Bob Bitchen's buds

I believe between 70° - 76°f is ideal for aero rooting.
Mine stays @ 76° if I remember correctly
@Thorhax I'm of the same mind; my aerocloner was running around 82F and plants were dying left and right. Brought it down to the low 70's and the survivors perked up nicely.

good to know. i should look into a water chiller
quite a step up from frozen water bottles...

Yeah. So one idea we're kicking around for cooling the aerocloner is to set the whole thing in a shallow tub of its own, itself filled with water. The cold coil goes in the outer tub where it cools the water the cloner sits in. Convection would accomplish the rest.

It sounds kludgey, but advantages include ease of tuning the system so it won't over cool the cloner, no holes drilled into the cloner for waterlines, and the entire cloner can lift out of its bath anytime. I tried something like it once before, years ago, but I didn't get the convection part. Gave up and went to rockwool lol
This is Jammer, my new parking lot buddy begging for milk bones in the morning, he chased a bear out of one of the locals pick up bed yesterday in the broad daylight , guy had a bag of trash, I didn't see it, was down the hill, said it looked like a small guy.
Doesn't help falling asleep in your car at night in the forest.
I need to bring one of my guard dachshunds next week...20160615_071624.jpg
All I have to show is another cloner full of dead plants.
Damn man. One week in the cloner and all have roots except blueberry. Now going on 1.5wks and it's throwing stubble too. Not sure what could be your issue.

FYI. My water temps swing drastically. To cold seems to slow rooting. Too warm and bleach fixes it. Lol. I add nutes to the cloner after they have roots because I'm lazy about transplanting... so they usually stay in the cloner for way too long.

I'm sending g you good cloning vibes man