Smart Approaches To Marijuana Wants Minimum Age Of 25 For Access To Cannabis


Well-Known Member
from 420 Magazine...

Vancouver – You have to be 19 to by alcohol here, but only 18 in next door Alberta; the minimum age for cannabis could also be different across the country once laws come into place.

One group wants to make sure weed isn’t offered to anyone below the age of 25.

That would be the minimum age, if SAM Canada was in charge.

Smart Approaches to Marijuana member Pamela McColl says she’s encouraged by a recent report to Canada’s task force on legalization and regulation.

“They’re also saying this should be a slow processs. The Canadian population is not educated on marijuana, the perception of risk is declining and so they may be well advised to take 10 years to do this,” says McColl, who believes this should be a health issue.

“One has ot simply look at logic. If you normalize a drug and say ‘hey, it’s okay for adults’, it’s more accessible, it’s available in stores, of course kids are going to get it. Twenty-three per cent of kids in Colorado get their marijuana from their parents.”

The task force is set to report back to the feds in the fall, with legislation expected to be drafted by the spring.

Consider the source...and then just laugh it off as the ramblings of crazy woman. Only a few months ago she was trying to stop legalization all she she just wants to make up rules. In order to set the age limit above 19, they would need to justify their reasoning when alcohol and driving are the biggest killers of our kids. Unless they change the definition of an adult to someone over 25, to include alcohol, tobacco use and voting rights, restricting access to a legal substance is clearly discriminating based on age.
As racerboy says, it's not exactly like kids of all ages don't have access now and demonizing it just increases the attractiveness for young people. There is absolutely no reason not to take the regulations around alcohol and change the word to cannabis and call it done.
Consider the source...and then just laugh it off as the ramblings of crazy woman. Only a few months ago she was trying to stop legalization all she she just wants to make up rules. In order to set the age limit above 19, they would need to justify their reasoning when alcohol and driving are the biggest killers of our kids. Unless they change the definition of an adult to someone over 25, to include alcohol, tobacco use and voting rights, restricting access to a legal substance is clearly discriminating based on age.
As racerboy says, it's not exactly like kids of all ages don't have access now and demonizing it just increases the attractiveness for young people. There is absolutely no reason not to take the regulations around alcohol and change the word to cannabis and call it done.

That's more or less the model here in Colorado.
Consider the source...and then just laugh it off as the ramblings of crazy woman. Only a few months ago she was trying to stop legalization all she she just wants to make up rules. In order to set the age limit above 19, they would need to justify their reasoning when alcohol and driving are the biggest killers of our kids. Unless they change the definition of an adult to someone over 25, to include alcohol, tobacco use and voting rights, restricting access to a legal substance is clearly discriminating based on age.
As racerboy says, it's not exactly like kids of all ages don't have access now and demonizing it just increases the attractiveness for young people. There is absolutely no reason not to take the regulations around alcohol and change the word to cannabis and call it done.
she also said that MJ has an addiction rate of 2 to 1 on that video with Jason Wilcox (and that was hard to listen to both of them)
she has some way out there studies. i hope someone in her family needs it and does use it. that way she can argue these facts with them.
such a dufus
When your government decriminalizes marijuana it becomes an infraction for growing/possession it's the equivalence of a nuisance. Like this, young Timmie got caught driving without a license again!! 1500 hours picking up trash... (Timmie may never be able to be a truck driver but he isn't going to prison)
When your government decriminalizes marijuana it becomes an infraction for growing/possession it's the equivalence of a nuisance. Like this, young Timmie got caught driving without a license again!! 1500 hours picking up trash... (Timmie may never be able to be a truck driver but he isn't going to prison)
Only our government has refused to decriminalize and instead is implementing infraction for possession by adults, nor should there be for growing for personal use.
are they talking about rec or med in this instance?
You cant deny a harmless medication to a child!!!
I know Pharma would rather see the kid die at thier hands with their synthetic shit... all about the buck after all.
are they talking about rec or med in this instance?
You cant deny a harmless medication to a child!!!
I know Pharma would rather see the kid die at thier hands with their synthetic shit... all about the buck after all.

SAM will deny anyone, any time,med , rec young old..SAM does not discriminate .!

.cannabis is BAD..don't you know it yet?

and trust them because threy are SO SMART

and they have an APPROACH..the approach is NO...don't take any ..ever..

smart huh?
SAM will deny anyone, any time,med , rec young old..SAM does not discriminate .!

.cannabis is BAD..don't you know it yet?

and trust them because threy are SO SMART

and they have an APPROACH..the approach is NO...don't take any ..ever..

smart huh?
she is a complete tool! where she gets her info blows my mind. the fact that she said 1 in 2 MJ users become addicted...i stopped want to listen but then she became like a car wreck...just had to listen in amazement