The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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Well-Known Member
I voted for Bernie in our state primary, but Bernie has NONE chance of winning the nomination & I cannot allow myself to vote for Trump & will use my vote to keep him out of office. Hilly may not be perfect, but she ain't Trump...
No disagreements from me.


Well-Known Member
Founding fathers are turning in their graves just watching me walk down the street. Fuck the founding fathers.
We need to stop judging people on the basis of skin color. Ending racial discrimination will help unite us for the battle against those who REALLY profit from our continual distraction; the elite and increasingly elitist.

One of America's founding principles was the idea that we as a nation were through with aristocracy. I think it's just as valid a foundational principle now as it ever was.


Well-Known Member
We need to stop judging people on the basis of skin color. Ending racial discrimination will help unite us for the battle against those who REALLY profit from our continual distraction; the elite and increasingly elitist.

One of America's founding principles was the idea that we as a nation were through with aristocracy. I think it's just as valid a foundational principle now as it ever was.
I completely agree (in theory). I just don't put any stock in anything regarding the "founding fathers", as I view them as vile pieces of shit.


Well-Known Member
I completely agree (in theory). I just don't put any stock in anything regarding the "founding fathers", as I view them as vile pieces of shit.
I'll credit them for making a good start. However, it's up to us now and I don't see recreating the world they lived in to be any kind of solution to our current problems.


Well-Known Member
I'll credit them for making a good start. However, it's up to us now and I don't see recreating the world they lived in to be any kind of solution to our current problems.
They did well for those with whom they'd intended. I will give them that.
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Well-Known Member
They did well for those with whom they intended. I will give them that.
Yes. It is a credit to our nation that we've steadily expanded the scope of 'the intended' ever since.

I'm not disputing the fact that we've a long way to go to end discrimination in this county, racial and otherwise.

But progress has been made in the intervening 235 years and it's up to us- people like you and me- to continue that historical trend.

As we've seen, it certainly won't do it by itself.


Well-Known Member
Why does 'intent' matter when Clinton breaks the law but not when Snowden broke the law?

The FBI says Clinton's intent was clear, that she didn't intend to damage the US, I believe that

But Edward Snowden released the information as a whistleblower, his intent is crystal clear, he did not intend to hurt the US, the same as Clinton. So why is he forced to maintain asylum in Russia to avoid prosecution from the exact same justice system?


Well-Known Member
most of the things Hillary is being accused of are violations of protocol & policy, & the sanctions for violations are for people still working & not after the fact. If she was still SOS they could have sanctioned her, but not after the fact....


Well-Known Member
most of the things Hillary is being accused of are violations of protocol & policy, & the sanctions for violations are for people still working & not after the fact. If she was still SOS they could have sanctioned her, but not after the fact....
So you're saying the sanctions (consequences) for Clinton's actions are different than the sanctions for Snowden's actions?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I voted for Bernie in our state primary, but Bernie has NONE chance of winning the nomination & I cannot allow myself to vote for Trump & will use my vote to keep him out of office. Hilly may not be perfect, but she ain't Trump...
Which is worse?

Disgusting on the outside, or disgusting on the inside.

Trump 2016 Hillary 2016
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