
There are two dispensaries within 50 meters of my daughters school, within 100 meters of a church, and two day cares, they have not been raided yet! You would think they would be the first to go? As a GoldStar and a active MMAR patient, I am worried. What are they doing? What is the real mandate of the police? Is this a division thing or a municipal crack down? One time thing or a true shut down?
Just the ones who sell to Kids I guess? Maybe not...
...I hear its easy for kids to buy it, my nephew does all the time on the danforth.
There are two dispensaries within 50 meters of my daughters school, within 100 meters of a church, and two day cares, they have not been raided yet! You would think they would be the first to go? As a GoldStar and a active MMAR patient, I am worried. What are they doing? What is the real mandate of the police? Is this a division thing or a municipal crack down? One time thing or a true shut down?
they are just trying to make the others worry..
The ones who were popped will get back up and running if they have nothing to hide!!
they'll be back up tomorrow watch! If they cant be tied to selling for rec or kids that is...
Hmmm...just heard at least one dispensary did not open today, apparently given advance notice? Running total is now up to 40 raids...trying to confirm...