Light ???

Here, rm3, I'll show you the results of EOD red, 5 minutes. Also EON 5 minutes, though I doubt that has as much effect. I just don't want to shock them with sudden full power light. It may be better if they're warmed up with some low wattage red first.

So here's some that flowered for 6.5 weeks. Tallest ones were 30". Guess my 2' estimate was a little short before. Some of them are 2 though, the middle ones.


Here's the tops.

Another batch at 2.5 weeks. You can see how close the containers are. Normally, these would have stretched like hell by this point. Look how dark green and branched they are, in addition to not having elongated internodes and petioles. Look how short those leaf petioles are. Granted, not flowering super fast, but I don't really care because look at the fukking hedge.
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Here, rm3, I'll show you the results of EOD red, 5 minutes. Also EON 5 minutes, though I doubt that has as much effect. I just don't want to shock them with sudden full power light. It may be better if they're warmed up with some low wattage red first.

So here's some that flowered for 6.5 weeks. Tallest ones were 30". Guess my 2' estimate was a little short before. Some of them are 2 though, the middle ones.


Here's the tops.

Another batch at 2.5 weeks. You can see how close the containers are. Normally, these would have stretched like hell by this point. Look how dark green and branched they are, in addition to not having elongated internodes and petioles. Look how short those leaf petioles are. Granted, not flowering super fast, but I don't really care because look at the fukking hedge.
last pic is a beauty.

What;s your theory on the purple petioles?

Whats your theory on the shortened petioles?
Just the strain I guess. It also gets red/purple stripes on the stems. Bubble Bomb is the strain.

I went from having purple petioles on every plant to having bright green petioles on every plant. Not sure why and curious about others theories.

never considered the leaf petiole length. I get wildly long petioles.
Exactly, because of the far red already in the spectrum that you're using, even LED and fluorescent have some. The exact same plant stretched quite a bit under pure 4100k LED. With the red light, you only need a low wattage like with FR. I only have 52w total in there of the red CFLs and it worked about the same with 26. I just wanted more red in there for 12/12 to improve the spectrum of the COBs. It worked, it got much whiter.
Exactly, because of the far red already in the spectrum that you're using, even LED and fluorescent have some. The exact same plant stretched quite a bit under pure 4100k LED. With the red light, you only need a low wattage like with FR. I only have 52w total in there of the red CFLs and it worked about the same with 26. I just wanted more red in there for 12/12 to improve the spectrum of the COBs. It worked, it got much whiter.
Im not sure it's working against me. My plants are huge and picture perfect. i do have the 54 w hortilux t5 uv bulb in there. It most def adds a band that is appreciated in this setup. Im using cobs 3500 and 4 k
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I'm also hitting them up with calcium ascorbate. I just started the treatments though. Seemed to like the first dose I gave them a couple days ago. The optimum concentration is 300 mg per liter, but even 100 had significant effects in the study I read, Effect of vitamin C growth and yield of broad beans exposed to ambient ozone in KSA, Akram A. Ali and Hosni A. Musallam. I don't spray it though, just root feed, which works just as well.

Humans are one of the only animals that need vitamin C.

If they were feeding with calcium ascorbate, it's the calcium that made the difference. (all plants need calcium)
Maybe, but I just smoked a little bit and it was remarkably potent. I think the vitamin C may have made it crazy-ass potent. I don't recall it being like this before. Or could be the extra red CFLs I put in. All I know is I got lit.
BTW here's what the 6/2 veg stage looks like. Don't appear to be suffering, and also not elongating. Those two red 13w CFLs really redden up the spectrum of the four 42w soft whites. No EOD on this one though, just the same timer as the whites.


This shot is from July 15, 6 days ago. Fast or slow, IDK. I'm okay with it though. Filled out nice.
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No. You do not want to alter the light cycle to impose an artificial midday depression on the plants. I was referring to the original post, which suggests recreating the midday depression (through darkness, not heat, but that still generates the same result) and applying excessive heat are beneficial. This is not true, both bring photosynthesis to a halt. One of the studies (links) I posted concluded that it is the temperature, not "light saturation" that causes midday depression.

Cool temps, CO2 supplementation, ample water, lots of light, that's what you want.

I wanted to touch on major changes in the light cycle during bloom. Some strains can handle it, if other stressors aren't there to push it beyond it's stress limit. Others cannot, or have already been subjected to enough stress that major changes in the lighting will push it to herm. I know this not only from reading (more below), but first hand experience. I've changed the light cycle in mid bloom before without issue, so when it was becoming exceptionally hot (several years back), I didn't think twice about shutting the lights off for two days, to "reset" and switch it over to "on" at night (it had been "on" during the day). I had neglected to consider my "Mystery". She's high maintenance, isn't afraid to go bananas over the slightest "imperfection" in the environment. The two days off and change in the cycle made her flip her cookie, threw bananas at everybody, and left me with a crap ton of seeds (I kept about 1k).
As I mentioned above, I looked into it to see if I could find anything directly linking the "lights out" to the banana fest. Sure enough, I read (don't remember if it was an excerpt from a book, or the breeder chiming in on one of the Forums) that a well known and respected breeder shut the lights off mid bloom to identify any "sensitive" plants (hermie tendencies) so that they could be eliminated from breeding stock.
Can a protein feeding like a lactic protein, help with heat? There are soil and tea recipes that will create like a Kvass within the medium. This can help with high temps. Waaaaaay back in the day slaves and field workers were given a beer or Kvass to help them through the hotter days. It was made from bread and had less than 2% alcohol.
Ok, Let's just "chill". 8)

but it does seem ironic that others have duplicated it and it works for them as well ?

I never said that it wouldn't "work". I've already stated that I've grown fire at 88F and have repeated several times that it "works", but isn't "ideal". What I was pointing out is that the plants will flourish below 77F.

"Let's chill" was a play on words. We are both chill, cool as cucumbers, I was referring to temperature. :bigjoint:

We're cool brother, both growing some herb that that we enjoy and does the trick.
The flaw in your logic is the assumption that his goals are the same as your goals. You may also be laboring under the false premise that there's just one 'best' way to grow.

The only one going off about it is you. Take your own advice; chill, and take some of mine; try not to be judgemental.

No flaw, as far as I know. I'm pretty sure that each and every one of us would like to grow the greatest amount of the most potent, flavorful, strongest smelling herb (weight, THC, Terpenes). Someone correct me if I'm wrong. (Breeders and hemp growers aside). RM3 may breed, but he also smokes it.

There is "one best" method, but nobody knows what that is. However, science has given us parameters/guidelines to work within. Straying from those diverts you from "perfection". This is fact.
You think that's the only place this attitude lives?

"Mob rules" no, science yes. Every "pseudo scientist" out there wants his name stamped on something. Without peer review, every "yahoo" would have his garbage published as fact.

That is not to say that science doesn't "evolve". The science of "yester-year" is the "bogus" of today. Newton's "prism" disproved the Greeks theory of light. Our understanding of the "sciences" is at a much more mature level now, than it was then.

It is difficult to argue the scientific research behind light/heat, especially when it is in line with common sense, "grow know", and empirical evidence.
No flaw, as far as I know. I'm pretty sure that each and every one of us would like to grow the greatest amount of the most potent, flavorful, strongest smelling herb (weight, THC, Terpenes). Someone correct me if I'm wrong. (Breeders and hemp growers aside). RM3 may breed, but he also smokes it.

There is "one best" method, but nobody knows what that is. However, science has given us parameters/guidelines to work within. Straying from those diverts you from "perfection". This is fact.

You're quite simply wrong in many of your assumptions here. No, I'm not going to go through and debate them all, I'm just going to tell you that you've got some learning to do and humility to acquire before you'll be taken seriously by this crowd.