Light ???

Maybe you guys could help out in the "Cannabis Science" thread. I'm sure you have a lot of scientific things you could add. They're on a roll.
Most experienced growers can see it on their own that RM3's advice is shit (who would give up their HPS for 32 dollar aquarium tubes?), but making yourself sound like an authority on the subject while trying to help noobs... you should really be scrutinized more, not less. Noobs are wasting money on expensive garbage because of this guy.

At least sativied knows to use an HPS, not to use blacklights, not to boil his roots, and to feed a balanced nutrition plan. Despite his horrible attitude, he rarely misleads noobs like RM3 does.
It's funny, yet another grower tried the T5's and said it was better. It's not just me sayin these things. And I'm not misleadin anyone all I do is show folks how I grow
It's funny, yet another grower tried the T5's and said it was better. It's not just me sayin these things. And I'm not misleadin anyone all I do is show folks how I grow

Well explain to Sativied why having ridiculously high levels of blue can give you better results because he's the one who's been screaming about it for the past few days..

The only reason he won't argue with you is because he likes you, but he's made it clear in another thread that he disagrees with the levels of blue you use.

I also disagree with the high levels of blue you use. I agree with sativied that you use way too much blue.
This thread is a great read.

"Slapped an old standard Phillips home depot 4100k special right next to the 14000k Hamilton beach and suddenly seen the most incredible spectrum I've ever seen and the fastest response from the plants I've ever seen as I watched them grow a node the first five hours I slapped it on." -Rev.Thenatural

Hahaa.... What is all this church, a third person strawman attack? :lol: You're litterally insane thinking you can convince riddle how I think about him by referring to my comments towards cob users anal about efficiency and gpw and caring zero about their plants. Sounds like you picked up your crack habit again and just will never understand "context".

There's no fanatic quite as intolerant as the newly converted

Okay well I'm just putting it out there. @Sativied is very inconsistent with his arguments and anything he says should be taken with a grain of salt.

It's clear his arguments have nothing to do with "intellectual honesty", and everything to do with getting under people's skin. (that didn't take much work to find out)

If that wasn't the case, he would make the same arguments against RM3 for his overly expensive and overly blue lights as he does for the people using 4000k lamps. The reason he doesn't do this is because he's just a troll without any real arguments.

@RM3, sativied spent a few days talking about how 4000k has too much blue light and talked a lot of trash about people who used 4000k. If you had some common sense, you'd realize his argument is mainly toward you. @Sativied , be consistent if you want to sound like an honest person searching for the truth.
:lol: Sativied, Sativied, Sativied... you're obsessed. You renounced the authority of reason long ago and lack the intellect to separate fact from your wishfulthinking fabrications so don't you worry about intellectual honesty. You need intellect before intellectual honesty starts to matter and you have shown again and again you just lie out of your ass with your endless strawman and personal attacks.

After such a transparent attempt to get under Riddle's skin you really think your butthurt comments have any value? Is your IQ really as low as your EQ so obviously is... Seek help before you waste another year of your life being so bitter and butthurt.
Hahaa.... What is all this church, a third person strawman attack? :lol: You're litterally insane thinking you can convince riddle how I think about him by referring to my comments towards cob users anal about efficiency and gpw and caring zero about their plants. Sounds like you picked up your crack habit again and just will never understand "context".


:lol: Sativied, Sativied, Sativied... you're obsessed. You renounced the authority of reason long ago and lack the intellect to separate fact from your wishfulthinking fabrications so don't you worry about intellectual honesty. You need intellect before intellectual honesty starts to matter and you have shown again and again you just lie out of your ass with your endless strawman and personal attacks.

After such a transparent attempt to get under Riddle's skin you really think your butthurt comments have any value? Is your IQ really as low as your EQ so obviously is... Seek help before you waste another year of your life being so bitter and butthurt.

Bullshit. You can't go ranting on another thread about how the 4000k 80cri spectrum has too much blue and then come back here and act like way more blue than that is normal.

You know what you wrote and what it meant. You spent days trying to convince a bunch of people that the blue in 4000k would cause photoinhibition. Now RM3 uses way more and you think it's a great idea. Bullshit.
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@RM3, you should post more in that 3500k vs 4000k vs 5000k thread and help correct @Sativied. He doesn't realize that blue produces frost and you need to go explain that to him! Explain to him the benefits of growing with unfiltered blacklights because sativied clearly doesn't subscribe to your nonsense (yet).
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@churchhaze has been increasingly out to lunch on this subject over the past couple of years. He's even gotten angry and made personal attacks.

I've laid eyeballs on @RM3's op and it works very well for what he wants; high quality, with plenty enough quantity to serve his needs-

Is it true that his plants don't smell because they're so happy? :-)

I'm sorry RM, but I have to call bullshit on that one. That just doesn't make any sense
At least sativied knows to use an HPS, not to use blacklights, not to boil his roots, and to feed a balanced nutrition plan. Despite his horrible attitude, he rarely misleads noobs like RM3 does.
The only one posting in this thread with his typical horrible attitude is you. The only one misleading people, actually making an effort to do so, for the sake of epeen, is you.

I see no harm in boiling roots, I don't know why that excites you so much. Riddle knows we don't agree on everything, must be hard for you to be confronted with the fact that is possible and doesn't justify meltdowns... Nobody put his happy no smell plants theory under more scrutiny here than I did discussing it with him, with his previous account. One or both of the two threads were deleted but that's typical here for the better discussions...

Noobs who follows RM3 advice, whether partly or to the letter, will do better than noobs do with all the forum nonsense, regardless of the light source. Some of the stuff he says is too hippy for someone like me, but man, he's above all a decent fella and as you once understood, one only trolls the trolls and the ignorant bullshitters.

Try to understand I don't even actually dislike you and, as I warned you up front, you only succeed in getting under your own skin, nobody else gives a fuck. You try so hard to be an asshole that it reached a point where hps, t5, and led users feel sorry for you. Stop renting so much headspace to people online dude.
And yet it has been verified by several members here

What would verify it is take a very stinky plant that has been grown in someone elses garden, and see if it magically loses it's stank in your garden. People coming over and seeing/smelling plants that you have selected proves nothing.... other than you might select plants that don't have much odor.

Anyway, if you have some scientific papers on how to make volatile, pungent terpenes disappear I'm all ears....
What would verify it is take a very stinky plant that has been grown in someone elses garden, and see if it magically loses it's stank in your garden. People coming over and seeing/smelling plants that you have selected proves nothing.... other than you might select plants that don't have much odor.

Anyway, if you have some scientific papers on how to make volatile, pungent terpenes disappear I'm all ears....
Sorry no papers 8)

and I've grown all the old popular strains, have a skunk goin as I type
Noobs who follows RM3 advice, whether partly or to the letter, will do better than noobs do with all the forum nonsense

I disagree. Noobs who listen to RM3's advice will spend 32 dollars a tube with way too much blue before realizing how much better HPS works and how much cheaper it is.

Whether it's fallacy or not, common sense says not to listen to people suggesting techniques like boiling roots or putting nails through stems. (jesters) Then there's the fact that he says "sulfur feeds trichs" when trichs don't have sulfur in any of their molecules.

At least the majority of noobs giving advice would likely parrot that HPS is better for flowering than fluorescent tubes, and will automatically do better with that bit of advice.
What would verify it is take a very stinky plant that has been grown in someone elses garden, and see if it magically loses it's stank in your garden. People coming over and seeing/smelling plants that you have selected proves nothing.... other than you might select plants that don't have much odor.

Anyway, if you have some scientific papers on how to make volatile, pungent terpenes disappear I'm all ears....
I've found that he's right about the stink. If your plants are happy, they won't stink much until you harvest them. One thing most growers do that practically guarantees stink is switching to bloom nutes when you flip them to 12\12. Wait three weeks & you'll have better results.
Is it true that his plants don't smell because they're so happy? :-)

I'm sorry RM, but I have to call bullshit on that one. That just doesn't make any sense
What is true is that unhappy (not to be taken too literraly) plants tend to stink more. There are a lot of valid ways to back up his claim (read up on terpene emission and what affects it, given the right circumstances it can be reduced to very little). In nature it van vary a lot per season, suggesting a huge role for environmental factors. One could argue it's not always a good thing, more emission can mean an increased production too. His claim is more that a grow doesn't have to stink if you keep your plants happy, and that isn't bullshit, it lacks nuance. If you put your nose above or against a bud it will obviously still smell. If you take one plant out of it and put it in a different environment it will stink up a room on its own. Surely ymmv, I certainly wouldn't consider it a reason to stop using carbon filters.