(CBRN) Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear


Well-Known Member
I think you are confused. They are just trying to get anyone they can usually. Again, I knew someone with an illegal weapons charge that he had already been sentenced for, then he had another illegal weapons charge, and his recruiter was talking to him about getting it dropped, and this was like 9 months ago.
They are weeding those recruiters out Fin. If that clown pulled strings to get your "friend" accepted; that recruiter is going to Leavenworth plus a dishonorable

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Fin, you're outsmarting yourself. Your issue is that you're convincing yourself that you know a way around it. More have tried to pull one over on the Army than your friends, and the majority of them get fragged. You have to remember that you don't know shit, especially about a completely different world you have never been to yet.

Do you know what a fragmentary order is? It's an order given when shit gets fucked up during the mission, and you have to reconsolidate and make a quick strategy on the fly. Do you know why they exist? Because you can't plan for everything. Stop trying to, especially when it's as easy as following the rules and not stepping on your own dick.


Well-Known Member
And I don't see how posting about Chemical and Biological things could in any way effect my eligibility. It's not like I post "I'm so high right now", it's all pretty informative.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
While in, you should keep those interests as much to yourself as possible. For your own good. If you're dedicated enough to jump through the hoops to get in.


Well-Known Member
Fin, you're outsmarting yourself. Your issue is that you're convincing yourself that you know a way around it. More have tried to pull one over on the Army than your friends, and the majority of them get fragged. You have to remember that you don't know shit, especially about a completely different world you have never been to yet.

Do you know what a fragmentary order is? It's an order given when shit gets fucked up during the mission, and you have to reconsolidate and make a quick strategy on the fly. Do you know why they exist? Because you can't plan for everything. Stop trying to, especially when it's as easy as following the rules and not stepping on your own dick.
I have replied to contracts for DMVs and the VA and the Child Support Enforcement Agency, I know about planning and risk and issue management, and changing plans. And I am not planning to pull anything over on the Military, I am just saying that my Social media is not going to effect my eligibility.


Well-Known Member
And I don't see how posting about Chemical and Biological things could in any way effect my eligibility. It's not like I post "I'm so high right now", it's all pretty informative.
Please show where anyone, anywhere, said that merely posting about Chemical and Biological things could effect eligibility. You understand how the internet works, right? We can actually go back and read this thread.


Well-Known Member
They are weeding those recruiters out Fin. If that clown pulled strings to get your "friend" accepted; that recruiter is going to Leavenworth plus a dishonorable
I don't need anything like that, I have 0 convictions. The other one was just an investigation and a case (I had a case #), but after everything went through the Forensics lab it was all dropped.

I'm just saying they will accept pretty much anyone who can pass a physical, I am not saying I need any strings pulled.


Well-Known Member
Please show where anyone, anywhere, said that merely posting about Chemical and Biological things could effect eligibility. You understand how the internet works, right? We can actually go back and read this thread.
That's like saying show me that none of your family members were Nazis. If they weren't then you can't show it. How about you show me where it does effect your eligibility.

You are just making up things to argue about.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
OK Fin, prove us wrong. Go to a recruiter, and tell him you want to enlist, go through the whole procedure until its time to actually sign the enlistment contract. They will reject you before then
I think Singlemalt's using the "No Balls" approach. Totally acceptable. I think if you are interested, you should go talk to a recruiter. If you're dedicated enough to get done what you need to and conform to the right standards, it'll tell. Don't prove it to us, though. If you have something to prove, prove it to yourself.


Well-Known Member
you have to go into it thinking "I will do what I have to for the person left and right of me, even if it's a temporary sacrifice of my own freedom." In CBRN, I don't think you'll be putting your life on the line, but who knows? You might get a cracked promask.
I understand that, it's like the G code, don't snitch, don't talk to police, let the streets handle it, etc. But for the people you live with directly instead of for the people that live in your neighborhood.

And then having people in charge of you etc. It's not a lot different than a gang. You get jumped in to a Gang and that's your people. I have even heard of people in Iraq jumping people when they go off base, just to prove that they are really down for them, because if they aren't willing to get jumped, then they aren't down.


Well-Known Member
I understand that, it's like the G code, don't snitch, don't talk to police, let the streets handle it, etc. But for the people you live with directly instead of for the people that live in your neighborhood.

And then having people in charge of you etc. It's not a lot different than a gang. You get jumped in to a Gang and that's your people. I have even heard of people in Iraq jumping people when they go off base, just to prove that they are really down for them, because if they aren't willing to get jumped, then they aren't down.
Are you sane? A gang?

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
I understand that, it's like the G code, don't snitch, don't talk to police, let the streets handle it, etc. But for the people you live with directly instead of for the people that live in your neighborhood.

And then having people in charge of you etc. It's not a lot different than a gang. You get jumped in to a Gang and that's your people. I have even heard of people in Iraq jumping people when they go off base, just to prove that they are really down for them, because if they aren't willing to get jumped, then they aren't down.
Actually, it's not even like that. It's more like, you're the FNG, you're a cherry fuck, so you are going to get hazed until they feel like stopping or until a newer guy comes around.


Well-Known Member
This is not the military of the Vietnam era when they did accept nearly everyone. It's a sellers market these days and the military only sells to those they need. Btw, they are downsizing again https://www.google.com/#q=us+military+downsizing+2016
There was a Draft during the Vietnam era. And they had to get rid of that because people didn't want to be in the Military, and now there is no Draft. They will take anyone willing to go.


Well-Known Member
Actually, it's not even like that. It's more like, you're the FNG, you're a cherry fuck, so you are going to get hazed until they feel like stopping or until a newer guy comes around.
You guys are just keyboard assholes on this website, no one else acts like this to me. In highschool I was pretty well known and most people liked me. I have lived in pretty ghetto places, and in Mexico. You guys just troll me, in real life you wouldn't act like you do. No one else does.