Well-Known Member
I would say at least a lot of Black Panthers are racist not reverse just racist. Not sure too much about Malcolm X though a little racist I guess but very understandable in that time. Muhammad Ali was a much better black rights activist IMO. But the best black person in history IMO is Martin Luther King he was not racist and a great man I just wish his dream would come true we will prosper much more in this country.
We are all humans no matter the race and we should be equals which we are somewhat but the biggest problems IMO are Aryans, Black Panthers and just plain racist blacks and whites. It is achievable just drop that blacklivesmatter and unite as one against the government we need unity.
Divided we fail. Sure black people are more often shot but no unarmed man should be killed by police!! We must stand together against police corruption and brutality I will go to an anti police state rally but not Blacklivesmatter. As #allhumanitymatters even Arabs especially the innocent civilians our government kills I would love to unite with them as well in a global revolution of absolute freedom but damn sure not Sharia law.
We don't need countries it's our planet.
Thanks for the feedback, however I was not directing that question to you.