Is This What Was Meant By "Open Carry"

In the space of a few minutes, you wrote these two sentences. I am pretty sure I know exactly what you think of the RKBA.

"If you can't be certain that you will make the right choice, what right do you have to carry?"
"I'm not saying people shouldn't own a gun but really folks your fantasies are not reality."
The only justification for carrying is if it makes you and those around you safer. In general, it does not. Most times guns are used by a legal owner for suicide. After that, Domestic violence, Criminal homicide by the gunman on somebody they know, accidents, and way down the list successful defense. The other day a gun discharged in a Walmart line accidentally Nobody was hurt but dammit, near misses like that are just the indicator of how accidents can happen anywhere on anybody around a gun owner..

Having a right does not require using it. Especially if it causes more harm than good.

Don't be stupid.

If gun owners continue to be stupid and don't take ownership of reducing gun fatalities then the super majority of non gun owners will eventually steamroll the gun owning public. It would be better if gun owners took responsibility for the problems they cause. Just saying.

And finally, my favorite stupid joke on gun owners:
pistol teething.jpg
Dumbshit with gun, a toxic brew.
he is making a point about your 2 nd A, stop being such sissys
How is this terrorism? What threat does he make? It sure sounds like you are equating "has a gun" with "unhinged crazy guy". I wonder if you'd feel better if he carried concealed. That's the ticket!! No offensive firearms showing to the delicate sensibilities.

You just implicitly (but not expressly! Such plausible deniability.) smeared the gun while ostensibly being "for gun ownership". When you advance an argument this dishonestly, expect it to be dismantled ... openly, not concealed. You are not for "gun ownership" any more than the Australian Government.

Bloated piece of clown shit.
How is he an idiot? You still have not specified what his crime or gaffe is. If his gaffe is "gun legal but showing" why not own that and stop the implication games?
He would be interpreted as a fucking idiot by any sensible citizen.

You are duller than fuck, arguing preposterous positions with imbecile level rhetoric.

"Gaffe" loutish numbskull, forced and clumsy vocab continues to be cringe worthy.
If someone threw popcorn at me in a movie I'd try to catch it all and thank the
An old man got angry that another guy was texting during movie promos before the real movie started. He confronted the texter. The texter threw popcorn in the old man's face. Old man shot him dead. The old man is pleading innocent based on stand your ground. The trial hasn't started yet. Win or lose, the stand your ground law made somebody dead. Rational decisions when fearful -- not congruent.

Even with hundreds of hours of training, cops make bad choices some of the time during tests. Civilians are going to be better? If you can't be certain that you will make the right choice, what right do you have to carry?
if someone threw popcorn at me in the movies I'd try to catch it all and refill my own bucket then tell them thank you foods expensive and I usually have the munchies .....
You are wrong, I am used to being around weapons. I own several handguns and shotguns, but I don't dress up in garb and take the arsenal to a public park. Hell I take my grandson to soccer and football games and see how adults behave at those, like a bunch of idiots, thank god they don't all tote their guns or there would be dead people every game. Nothing tells me that this guy is there to protect me, or open fire and kill people. Most people would be extremely intimidated, and would be scared to have their children and family around. You can't determine what his training or his intent is . If the park is only meant for people that are used to this attire, that might be one thing, but I am sure this is a public park and needs to be for the use and pleasure of the entire public. That picture is me, but I am at a shooting range, not Central Park NYC. View attachment 3735734
nice hair
He would be interpreted as a fucking idiot by any sensible citizen.

You are duller than fuck, arguing preposterous positions with imbecile level rhetoric.

"Gaffe" loutish numbskull, forced and clumsy vocab continues to be cringe worthy.
such an angry nobody sidekick who cant grow which is why you are so angry, angrybollocks is your new name
You have some serious blinders on to think your membership dues get used for anything but their posturing and lobbying efforts in Washington, DC.

I laugh derisively at your obvious hypocrisy in supporting an organization financially while claiming not to support their politics.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh Derisively do you....big scary word...I laugh harder at you for seeing what you want all through your rose colored glasses. I know exactly what the NRA does. Millions of other citizens and I support the NRA to make sure we maintain our 2nd amendment right to bear arms. We the NRA come from all walks of life, races, religions and vary in our political beliefs and our beliefs vary about gun ownership, but we are joined together in a common goal to keep our right to own guns alive. Yes!!! The NRA lobbies our government and spends a lot of money doing so, just as Planned Parenthood and it's supporters lobby so that woman have the right to kill their 2nd and 3rd trimester babies without it being a yeah I got it, I know my organization and why I am a member, so go eat some crow, your point is moot...:?
The only justification for carrying is if it makes you and those around you safer. In general, it does not. Most times guns are used by a legal owner for suicide. After that, Domestic violence, Criminal homicide by the gunman on somebody they know, accidents, and way down the list successful defense. The other day a gun discharged in a Walmart line accidentally Nobody was hurt but dammit, near misses like that are just the indicator of how accidents can happen anywhere on anybody around a gun owner..

Having a right does not require using it. Especially if it causes more harm than good.

Don't be stupid.

If gun owners continue to be stupid and don't take ownership of reducing gun fatalities then the super majority of non gun owners will eventually steamroll the gun owning public. It would be better if gun owners took responsibility for the problems they cause. Just saying.

And finally, my favorite stupid joke on gun owners:
View attachment 3735912
Dumbshit with gun, a toxic brew.

Most of your post is total bullshit. Not worthy of a response.
The National Safety Council estimates 38,300 people were killed and 4.4 million injured on U.S. roads in 2015, which saw the largest one-year percentage increase in half a century. Hey lets get rid of vehicles, and enforce much stricter laws and penalties for speeding and breaking traffic laws, because I am in far more danger each and every day on the road with these whack job drivers thinking that it is their right to put my life in danger on a daily basis, so they can get to their destination when they want to get there...just saying, I fear for my life everyday going to work...
Most times guns are used by a legal owner for suicide.

Really? So of all the rounds shot through firearms last year, most were used for suicide?

All the paper punching I did and taking of game, and ya'll still be shooting yourselves more. Amazing.
Hello, Desert Dude. I disagree. From what I saw, they acquitted on the excellent old tradition of assuring innocence unless proven guilty. Were I on the jury, I do not know how I would have chosen. I assume they heard much we did not. I am not privy to that extra info.

But from what I remember on the Trayvon thread, he set the kid up. Acquitted does not equal "didn't do it".

My opinion: he was acquitted just like OJ, who was ultimately shown to be guilty. I am pleased our judicial and trial system is biased toward a presumption of innocence. But that in no way proves that Zimmerman was actually innocent. I maintain that a young man died needlessly at the hands of a wannabe Rambo.

The entire trial was broadcast on court TV. The only thing "we" didn't see was the deliberations the jury went through in private.

The grand old tradition of "beyond a reasonable doubt." The verdict was unanimous. Zimm was assaulted, and beaten. He reasonably believed he was in mortal danger.

Zimm was and is a moron. His neighborhood was and is a high crime zone. His little neighborhood had a plague of burglaries, including at least one home invasion robbery. He and his neighbors formed a neighborhood watch in response. None of that suggests "Rambo" to me. Zimm got a gun and carried concealed because of his environment. That sounds like a rational response to his environment. Zimm saw a man he did not recognize who was acting suspiciously and called the police. That was rational. It turns out that Martin was not one of the many burglars in the neighborhood, but Zimm had no way to know that. Zimm was beaten, Martin was not. The only injury on Martin was the hole in his chest. The outcome was a tragedy for Martin, and Zimm. It would have compounded the tragedy to send an innocent man to prison for defending his own life.
The entire trial was broadcast on court TV. The only thing "we" didn't see was the deliberations the jury went through in private.

The grand old tradition of "beyond a reasonable doubt." The verdict was unanimous. Zimm was assaulted, and beaten. He reasonably believed he was in mortal danger.

Zimm was and is a moron. His neighborhood was and is a high crime zone. His little neighborhood had a plague of burglaries, including at least one home invasion robbery. He and his neighbors formed a neighborhood watch in response. None of that suggests "Rambo" to me. Zimm got a gun and carried concealed because of his environment. That sounds like a rational response to his environment. Zimm saw a man he did not recognize who was acting suspiciously and called the police. That was rational. It turns out that Martin was not one of the many burglars in the neighborhood, but Zimm had no way to know that. Zimm was beaten, Martin was not. The only injury on Martin was the hole in his chest. The outcome was a tragedy for Martin, and Zimm. It would have compounded the tragedy to send an innocent man to prison for defending his own life.
Except one thing.

Zimm followed him. Neighborhood watch don't give you the right to follow innocent people around and scare them.
The National Safety Council estimates 38,300 people were killed and 4.4 million injured on U.S. roads in 2015, which saw the largest one-year percentage increase in half a century. Hey lets get rid of vehicles, and enforce much stricter laws and penalties for speeding and breaking traffic laws, because I am in far more danger each and every day on the road with these whack job drivers thinking that it is their right to put my life in danger on a daily basis, so they can get to their destination when they want to get there...just saying, I fear for my life everyday going to work...

False equivalence
Ohhhhhhhhhhh Derisively do you....big scary word...I laugh harder at you for seeing what you want all through your rose colored glasses. I know exactly what the NRA does. Millions of other citizens and I support the NRA to make sure we maintain our 2nd amendment right to bear arms. We the NRA come from all walks of life, races, religions and vary in our political beliefs and our beliefs vary about gun ownership, but we are joined together in a common goal to keep our right to own guns alive. Yes!!! The NRA lobbies our government and spends a lot of money doing so, just as Planned Parenthood and it's supporters lobby so that woman have the right to kill their 2nd and 3rd trimester babies without it being a yeah I got it, I know my organization and why I am a member, so go eat some crow, your point is moot...:?

A lil defensive, are we? That wall of text did nothing to change my assessment of your actions.

You're republican, too, aren't you?
The National Safety Council estimates 38,300 people were killed and 4.4 million injured on U.S. roads in 2015, which saw the largest one-year percentage increase in half a century. Hey lets get rid of vehicles, and enforce much stricter laws and penalties for speeding and breaking traffic laws, because I am in far more danger each and every day on the road with these whack job drivers thinking that it is their right to put my life in danger on a daily basis, so they can get to their destination when they want to get there...just saying, I fear for my life everyday going to work...
I am thinking mandatory stun guns, set on low and set to give speeders and weavers a shock a half hour before their alarm clock goes off so these SOBS that get up late can get up on time. So damn tired of these a-holes endangering the rest of us who actually get up and drive the speed limit and don't use the 3 to 4 driving lanes like a hair weave
False equivalence
Never said it was equivalent, simply pointing out that driving is dangerous out there...
A lil defensive, are we? That wall of text did nothing to change my assessment of your actions.

You're republican, too, aren't you?
and your rambling is meaningless to me... your assessment is null, not that it is any of your business, but no I am not a republican, I was actually a dumb ass and voted for Obama his first term....
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