Let's treat everyone, even the cops, like human beings, for once, and see how that works. There are a lot of shit cops, because there are a lot of shit humans. I have no love lost on law enforcement, but dehumanization of "the others" is how we end of up with problems like the Dallas shootings, not how we solve them. For fuck's sake, we're all, every one of us, just smoking monkeys with shoes. If I gave you a sandwich that was 96% shit and 4% ham and called it a ham sandwich, you'd probably disagree. But we have that much DNA in common with Chimpanzees and Bonobos, 96%. Smoking fucking monkeys. Let's forgive ourselves, and each other, and try to humanize all the other smoking monkeys with motivations and back-stories we do not nor will not ever understand. It literally is the only way to start mitigating some of the deeper injustices of our culture without creating new ones. Unless someone has a better idea?
Pro-Tip: Empathy gives one super-powers.