Well-Known Member
Prettttttty much....
Hey, speaking of lunatic right wing filth in line to be banned....
When the day comes that people on this forum get banned simply because the mods disagree with them then I welcome it...
Prettttttty much....
Hey, speaking of lunatic right wing filth in line to be banned....
Again with that bullshit. You have a half Peruvian idiot here spouting some of the same shit ZImmeman used to justify his shooting and you continue. You're an idiot. Are you surprises the shit you post gets dismissed so quickly?
How are background checks against people on no fly lists keeping guns from you. It's a no fly list not a no idiot list. You can still buy guns all day.Did you hear there was a terrorist attack in France? I hear over 70 are dead... They did it with a truck you know...
How is restricting guns in America going to make people safer from large vehicles?
How are background checks against people on no fly lists keeping guns from you. It's a no fly list not a no idiot list. You can still buy guns all day.
How exactly do you compare more than 30K deaths per year in America because of the lack of adequate gun control regulation to a terrorist attack in France committed with a truck?
Should we go open up the Paris shooting thread that took place last November? That was committed with guns and bombs, so does the logic you're trying to use here against the argument that better gun control regulation in America wouldn't affect the number of deaths apply too? I bet it doesn't..
You're trying to use another terrorist attack in France to politicize the gun control argument in America
What is it with you people that causes you to hate me so much?
I quit the abusive language here months are a juvenile asshole.
French lives don't matter.
That's hilarious, you think the government is worried about you and JimBob with your AR15s igniting the powder keg that will start the revolution? Got news for you man, they're not.. There is nothing you, nor the entire American population could do about it if they wanted to come take all your guns away. It's not like all our rights are hinging on the ability of backwater rednecks to arm themselves against the big bad government.. You live in a fantasy landROFLMFAO!!!
Every SINGLE time there is a shooting in America the left politicizes the gun control argument. You act offended?
Restricting legal gun ownership only creates more victims.
There is ample evidence that people will use ANYTHING to kill other people and the ridiculous solution proposed by the current US government only suits to make THEM more safe, not you nor I.
I dont try to fuck with your constitutional rights and what I ask is you dont try to fuck with mine...
Nah. Men are too worried to look like pussies.It is called Humanity Matty, having empathy, you should try it on, it might look good on you...
you traitorous scumbags
Nah. Men are too worried to look like pussies.
I said I felt bad for kids in detroit one time and uncle buck said that I was disgusting for acting like i cared.