Sorry dude I been dealing with electronics for over 30 years.. Oh I can buy one Cree and video tape it and hoodwink you all . Guess you don't understand what a "bait and switch is" As for financial loss you got to be kidding me.... I make enough in one weekend of work to buy their most expensive light. When I PURCHASED my AMARE light I ran a journal on another forum. with NO conditions from AMARE. So sir you are misinformed .I have been in manufacturing for the a very long time. I know all about cost, profit, the bottom line. I have run machining lines cranking out 1000 engine blocks a shift. Any first year finance student can calculate the cost of a product components, including labor burden and overhead. What separates a good Company is their QUALITY, CUSTOMER SERVICE and WARRANTY. Like I said before buy what you like. I will not stoop to your level. I can DIY my own light anytime I feel like it I know a high quality product when I see it. That s why I own several AMARE lights. They began the white light revolution.