White people understand the cops are there to mostly help are are not interested in a war against our own communities.
Cops shoot more white people than black people but to make the statistics look scary they are put in 'per capita' (per thousand or ten thousand) so it inflates it to make it look worse. And the government is making sure people are too stupid to know what per capita is by ruining the school system.
I don't understand that cops are here mostly to help. I seem to think they are trying to meet a quota and I also know many cops are dirty I have a friend who has a cop in the family, he said his cousin searched a car and found nothing another cop grabbed drugs out of the car right off and then he left the scene.
I've also seen video proof of police planting drugs.
I had a cop threaten to kill me and all I did was not rat. I even had a cop threaten to arrest me for not ratting on a theft of a 40oz at like 14. Lol, And they tried to get me to talk many other times.
I've had cops tell me they had witnesses of both crimes I didn't and did commit but my Father did tell me one thing "don't ever speak to police without a lawyer and never admit guilt"
Something tells me my father didn't trust the police. My dad never called the police either and I've never called the police did call 911 for a pretty bad accident on my property though but I asked the guy if he had drugs first. Lol