your own made up thoughts...use the scientific method(Google it), documentation, and create a real and valid experiment. Otherwise you are all just talking out your asses about what you think is happening.
80cri white are 90.5% usable after RQE.
93cri whites are 89.5% usable after RQE
then count the absolute output of spectrums, and the higher CRI is way behind. Just a slightly higher PS state for ever so quicker flowering(possibly).
As for the anti mono crowds...
I would take...
800grams or flowers and 300grams of stem and 600grams of leaf
600grams of flower 500grams of stem and 800grams of leaf
Photosynthesis only explains the fixation of carbon...not how or what it is fixated into. Photomorphogenesis(light dictated plant development) is what makes certain forms of biomass develop(flowers, leaves, stems, roots)
And this photomorphous is not so much dependant on quantities(intensity) as it is the just enough presents of the signal.
I have flowered under ever white form 2700k to 6500k, combinations of white/red, and pure red/blues...using same intensity, and different. But of course all that matters to people here is cobs. Well boys and's all just lights. And all past experiments still stand.
So to say monos are worthless is complete pretentious bullshit. Are the necessary to "grow" a
Are the necessary to absolutely maximizing plant expression and efficiency of plant morphology?...yes.
So unless someone(amare) has 10% efficiency or more to throw out the door to gain 3 to maybe 4% tops in spectral efficiency...that loss in quanta to achieve a spectrum will never be more worth the photons you lost to achieve it.
Quanta is the #1 priority. Simply using higher quanta gives results like less leaf:bud ratio. As well as the all important...end yield. No one in the game has a good enough spectrum or ever will be able to to make up the ground lost to the highest efficiency broad spectrum range pur whites until mono tech makes huge advances in tech, or cost drop 10 fold. And even needs to be shown side by side in experiments and test grows. So show that and we will talk. Otherwise I have proof of higher efficiency pure white clearly superior to a less efficacy but better spectrum lamp. The debatably prettier colors will never make up for the empty space in the nug jar.
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