US Federal Judge: US Constitution has no value


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Eh, six of one, half dozen of the other...same evil empire at the end of the day....
I don't know, man. A friend who turns on people to save their skin is lower on my scale of humanity. Cops are to rat informants as the turd is to maggots feeding on it. Both are foul but one is actively eating the shit.


Well-Known Member
I don't know, man. A friend who turns on people to save their skin is lower on my scale of humanity. Cops are to rat informants as the turd is to maggots feeding on it. Both are foul but one is actively eating the shit.
(Most piggies are 'rat informants', was my point....crooked as roach legs, always on the take from BOTH sides of the squad car/desk. ;))

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
A rather interesting position for a federal judge, who is probably on the short list for a SCOTUS position.

"Seventh Circuit Judge Richard Posner sees “absolutely no value” in studying the U.S. Constitution because “eighteenth-century guys” couldn’t have possibly foreseen the culture and technology of today."
So basically they are finally starting to acknowledge a fact that we all knew already. Maybe people will finally realize that "Tradition" is a garbage reason to do something, and we can actually decide for ourselves now what rights people should have and what should and should not be allowed, rather than trying to figure out what some guys hundreds of years ago thought should be the case.


Well-Known Member
So basically they are finally starting to acknowledge a fact that we all knew already. Maybe people will finally realize that "Tradition" is a garbage reason to do something, and we can actually decide for ourselves now what rights people should have and what should and should not be allowed, rather than trying to figure out what some guys hundreds of years ago thought should be the case.
The purpose of the Supreme Court is to make the necessary adjustments to the Constitution. Our right wing feels the constitution is holy and take it as literal gospel. This is the innuendo that DD was making -- that judges must be constrained by the literal word of the constitution and that judge is in the wrong for what he said. What that judge was quoted as saying was probably taken out of context. My guess is that the judge was saying basically that the Constitution should be reviewed and interpreted in the context of today's world, not the one that existed more than 200 years ago.

A new Constitutional Convention would be a real mess. What we have now is good enough, so long as we use the whole Constitution, not just the parts right wingers quote AND the history of laws and court rulings that over time keep the Constitution relevant. US democracy is challenged by undue influence of the wealthy but I'd prefer we not just yet tear up our current legal and political process.
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Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
*Bigots, religious zealots, slave owners, products of incest, rapists....
Ehhh, not all of them. Hamilton in particular never owned slaves and was fervently opposed to slavery. Quoting Chernow: "[Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens] were both unwavering abolitionists who saw emancipation of the slaves as an inseparable part of the struggle for freedom", and as far as I know Hamilton never raped anyone. And Jefferson was hardly a religious zealot, since he removed all mention of miracles and divinity from his version of the new testament. But even the best of them still knew very little about the world when compared to the vast amounts of knowledge we now have at our fingertips, and we should not treat their ideas as unquestionably right, and certainly not try to apply them literally to the world as it exists now (which is pretty much an alien planet compared to the world that the founding fathers lived in).

desert dude

Well-Known Member
So basically they are finally starting to acknowledge a fact that we all knew already. Maybe people will finally realize that "Tradition" is a garbage reason to do something, and we can actually decide for ourselves now what rights people should have and what should and should not be allowed, rather than trying to figure out what some guys hundreds of years ago thought should be the case.
That is the great thing about the constitution. All you have to do is read.

Now days, you have to figure out whether you are on the secret list that authorizes the government to persecute you.

I wonder what rights President Trump will allow you to have?


Well-Known Member
wait, what? A cop? I thought he was a rat informant.
no, he's a cop. or a wnnabe cop that never made the force due to having zimmerman-esque personality disorders. he studied criminal justice then went to napa JC, which is a cop college for correction officers and cops and whatnot.

he's a real scumbag.


Well-Known Member
That is the great thing about the constitution. All you have to do is read.

Now days, you have to figure out whether you are on the secret list that authorizes the government to persecute you.

I wonder what rights President Trump will allow you to have?
You don't get to both support the Constitution and support Trump, he's expressed opinions that trample on multiple rights protected by the Constitution