The No Fly List


Well-Known Member
The No Fly List comes up all the time, especially since the Orlando Shooting. So here is the site so people can see it.

It's really weird that the TSA is symbolized by a Vulture, that is confusing.

I have heard that there are Multiple Journalists on the No Fly List and they don't know how to get their names off of it. If anyone goes through it, post any Celebrities or Politicians or other funny instances of people being on the list in this thread.


Well-Known Member
I looked threw it briefly once..its a massive list. How would we know how the name got there?
You don't. Some people are on there just because they spend a lot of time on ISIS websites. Which is funny, because there are Journalists who check for ISIS updates everyday, so if you are a Journalist who has been assigned to see what is going on with ISIS, you might end up on the list. Or if you are just a regular person that wants to know more about what is going on, you could end up on the list.


Well-Known Member
And there are news outlets in India, or the BBC for example, that share a lot more information and videos from ISIS than American news. So even just going to those news outlets and watching the videos they show you, or looking up the Hostages they talk about, etc. could possibly get someone on that list.


Well-Known Member
Or do you remember that Drone strike a few years back where everyone was saying the US has no right to Drone its own citizens who go out of the Country, because the US Droned a kid who went to look for his father after his father was killed in a Drone strike?

The father in that scenario was Anwar Al-Awlaki. He was one of the people who spread the whole idea that the West is evil because women walk around showing skin, or gay people are allowed to kiss in the streets, etc. and he later became a big part of Al Qaeda. So they droned him in Yemen I think it was, and then they droned his son.

If you watch a bunch Anwar Al-Awlaki videos, they will put you on the list.


Well-Known Member
Also, if you go to the library and start checking out a bunch of books about like the design of Modern airplanes, then start checking out a bunch of books about how to make plastic explosives, they will put you on the list.


Well-Known Member
I don't think they realize that Terrorists come from the same ideological background as conspiracy theorists.

Anyone talking about Rothchild's and Jewish bankers, and Jewish media, or how Bush and Cheney were definitely behind 9/11 and stuff like that are more likely to become Terrorists than anyone else.


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Basically Anti-Zionists. Anyone that talks about Zionism all the time, and talks about how Jews are evil. Because Terrorism really started with Palestine around the beginning of the 70s.


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And a lot of it was fueled by American and Russian Money from a proxy War in Afghanistan where "the West" gave a bunch of money to Bin Laden and others to fight Russia. Then the whole thing with Iran, it made Iran see us as only interested in Espionage, so they started funding it.


Well-Known Member
It's even possible that they could put me on the list for knowing this stuff. They literally have no idea what the difference between someone that knows this stuff, someone that believes this stuff is the way the truth and the light, and someone that will act on this stuff is. No idea.


Well-Known Member
For example, my bosses wife is Iranian and he is Indian, and we have talked about the Iranian Cu-de-ta, and the difference between the East and the West. But that's all just literally things that happen and are true. But they are scared of people knowing it.

What they should really be worried about though are the anti-Zionists who don't understand it.
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It is more likely that someone who doesn't understand this stuff and is mad about the Occupation of Palestine, or Western Countries effecting Arab countries Governments, to hear this stuff and become Radicalized when they learn it, than for someone who just wants to know about culture or who is proud of their culture to become Radicalized just because they learn it.


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That is why there are Imams who do not preach Radicalization or attempt to Radicalize their congregations, but somehow people in their congregations get radicalized. The Imam just wants to teach his people about the problems effecting their ancestral homelands, and the Anti-Zionists become Radical over it.

And ISIS completely changed a lot of stuff. They made it where if you have any problem with your own Government, you can just claim their name. No other group ever was like "Anyone who wants to be Al Qaeda just say that you are Al Qaeda".


Well-Known Member
And I'm not saying Video Games cause stuff like this, but I haven't played a lot of Video Games since I was in like Middle School and Highschool, and I recently went back to my home town to win my Religious Case, and I visited a friend and they were playing Grand Theft Auto. And again, I am not saying that Video Games cause these things, but if someone has thoughts about destroying Governments or killing Infidels, I don't think games like Grand Theft Auto help their mental state at all.