Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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Well-Known Member
Ok, here is one for you guys. Say It is June and we are one side of the sun and six months later we are on the other side of the sun as we have supposedly revolved around to the other side of the sun. Why don't we have to change our clocks by 12 hours during this period. Night would be day and day would be night every six months if the earth was a ball revolving around the sun. Not to mention we have moved about 450000000 miles, how in the world are we still seeing the north star exactly above the pole still?


Well-Known Member
The pictures are from two completely different areas. What was the air density, refractive index and temperature of both places? What are the longitude and latitude of both places?
Those mean jack shit on a moon that is 258000 miles away for such a visual difference. You are really reaching for straws.


Well-Known Member
No they don't; you know nothing of optics. BTW, how do you know the moon is 258000mi away? Who told you that figure? Why do you accept it?
I don't accept that figure, I think its only about 1000 to 3000 miles high and naturally much smaller that what we are told. The figure from the ball earth theory I plugged in from memory but apparently it is 238,000 miles away according to what those fraudsters NASA say. I can say that because they have been caught committing fraud with the blue marble photo. Shall I submit the video evidence of their fraud for your consideration?


Well-Known Member
Anybody want to handle this question?

Ok, here is one for you guys. Say It is June and we are one side of the sun and six months later we are on the other side of the sun as we have supposedly revolved around to the other side of the sun. Why don't we have to change our clocks by 12 hours during this period. Night would be day and day would be night every six months if the earth was a ball revolving around the sun. Not to mention we have moved about 450000000 miles, how in the world are we still seeing the north star exactly above the pole still?


Well-Known Member
If you don't believe the 240K mileage and maintain it is 3000mi then you just gutted your earlier premise that those factors I listed above are irrelevant due to the extreme distance.
The extreme distance is your argument not mine. I'm the flat earther here, not the ball earther. Your model of the round earth claims it is at such large distances. Reread my posts and consider what I said.
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