Your latest seed purchase?

My latest beans was dr,d81 gear and I forgot the name but have it wrote in my book,there growing great so fare all of them are,no culls in his beans
Have you bought any tga beans lately?I have and they where not worth a shit culled every one of his beans.He is not a breader but I HEARD HE HAS A NEW PERSON BREADING FOR HIM NOW so things mite chang but as of now I would not take his beans for free to much work to get duds from tga beans...there is way beter beans to be had from real breaders here in the states like dr,d81..bigworm and others and there beans do a lot beater for me..just ask around and you can find some great
What's that addy ky?
Anyone have problems with seeds from herbies not sprouting? Never had issues before with any others? Please let me know. Spent 132 lbs