first time growing mushrooms and confused


Active Member
so i pretty much have everything picked out but i just wanna make sure i know what im doing before i order it getting b+ from i know how to innoculate it and all that but im confused about making the grow box i have a 6.5 qt plastic shoe box i plan to put it all in but im confused on how to go about buying rye berry grain spawn 2 bags, do i need substrate to? or can i just use the rhy spawn should i put both rye bags in the box at the same time or do one at a time? im buying the rye spawn from idk why but i just cant seem to wrap my head around on how to put the stuff in the grow box lol
Inject the bags with no morw than 2cc's each. I assume they are sterilized. Put them in a warm area. Wait to fully colonize. Then come back to ask more questions.
Like I said I want to know what I'm doing before hand since I'm ordering everything at once that's why I'm asking I don't like doing crap and not knowing what to fully do
Do some more reading. No one can tell you which method that you could or would prefer. Go to shroomery. Google any questions you have. Good luck.
You can't just knock up the rye berry spawn and grow mushrooms on it. You must spawn that to a bulk substrate. What you need is a monotub unless you plan to spawn to trays in a shotgun chamber. Either way you still need something to grow the mushrooms on. You could just order a bag of h/poo from or some other myco supplier. You could also use a DIY pasturized coir/verm sub it's really up to you but once those bags colonize and condense you need to dunk and spawn to your substrate. It's not as hard as it sounds just mix the colonized mycellium with your substrate and allow that to colonize fully. Then you can fruit it.
Take your time & don't rush this; read all you can. I suggest doing a run of brf cakes first to get your feet wet and grow some shrooms. Cakes will help teach you the process. Then you'll better understand how to do bulk.
Cool thanks that's what I was wondering if I need the substrate because I tried looking it up and seen ppl using just the rye berrys but I ordered my stuff from
You can't just knock up the rye berry spawn and grow mushrooms on it. You must spawn that to a bulk substrate. What you need is a monotub unless you plan to spawn to trays in a shotgun chamber. Either way you still need something to grow the mushrooms on. You could just order a bag of h/poo from or some other myco supplier. You could also use a DIY pasturized coir/verm sub it's really up to you but once those bags colonize and condense you need to dunk and spawn to your substrate. It's not as hard as it sounds just mix the colonized mycellium with your substrate and allow that to colonize fully. Then you can fruit it.
Take your time & don't rush this; read all you can. I suggest doing a run of brf cakes first to get your feet wet and grow some shrooms. Cakes will help teach you the process. Then you'll better understand how to do bulk.

Untrue. One can fruit on spawn.
Untrue. One can fruit on spawn.
Guess you could but I've never done it that way except on cakes. I mean you are right once you got spawn you can do whatever you want; even bury it out back to fruit it but spawning to bulk is fairly simple & the best way to get good flushes from rye berry spawn IMO. Just trying to help the op grasp the process
Does my humidity have to be up while the micelum grows in the bags? I always see ppl have wet looking bags but my room and usually dry and cold
The bags may sweat inside a bit while they colonize. Generally when they are very wet in the inside its more likely to contam at least in my exp with spawn bags. I've had much better luck doing jars; spawn bags contam real easy. If they stay nice & dry on the inside & take awhile to colonize that usually means they will be nice white & healthy mycellium; no icky green or blue- see that just toss it out & start over. Usually you can tell with your nose very early if things are heading south. That sweet mushroom smell is good; any hint of mold or bad smell they usually are goners.
Well I don't have a pressure cooker or the jars plus I don't really like the cakes they hardly give any space to grow on
Ya gotta start somewhere. I finally got a PC last year after years of not having one- check out yard/tag sales. Got mine for $10. You'll have a higher rate of success doing everything you can yourself but I'll admit I'm lazy & like to source materials online. Just easier sometimes when you got other stuff to worry about & you don't feel like spending an afternoon pasturizing horse shit in your kitchen. Spawn bags in my exp are hit & miss but Ive used them several times with both success and failures. Jars are cheap...wait till end of summer canning season they are on sale everywhere; I got some at my local supermarket around $18 for the set; use half for shrooms half for curing weed.
Nobody really likes doing cakes it's really just for the learning process. Rye berries are great but expensive especially if you F it all up. I've been doing wild bird seed in jars with poly fill which is very cheap and easy to prepare. Tek is in the link I posted. Popcorn is another low cost option..check out canndos thread. Either costs less than $15 for a shit-ton of spawn.