Because ALL Black People Look Alike?

So I should have resisted arrest possibly got myself shot tasered for sure like this guy and charged with a crime anyway just for being a douche bag?

Plus I take it no cop has threatened to kill you. Submission sure why not I don't have the opportunity to kill several cops that are standing around me. I fight well I know a guy who did 2-5 for just poking a cop in the chest because he didn't want him on his property cop had no warrant to be on his property. Cops do what they want you don't want a prison bid cooperate that black guy got charges.
I will say in anyone's defense, about 2 years ago my husband and I helped a homeless man, let him into our home for a week, a friend from our church asked and we said okay. Well, this guy ended up being a real creep. 8 months after letting him into our home we had a SWAT team ramming down our doors, and I had a semi pointed at my head. This guy had used our internet to send some child pornagraphy picture's. It showed up on our IP address. They raided our home, took all electronics and kept them for 6 months, and carted my husband off to jail for the weed they found in his office. Eventually, the charges were dismissed for the weed, they found nothing on the electronics we had because we did nothing, no charges on that, they arrested this other guy about 4 months after the raid. We are still dealing with the Attorney General's office to get them to compensate us for the injury, time, money, doc fee's etc that we incurred in regards to this. You can fight, but sometimes in the situation you can't while it is happening..
You should have stated your case with him, and if you still got arrested, had you brought up in court that he did not furnish a warrant at the time of arrest and that he had only shown you a warrant at the station, it would have been thrown out. If the officer lies, object and tell the court that he is perjuring himself. I'm not calling you dumb, but you only have to be smart enough to know your rights under U.S.C. and local/state code.

On the other hand, I dunno the details of what you got yourself into, either. But it has to start with you. And if you still get fucked, at least you did everything you could to stand up for your rights in a time where cops think we have none.
They actually fucked me the local cop wasn't going to do shit about my petty assault charge but I refused to let the cops search my house when my brother was on the run I asked them if they had a warrant they said yes I said a warrant to search my house? They said no next day they had a warrant for me.

When a cop threatened to kill me I committed no crime but the cop shut the dash camera off first so it was my word against the word of 2 cops.

Even my dad got cuffed and put in the back of a cop car beaten and dropped off cops get away with everything it's your word against their word. Ain't no letting cops be above the law when clearly they are above the law.
I will say in anyone's defense, about 2 years ago my husband and I helped a homeless man, let him into our home for a week, a friend from our church asked and we said okay. Well, this guy ended up being a real creep. 8 months after letting him into our home we had a SWAT team ramming down our doors, and I had a semi pointed at my head. This guy had used our internet to send some child pornagraphy picture's. It showed up on our IP address. They raided our home, took all electronics and kept them for 6 months, and carted my husband off to jail for the weed they found in his office. Eventually, the charges were dismissed for the weed, they found nothing on the electronics we had because we did nothing, no charges on that, they arrested this other guy about 4 months after the raid. We are still dealing with the Attorney General's office to get them to compensate us for the injury, time, money, doc fee's etc that we incurred in regards to this. You can fight, but sometimes in the situation you can't while it is happening..
Yup the only time you can fight a cop is in court on the street they will kill you.
They actually fucked me the local cop wasn't going to do shit about my petty assault charge but I refused to let the cops search my house when my brother was on the run I asked them if they had a warrant they said yes I said a warrant to search my house? They said no next day they had a warrant for me.

When a cop threatened to kill me I committed no crime but the cop shut the dash camera off first so it was my word against the word of 2 cops.

Even my dad got cuffed and put in the back of a cop car beaten and dropped off cops get away with everything it's your word against their word. Ain't no letting cops be above the law when clearly they are above the law.
I fully understand your dilemma, and I'm pretty sure that I would have probably handled it very similarly. My issue is that you're calling my man an idiot because he chose to stand up for his rights. The police were wrong, dead wrong. I'll be interested in seeing how this ultimately ends, because the cop lied ON TAPE several times.
Yup the only time you can fight a cop is in court on the street they will kill you.
If we had resisted at all we would have been dead. They did not even want to allow me to put on clothes before taking me outside. I did resist and told them I had a legal right to get some clothes on and fortunately they let me. I had just come home from work about an hour and a half before the raid and was sleeping. I work nightshift and this happened about 9:30 am. Fortunately none of my kids or grandchildren were at our home at the time..
Pretty hard to do that when the cops take your phone they can delete the evidence if you have a password they can break it it's your word against their word. One cop lies the other cops agree.
Now add being black to that equation. All of the same things happen, only the general public looks at it and collectively says "He must have deserved it."
Pretty hard to do that when the cops take your phone they can delete the evidence if you have a password they can break it it's your word against their word. One cop lies the other cops agree.
Is difficult for me...My first husband was a cop and I see things through those old eyes, and then I had this particular instance with this raid and a husband that received a head injury, now has epilepsy, and suffers from PTSD, and I have nightmares of waking up to a guy in swat attire and a semi automatic rifle pointed at very surreal, very terrifying as we did nothing but help a stranger for a week, and ended up in this nightmare, and when it was happening there was nothing at all we could do. Our phones, computers, everything electrical that could store any kind of information was taken.
Is difficult for me...My first husband was a cop and I see things through those old eyes, and then I had this particular instance with this raid and a husband that received a head injury, now has epilepsy, and suffers from PTSD, and I have nightmares of waking up to a guy in swat attire and a semi automatic rifle pointed at very surreal, very terrifying as we did nothing but help a stranger for a week, and ended up in this nightmare, and when it was happening there was nothing at all we could do. Our phones, computers, everything electrical that could store any kind of information was taken.
You can talk to me, if you'd like. I suffer PTSD as well. So if you ever want to commiserate, I'm always up to talk.
Don't matter what color you are cops do what they want if the charges don't stick they don't get in any trouble.
It does matter, and I think that is what you aren't seeing. Firstly, as an African American, you're constantly under the microscope being scrutinized, and then if you are arrested, a lot of people to include your jury will more than likely say "Oh, he's black, he probably did it." And thus, you don't even get a fair trial. Deny it as much as you want. Truth is, this is the way of our world.

And this is what you mean by white privilege, am I right, BK?
Like, I can only imagine having to deal with this as an African American man. I already have a temper if I am being wronged by someone who knows they aren't in the right. I'd probably get myself killed.
Pretty much why I don't live in a city I never see cops anymore but the last time I got pulled over the cop was trying to search my car kept asking if we had drugs with my then 3 year old daughter in the car. To top it off it was a fucking Australian!!