The recent violence against police

Black lives matter. Down with racism. Skin color must not be a basis for discrimination.

White, black, brown, yellow, red, etc, we are all people with a contribution to make, and deserving of respect and rights.

BLUE lives matter. Most are there to do good for their community. We need to make sure they aren't being encouraged or forced to violate people's rights and that they're held to high standards of conduct, and then we need to support 'them' as who they really are; 'us'. People who live here trying to keep the peace and protect the innocent.

Cops aren't 'them'. To the extent we characterize them in ways that dehumanize them, we make their jobs harder and more dangerous. And that's more dangerous for everyone.
The psychology to even want to be a cop is strange to me. I want to be a civil servant that bosses people around, use deadly weapons, and put my life on the line for very little money. Ime, most great leaders and people with authority use their power very reluctantly. There has been nothing reluctant about most cops I've had run-ins with, it seems they really get off on it. Most frightening is that they seem to care not so much what the actual laws state, what they REALLY seem to care about is that you do exactly what they say, how and when they say it. This is true even when the civilian is unarmed. The actual law seems of a much lower priority to them, and local cops seem shockingly ignorant of many local laws. I've been beaten by police, had my money and possessions stolen by them right in front of me, and I've had my life threatened by them. All of this as I was unarmed and being polite, and I am mostly white. I have never had a police officer help me or my family, or come to our aid. Most times I feel much better about a confrontation with thugs than with the police, as police in essence have a license to kill and easily cover their asses. And what happens to most of these cops when they murder? A paid vacation, ime. Unless video is being taken (which they do not like and seem to take great measures to prohibit) it's your word against theirs. Who is the courts going to believe? If they were rountinely fired, or prosecuted, or faced any kind of actual negative consequences for their misdeeds, that would be just. But they rarely do. In Chicago, many cops carry what they call a 'Ham Sandwich'. This is a gun that they carry around just in case, to plant on someone they may murder accidentally or otherwise. In the last few years here, there has been many cases (and video) of dudes being shot in the back multiple times as they attempted to get away from harassing cops, and they were clearly unarmed. Now, I'm not saying the sniping of police is a good thing, but people are getting sick and tired of living in fear of police, and of being murdered with little or no consequence. Let's be real, it's not respect, it's fear. If the police don't start doling out consequences to their own bad apples, it seems that civilians may. Is it really that surprising?
The psychology to even want to be a cop is strange to me. I want to be a civil servant that bosses people around, use deadly weapons, and put my life on the line for very little money. Ime, most great leaders and people with authority use their power very reluctantly. There has been nothing reluctant about most cops I've had run-ins with, it seems they really get off on it. Most frightening is that they seem to care not so much what the actual laws state, what they REALLY seem to care about is that you do exactly what they say, how and when they say it. This is true even when the civilian is unarmed. The actual law seems of a much lower priority to them, and local cops seem shockingly ignorant of many local laws. I've been beaten by police, had my money and possessions stolen by them right in front of me, and I've had my life threatened by them. All of this as I was unarmed and being polite, and I am mostly white. I have never had a police officer help me or my family, or come to our aid. Most times I feel much better about a confrontation with thugs than with the police, as police in essence have a license to kill and easily cover their asses. And what happens to most of these cops when they murder? A paid vacation, ime. Unless video is being taken (which they do not like and seem to take great measures to prohibit) it's your word against theirs. Who is the courts going to believe? If they were rountinely fired, or prosecuted, or faced any kind of actual negative consequences for their misdeeds, that would be just. But they rarely do. In Chicago, many cops carry what they call a 'Ham Sandwich'. This is a gun that they carry around just in case, to plant on someone they may murder accidentally or otherwise. In the last few years here, there has been many cases (and video) of dudes being shot in the back multiple times as they attempted to get away from harassing cops, and they were clearly unarmed. Now, I'm not saying the sniping of police is a good thing, but people are getting sick and tired of living in fear of police, and of being murdered with little or no consequence. Let's be real, it's not respect, it's fear. If the police don't start doling out consequences to their own bad apples, it seems that civilians may. Is it really that surprising?
Bro that's the best post I think I've ever seen on here.. IME you are exactly right.. And yeah every time something happens, it's paid vacation time..smh why should they act right? They don't follow the very law they uphold.
The psychology to even want to be a cop is strange to me. I want to be a civil servant that bosses people around, use deadly weapons, and put my life on the line for very little money. Ime, most great leaders and people with authority use their power very reluctantly. There has been nothing reluctant about most cops I've had run-ins with, it seems they really get off on it. Most frightening is that they seem to care not so much what the actual laws state, what they REALLY seem to care about is that you do exactly what they say, how and when they say it. This is true even when the civilian is unarmed. The actual law seems of a much lower priority to them, and local cops seem shockingly ignorant of many local laws. I've been beaten by police, had my money and possessions stolen by them right in front of me, and I've had my life threatened by them. All of this as I was unarmed and being polite, and I am mostly white. I have never had a police officer help me or my family, or come to our aid. Most times I feel much better about a confrontation with thugs than with the police, as police in essence have a license to kill and easily cover their asses. And what happens to most of these cops when they murder? A paid vacation, ime. Unless video is being taken (which they do not like and seem to take great measures to prohibit) it's your word against theirs. Who is the courts going to believe? If they were rountinely fired, or prosecuted, or faced any kind of actual negative consequences for their misdeeds, that would be just. But they rarely do. In Chicago, many cops carry what they call a 'Ham Sandwich'. This is a gun that they carry around just in case, to plant on someone they may murder accidentally or otherwise. In the last few years here, there has been many cases (and video) of dudes being shot in the back multiple times as they attempted to get away from harassing cops, and they were clearly unarmed. Now, I'm not saying the sniping of police is a good thing, but people are getting sick and tired of living in fear of police, and of being murdered with little or no consequence. Let's be real, it's not respect, it's fear. If the police don't start doling out consequences to their own bad apples, it seems that civilians may. Is it really that surprising?

Nailed it first sentence. That mindset drives the appalling behavior. I've had my own experience w/ police that has completely changed my views and I will now tape any future interactions, even a traffic stop. I am now very aware of my rights (and yes @tyler.durden some cops aren't as I found out the hard way) and will conduct myself accordingly.

Sadly many are still under the erroneous impression that we "need more police" and that they actually have our best interests at heart. Dead wrong folks. More government run agencies are what we DON'T need. So many interactions and disputes should be able to be resolved among the people involved. Our right to defend ourselves is slowly eroding away.
Please quote to me a single racist point found in this post. This data is extracted directly from US government data sheets if you think factual information is racism then I can't help you any further.
i always thought it was hella funny how people think that because its in a book or it comes from a gov data sheet or studies that means its the truth. this world revolves around money and there is no money telling the truth. just my opinion. i think everything the gov does and says is a lie. i see the truth with my own eyes everyday
The psychology to even want to be a cop is strange to me. I want to be a civil servant that bosses people around, use deadly weapons, and put my life on the line for very little money. Ime, most great leaders and people with authority use their power very reluctantly. There has been nothing reluctant about most cops I've had run-ins with, it seems they really get off on it. Most frightening is that they seem to care not so much what the actual laws state, what they REALLY seem to care about is that you do exactly what they say, how and when they say it. This is true even when the civilian is unarmed. The actual law seems of a much lower priority to them, and local cops seem shockingly ignorant of many local laws. I've been beaten by police, had my money and possessions stolen by them right in front of me, and I've had my life threatened by them. All of this as I was unarmed and being polite, and I am mostly white. I have never had a police officer help me or my family, or come to our aid. Most times I feel much better about a confrontation with thugs than with the police, as police in essence have a license to kill and easily cover their asses. And what happens to most of these cops when they murder? A paid vacation, ime. Unless video is being taken (which they do not like and seem to take great measures to prohibit) it's your word against theirs. Who is the courts going to believe? If they were rountinely fired, or prosecuted, or faced any kind of actual negative consequences for their misdeeds, that would be just. But they rarely do. In Chicago, many cops carry what they call a 'Ham Sandwich'. This is a gun that they carry around just in case, to plant on someone they may murder accidentally or otherwise. In the last few years here, there has been many cases (and video) of dudes being shot in the back multiple times as they attempted to get away from harassing cops, and they were clearly unarmed. Now, I'm not saying the sniping of police is a good thing, but people are getting sick and tired of living in fear of police, and of being murdered with little or no consequence. Let's be real, it's not respect, it's fear. If the police don't start doling out consequences to their own bad apples, it seems that civilians may. Is it really that surprising?

omg. + fn rep dammit!! i thought i was the only one tyler.

yeaaaa cops is and always has been my fav show to watch so ive seen countless police interactions there and in real life . i have 3 aquantances that are police officers, i know a few more than that. and yea im sorry , i dont trust a cop any more than a gang banger or a serial killer. i dgaf what anyone says to even want to be a cop is fn nuts, not brave, nuts. every cop says i want to help make things better or make a difference. 90% of the job is arresting people and writing people up. my folks i went to hs with flat out said it, he loves fighting and drama, he said well i can be a cop and get paid for it rather than getting arrested. hes now a concord ca pd officer with 2 'justified' shootings under his belt. thats the mindset that creates the proplem we have today. its a superiority complex. i think to be a cop u are ok with killing people, u are ok with tearing apart families and putting people into debt. who the f wants that? that shit aint normal, to want to be someone in that position for crap pay. i dunno man thats my big prob cus even i want to believe that there are good ppl who are cops but in the end, the system of policing or the "book" itself is all wrong and fucked up so how can u be a good cop while CHOSING to get paid by a corrupt organization.
@UncleBuck . Funny how anytime someone gets the best of you, you report them for spam. The first video is of a Black Lives Matter leader.
UncleBuck = obvious "small minded" snitch. << it's deeply embedded in a certain type.
UncleBuck like the queen in that video, you spew shit 24/7 and stir it up .
You can find 100's of videos like these, even a new Facebook page called " Fuck12 ", celebrating the shooting and killing of white cops. I, as an American, find such sites, and post totally disgusting.
Black Lives Matter & the KKK .... Same stupid, racist people, calling for the murder of the other. Both need to be dismantled, and those individuals (of either group) encouraging others to kill, should be locked up, period.
Ignoring the problem, never solves it. Oh, I almost forgot, you're a HillaryBot, you're accustomed to ignoring the truth, and believing only what certain people tell you.
Now rant on SJW UncleBuck, if you run out of things to say, just use a few of these scripted ones:


download (39).jpeg
Ok, first off I'm no fan of the cops. I can't stand most of them, but they serve a necessary purpose. Life without them, would be much worst.

Next, life isn't fair. My father taught me to respect the police, even if I didn't like them. If they say, hands on the steering wheel, that's where they go. If they say get out of the car, I get out slowly, with my hands in clear sight. What seems to be left out of a lot of these Whitey the Cop killed a person of color reports is the bulk of what happened before the trigger got pulled.

Most of the people, both black and white, where not cooperating or acting aggressively. I said Most, not All. This is where the Black Lives Matter leaders calling for Killing Cops, are getting it completely wrong.

When the cops fuck up, and kill someone who clearly didn't have it coming, because the cop overreacted, that's a senseless, unjustified killing, a murder. When people kill cops because some guy a state or two over gets killed, it's the same stupid shit. A senseless, unjustified killing, a murder.

Do the shitheads, at Black Lives Matter, calling for the killing of cops, really think killing innocent cops will stop Black men from being killed by the cops ?

No you clueless shit heads, it will only ramp up how cops behave. After all you idiots just declared War on them. It will only make things worst, much worst, mark my word.

3 % of all the whites killed by cops were unarmed. 3 % of all the blacks killed by cops are unarmed. 97 % of the time, the person the cop is actually going up against is armed. Of those the FBI says 83 % are openly threatening to kill someone. Now, I know folks are going to say the FBI lies. Sure, everyone lies. The system isn't perfect, and numbers can be manipulated.

The truth still remains, living in the USA is much safer than most other countries. No country on the face of the earth is 100 % fair in their dealings with anyone.

It's wrong of people to jump to conclusions who weren't actual witnesses to these events. The Alton Sterling video, doesn't tell you Police were called to a quickie stop store, for a report of a man selling cd's, in a red shirt, who pulled a gun and pointed it at a person he had a disagreement with. No one was recording as Alton refused to comply with the cops instructions, it doesn't show him having to be tazzed twice, before they physically took him to the ground. And no one except the two officers trying to get him into cuffs, saw where his right hand was, and if he was grabbing for that gun in his pocket.

The gun, no convicted felon is supposed to have. So let's review, the cops were sent to the store because someone pulled a gun and pointed it at another during an argument. They tried to talk him into cooperating first (that didn't work), next they tazzed him, and tried to get cuffs on him (that didn't work), they tazzed him a 2nd time (that didn't work), last straw it got physical (that's where the video picks up). I say let the FBI investigate it, and if the cops where in the wrong, put their asses in prison for life, or fry em'.

Killing the cops in Dallas has now made life harder for all of us. This is the dumbest, most unjustified shit I've ever seen in my life. Obama, a fan of Black Lives Matter, will be right there, telling us all how he's going to make America safer, by taking all our guns. It's the same old Demo-crackhead agenda, let's take all the guns, so only we the elite, the military, and the cops have em'. Then we can rule over you peasants, and you'll never be able to fight back. Our position will be so strong with gun control, we'll rule your asses anyway we see fit, after all, what you going to do about it. Free speech will be next.

BLM has CONDEMNED the killing of police.
Black lives matter. Down with racism. Skin color must not be a basis for discrimination.

White, black, brown, yellow, red, etc, we are all people with a contribution to make, and deserving of respect and rights.

BLUE lives matter. Most are there to do good for their community. We need to make sure they aren't being encouraged or forced to violate people's rights and that they're held to high standards of conduct, and then we need to support 'them' as who they really are; 'us'. People who live here trying to keep the peace and protect the innocent.

Cops aren't 'them'. To the extent we characterize them in ways that dehumanize them, we make their jobs harder and more dangerous. And that's more dangerous for everyone.

Unfortunately, there are folks on this site that are absolutely giddy over the recent slaughter of the officers killed and wounded recently.
i have no respect for cops but what happened to the officers in dallas was as wrong as wrong gets. as much as i despise the blues, no human deserves to be gunned down like that with acceptions

This guy would disagree with you.

Should be the end of his life. Time to martyr some of these vicious pigs in public stadiums to get the point across that ENOUGH is ENOUGH.

Fucking nazis and their 'blue wall of silence'....I'll be there, laughing, when the boots of the revolution CRUSH your skulls into the fucking pavement....
Unfortunately, there are folks on this site that are absolutely giddy over the recent slaughter of the officers killed and wounded recently.

Then they're pretty fucking stupid. Just sayin'

The lemmings' cliff awaits any society that thinks it's okay to murder people because of race, religion or public service.
Cops have been getting worse and worse since the '80's.

I got busted with slightly under an oz. in '75. I was with 2 friends, one got busted also with the same thing, under an oz. Cop pulls me over after a turn, turn signal light burned out. Another up shows up and makes us drive to the station between the 2 cop cars. They detain us 2 hours, confiscate the weed and got (lol.) 20 packs of rolling papers, a pipe made out of a tree trunk, and a couple joint cases out of my car.

We were ultimately released and fined $183 for disorderly conduct with 'controlled substance' written on the citations. The local magistrate Insisted we sign papers that we'd never apply for jobs as cops. Lol. And then police chief says, 'wait till your parents find out about this'. We were 20 and 21 at the time.

That would never go down like that today. Never. They got $326 out of us that night.
Today they'd get $5000 a head minimum plus legal fees, court costs and definately jail at least for a few hours.

Little stuff like this is a pure money maker now...The war on drugs is a farce that makes cops eyes light up. Money money money. Local cops here actually openly say shit like, "federal budget cuts will be made up by us...we'll raise the lost revenue with traffic violation stops since they tend to lead to other things."

Rest assured they all think like that.
Cops have been getting worse and worse since the '80's.

I got busted with slightly under an oz. in '75. I was with 2 friends, one got busted also with the same thing, under an oz. Cop pulls me over after a turn, turn signal light burned out. Another up shows up and makes us drive to the station between the 2 cop cars. They detain us 2 hours, confiscate the weed and got (lol.) 20 packs of rolling papers, a pipe made out of a tree trunk, and a couple joint cases out of my car.

We were ultimately released and fined $183 for disorderly conduct with 'controlled substance' written on the citations. The local magistrate Insisted we sign papers that we'd never apply for jobs as cops. Lol. And then police chief says, 'wait till your parents find out about this'. We were 20 and 21 at the time.

That would never go down like that today. Never. They got $326 out of us that night.
Today they'd get $5000 a head minimum plus legal fees, court costs and definately jail at least for a few hours.

Little stuff like this is a pure money maker now...The war on drugs is a farce that makes cops eyes light up. Money money money. Local cops here actually openly say shit like, "federal budget cuts will be made up by us...we'll raise the lost revenue with traffic violation stops since they tend to lead to other things."

Rest assured they all think like that.
Looky what they do in Oklahoma now: