Coming to a trailer park near you. Is this LP advertising?

I like the " you have to camp every night " clause
What a buncha cheap cunts. You supposed to look professional but yet your just a camper....and not a happy camper.
Good laugh that is anyway.
I wonder if any of the LP's at the lift greed show this weekend " just camped " each night. Where...down by the tracks....

tilray The ‪#TilrayTour‬ is just a few weeks away and excitement is in the air as we put the finishing touches on our customized Airstream trailer. The tour will offer Canadians increased access to education and, when possible, physicians knowledgeable about #medicalcannabis.
We have received a tremendous amount of support and interest and we invite you to learn more about our upcoming Mobile ‪#Cannabis‬ Clinic tour in our profile link!
gnarjarrwtf . amazing. how much do you charge? I'm already a patient with you, just curious.
b.lobs You coming to Yorkton sk?
mateauswf @gnarjarr
b_smiffI'mma jack that shit up tow her away wit da Jeep @tylerblair21
coco73chevAre u guys doing Ontario
tilray @gnarjarr No charge. The Mobile Cannabis Clinic was created as a way to provide patients with no-cost access to physicians who are knowledgeable about medical cannabis. For more info, click our profile link :)
tilray @coco73chev Yes, we will be heading to Ontario. For a list of stops, visit
tilray @b.lobs The Tilray Tour is scheduled to stop in Regina and Saskatoon. More info at
that_hard_honey @Tilray will u be lobbying against anything on your way? Tsk tsk tsk
to.dispensaries Tilray you have a lot of 'splaining to do
lownines @Tilray you really should be ashamed of your selfs trying to lobby against dispensaries. There is no way you or the other LPs have a enough product to be the only suppliers in Canada. Stop being so greedy and help this movement. Don't try and derail it. #tilrayaresnitches
highdroponixx #fuckprojectclaudia #tilrayaresnitches
savilion Tweed already shut its Instagram down because of negative posts. @Tilray you should begin to clear your self up or I can promise you your social media will look like a disaster .
weezy_111 Garbage
420cdnfoodlife Why are you selling garbage back to sick people?
creepyuncledan Eat shit.
lownines #stopthetilraytour
stoner_satan Better not see that shit rolling around toronto unless you want free eggs
highdroponixx Clowns and your bunky bunk
nyquilus.dillwad I dont even know how to cut brake lines... Ill google it for you Tilray! You fucking scum sucking, money grubbing whores!
djmaciej @Tilray you guys really really fucked up now.
kushnugs Very poor quality !!! Your lobbying for higher standards in the industry but you grow and sell trash , lol
prismalabs @Tilray you guys are fucking the worst thing to happen to LPS LIES AND CORPORATE GREED
dabs_and_netflix Tremendous amount of support? You guys are lying again i dont see any support.. Its all about respect in the streets and you lost it. Good luck trying to get new customers now #clowns #really? #embarrassing #sad #whatatimetobealive #alcapone #prohibition #lobbying #waste #profits #lps #lp
prismalabs @Tilray just wait until Monday when people find out about this #ufucked
darryl_onions It's the @Tilray lying garbage truck tour. Educating people since making money on it became legal, what's great is they have generously given back to the community that made their company possible by lobbying to have dispensaries closed. FUCK YOU Tilray.
whitebuffaloseeds #dontsmokethekoolaid
upload_2016-6-6_16-33-6.png It wouldn't surprise me if other Lousy Producers may take their RVs out as well.

Not to worry - my human and I are on their trails, watch for updates.....
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Another Lp SCHWAGON train is up n running and caughing to a city near you.
( Note ) it's full of Lp CEO's.
Daiwoo is making the LP units by the 3's
Here the newest model hacks off the assembly line...note it's sleak lines and bugling rust spots
They want to assure all 3 customer's that production is in full swing.
View attachment 3701835
So that how they make politicians and LP CEOs - I always wondered.


Please tell me someone didnt give you some LP weed and now you have some kinda weird heart problem.

Please support the FREE MARKET so no one else develops heart problems...