The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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I would say at least a lot of Black Panthers are racist not reverse just racist. Not sure too much about Malcolm X though a little racist I guess but very understandable in that time. Muhammad Ali was a much better black rights activist IMO. But the best black person in history IMO is Martin Luther King he was not racist and a great man I just wish his dream would come true we will prosper much more in this country.

We are all humans no matter the race and we should be equals which we are somewhat but the biggest problems IMO are Aryans, Black Panthers and just plain racist blacks and whites. It is achievable just drop that blacklivesmatter and unite as one against the government we need unity.

Divided we fail. Sure black people are more often shot but no unarmed man should be killed by police!! We must stand together against police corruption and brutality I will go to an anti police state rally but not Blacklivesmatter. As #allhumanitymatters even Arabs especially the innocent civilians our government kills I would love to unite with them as well in a global revolution of absolute freedom but damn sure not Sharia law.

We don't need countries it's our planet.

Thanks for the feedback, however I was not directing that question to you.
she's a large lady.


Come onnnnnnn, for real? This is from some sort of costume party/cosplay, right? ......Right? Y-i-k-e-s!

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Looks like white trash fantasyland, got the obligatory dumbfuck flag and everything...just look at those faces and outfits.... "We gunna GIT them NIGRAS n' QUEERS this time, Billy Earl!! I got mah pistols loaded, mah 'sault rifle, and some a dat strong hangin rope!!"
impale yourself shitgibbon.

That's very unfair and unkind of you to say.

Gibbons are lovely creatures, real forest deities, and should never be linked with Drumpf-sucking, corn-fed, trailer trash, sick minded, texas ranger-blowing, vile, gun nut, inbred 'murican trash, tsk tsk tsk....

"We're watching you, even now, and you are ruining the planet!!"

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"Huh, I had CORN yesterday?? No way!"

Ever notice how sexist and misogynist language is freely employed by those opposing Hillary? It's as if liberals have turned back the clock in social discourse and think it's ok for them to call Hillary a witch, bitch, cunt, you name it, but heaven forbid if people outside the clique fail to speak in gender-free language.

I came across this description of Bernie's core support:

The Racist Roots of Bernie’s Sexist Tree

Bernie Sanders’ most robust group of supporters is white males, labeled “Bernie Bros“ by the Atlantic, and described as “flustered, shouting, white guys.” The Bernie Bros are predominately young, white, liberal males who’ve demonstrated a pattern of sending derogatory and misogynistic messages to Clinton supporters (or anyone who disagrees with Sanders).” express their grievances with Hillary in sexist ways mostly through their sanctimonious, lecturing, hectoring tone.

And the post ends with this description of this idea that casting a vote that either indirectly or directly installs Trump and the new Fascist GOP base in the White-House would be a noble act and "sends a message". It's OK because white supremacists are not a threat to white liberal men.


A prime example of this entitlement is the “Bernie or Bust” movement to either a) not vote at all or b) vote for Trump if Hillary wins the nomination. “Bernie or Bust” is a stance based on privilege, since the sexist, racist policies of Trump will hardly affect their white male lives.Over 58,000 people have pledged to write-in Bernie’s name in the general election if he loses the Democratic nomination. They describe themselves as “Revolting against Plutocracy.” Ironically, in reality, their stance will (as Bill Maher said) “help elect a plutocrat (Trump) who is revolting.”
Ever notice how sexist and misogynist language is freely employed by those opposing Hillary? It's as if liberals have turned back the clock in social discourse and think it's ok for them to call Hillary a witch, bitch, cunt, you name it, but heaven forbid if people outside the clique fail to speak in gender-free language.

I came across this description of Bernie's core support:

The Racist Roots of Bernie’s Sexist Tree

Bernie Sanders’ most robust group of supporters is white males, labeled “Bernie Bros“ by the Atlantic, and described as “flustered, shouting, white guys.” The Bernie Bros are predominately young, white, liberal males who’ve demonstrated a pattern of sending derogatory and misogynistic messages to Clinton supporters (or anyone who disagrees with Sanders).” express their grievances with Hillary in sexist ways mostly through their sanctimonious, lecturing, hectoring tone.

And the post ends with this description of this idea that casting a vote that either indirectly or directly installs Trump and the new Fascist GOP base in the White-House would be a noble act and "sends a message". It's OK because white supremacists are not a threat to white liberal men.


A prime example of this entitlement is the “Bernie or Bust” movement to either a) not vote at all or b) vote for Trump if Hillary wins the nomination. “Bernie or Bust” is a stance based on privilege, since the sexist, racist policies of Trump will hardly affect their white male lives.Over 58,000 people have pledged to write-in Bernie’s name in the general election if he loses the Democratic nomination. They describe themselves as “Revolting against Plutocracy.” Ironically, in reality, their stance will (as Bill Maher said) “help elect a plutocrat (Trump) who is revolting.”

What a big stinking pile of guilt trip baggage this is.

I have every right to vote my conscience.

The Chump will be elected by people who vote for him, and I will not accept any responsibility for such a turn of events just because I didn't vote for Shillary. That's not a racist or exist moniker, it's 'classist'. Because I'm sick of our classist system, where the rich get whatever they want and those who aren't see their voices eroded or ignored.

So you go right ahead and vote for 'more of the same'. I'm not doing it. And I won't feel a damn bit guilty about it, either.

But nice try!
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What a big stinking pile of guilt trip baggage this is.

I have every right to vote my conscience.

The Chump will be elected by people who vote for him, and I will not accept any responsibility for such a turn of events just because I didn't vote for Shillary. That's not a racist or exist moniker, it's 'classist'. Because I'm sick of our classist system, where the rich run scrutiny and those who aren't rich see their voices eroded or ignored.

So you go right ahead and vote for 'more of the same'.

It is a pile of crap, and deranged. However, it is fun to watch lefties girlishly slap fighting among themselves.
What a big stinking pile of guilt trip baggage this is.

I have every right to vote my conscience.

The Chump will be elected by people who vote for him, and I will not accept any responsibility for such a turn of events just because I didn't vote for Shillary. That's not a racist or exist moniker, it's 'classist'. Because I'm sick of our classist system, where the rich run scrutiny and those who aren't rich see their voices eroded or ignored.

So you go right ahead and vote for 'more of the same'.
The guilt is not on my end. I'm just pointing out that people can be depended upon to vote in their own interest and I don't see many members of the delegation that is non-white considering a Trump presidency an acceptable outcome. Blacks, Hispanics and women are supporting Hillary by wide margins. White men, they seem to think that Trump is more acceptable. Even Bernie Babies.

Bringing in Trump will achieve your ends how?
If you actually read what Ty and I are debating, you will see an entirely different style than the monosyllabic racist garbage you vomit out your ass. Ours isn't a fight at all.

Don't get your panties in a wad, FD. You having a hot flash, or something?

I wasn't referring to your girlish antics, I was talking about the hysterics of the BernOuts and the Hitlaryites.
If you actually read what Ty and I are debating, you will see an entirely different style than the monosyllabic racist garbage you vomit out your ass. Ours isn't a fight at all.

C'mon now, you aren't expecting him to comprehend that, are you? Maybe if you SHOUTED it while shooting off fireworks/revving a truck engine/wearing a Nascar shirt he might get it.
Also, yelling "SUNDAY! SUNDAY! SUNDAY!!!" is a good way to get his attention.

If you REALLY want his undivided attention you could try putting a nude pic of Chuck Norris in the loop of a rope snare....he'd pounce within minutes!
Don't get your panties in a wad, FD. You having a hot flash, or something?

I wasn't referring to your girlish antics, I was talking about the hysterics of the BernOuts and the Hitlaryites.

In the name of helping you make a breakthrough, I went ahead and grabbed this info for you just in case you feel up to a bit of self-diagnosis...

A man who gains sexual pleasure in the knowledge that his wife has made love or is making love to other men. Cuckolds are usually submissive, often have a small penis, suffer from premature ejaculation, 'enjoy' sexual humiliation and are rarely able to satisfy their wives.
Neville's wife first cuckolded him almost thirty years ago. He could not bring her to orgasm, only has a tiny (3") penis, and my friend, Chris, becamed her lover and moved into our house. For two months, until the affair ended, I slept in the spare room and listened to her groans and grunts of pleasure and, worst / best of all, calling his name."
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