You realize Hillary brokered the sale of over 20% of the United State's uranium mines to Putin through a Canadian firm that donated 100+ million to her money-for-influence foundation. Another classic liberal deflection. To say that Putin is working with Trump is patently absurd. And regarding Pence, a lot of people don't seem to know this, you are not running with your VP on a single ballot at the convention. Trump picked a middle-of-the-road conservative governor, if he didn't, the vote for VP may have gone to an extremely dangerous running mate like that dirtbag Gingrich.
I've yet to see evidence suggesting that Trump is corrupt, and I've actually been following the election closer than MSM pundit spin. The DNC email leak shows clear collusion with media outlets to push a false "Dangerous Donald" narrative. The DNC recognized the narrative as false in the emails, the "Trump is racist" line is a work of fiction. If you want some real racism, here's a couple archived internal memos in the leak:
Latino voters are apparently "Taco bowls" to them. Haha funny like Trump's taco bowl tweet. Still dismissive and trite racism.
And the DNC sure knows all about Latinos, check out this gem:
Trump is clearly less racist than the DNC and the least corrupt candidate that's run in decades. The guy self financed his campaign, there is no way to spin that as a bad thing without liberal mental gymnastics. There's a difference between fear-mongering and being realistic. Democrats claiming anyone with complaints about the economy is "peddling fiction" are delusional. I'd rather have a realist than sweep voters concerns under the rug for another 8 years.