Hillary can't be trusted

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I would never support genocide.
Yet you support an man who would carpet bomb heavily populated cities in northern Iraq even though practically all living there are being held hostage by ISIS.

What a dunce. You are saying "Hitler killed off Jews, Trump doesn't say he will kill off Jews, he's not at Nazi". You dismiss all the other things he's doing and just focus on that. Like turning this country into a police state and a nation of snitches.

Yet you support an man who would carpet bomb heavily populated cities in northern Iraq even though practically all living there are being held hostage by ISIS.

What a dunce. You are saying "Hitler killed off Jews, Trump doesn't say he will kill off Jews, he's not at Nazi". You dismiss all the other things he's doing and just focus on that. Like turning this country into a police state and a nation of snitches.

Yeah.. he never said that. Show me where he said lets carpet bomb civilians.
"The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their lives, don't kid yourself. When they say they don't care about their lives, you have to take out their families"
You don't think ISIS wouldn't have hostage civilians in those oil fields that he wants to "bomb the hell out of"?

How do you think he would "take out their families" of ISIS fighters -- with peacock feathers? Where do you think those families live? They most certainly will be living with people around them. Comments made by the Donald about killing the families of ISIS fighters can be heard between 0:10 and 0:60 in the video link below:

The dude is a Nazi for sure. Hitler liked to talk about "obliterating" his opponent. Donald does the same.
let's not forget how trump wants to register all people from a certain scapegoated religion (straight from the hitler playbook) and make them wear special identification badges (straight from the hitler playbook).

brainwashed racist cretins like pie will just shrug this off like the good little foot soldier she is.
You don't think ISIS wouldn't have hostage civilians in those oil fields that he wants to "bomb the hell out of"?

How do you think he would "take out their families" of ISIS fighters -- with peacock feathers? Where do you think those families live? They most certainly will be living with people around them. Comments made by the Donald about killing the families of ISIS fighters can be heard between 0:10 and 0:60 in the video link below:

The dude is a Nazi for sure. Hitler liked to talk about "obliterating" his opponent. Donald does the same.

When Gadaffi fucked around Regan blew up his house...

What do terrorists fear?
When Gadaffi fucked around Regan blew up his house...

What do terrorists fear?

people not buying into their propaganda and narrative and their numbers shrinking.

hence why they use donald trump as a recruiting tool, hence why responsible leaders don't call it a war on "radical islamic terrorism".

When Gadaffi fucked around Regan blew up his house...

What do terrorists fear?
They can't be all that afraid of bombs falling on their houses. Obama has been doing just that for the past eight years. He kills their leaders and their families and another one just takes their place. I hate that he does it and it isn't particularly effective. Terrorism has spread during that same time.

But you believe that it works therefore you consider it a fact. More right wing truthy think.

Bombing families of terrorists is demonstrably ineffective at stopping terrorism.
Man, this is too full of crap for me to even discuss. I'll just put you on ignore rather than dignify your post with a response.

Whoot!! my day is just getting better and better...

Unless you are lying about it like the last 2 times!!
They can't be all that afraid of bombs falling on their houses. Obama has been doing just that for the past eight years. He kills their leaders and their families and another one just takes their place. I hate that he does it and it isn't particularly effective. Terrorism has spread during that same time.

But you believe that it works therefore you consider it a fact. More right wing truthy think.

Bombing families of terrorists is demonstrably ineffective at stopping terrorism.
I guess my earlier question is which is more likely to result in more terrorists - carpet bombing or drones...

I have always been of the mind that I would really find the drones more radicalizing. First, they don't have any warning whatsoever. They know the things are up there but fly so high that it is tough to see them. But suddenly... boom! Secondly, the feeling of helplessness to know that their enemy doesn't even give them a chance to fire at a human - because that human is far away, maybe in America; they may have dinner with their family this very evening. To me the use of drones invites attacks in America.

Carpet bombing may be more effective in the absolute sense in that it leaves far fewer survivors to radicalize. My biggest problem is the need to indiscriminately kill millions of people. I have some issues with that. You cannot kill everybody and those that are not killed will probably be drawn into violence at a higher rate than those subjected to drones.

What I particularly resent about TRUMPS! views is the notion that this is a problem that he can solve quickly if he shows enough fortitude and strength. This simply is not true according to anybody who knows a damn about terrorism. His claim that it is shows a lack of knowledge about the problem or that he is just outright being disingenuous as he has been on so many things. Saying that a large security problem such as terrorism can be "solved" in a short time leads me to believe he will be demanding extraordinary powers or making his own attempt at ruling through executive order. Additionally, I believe he would tend to abuse the clandestine nature of Homeland Security as a way to escape oversight.

In my view, America has done a very good job of avoiding the brunt of terrorism. I certainly do not see the world as that resembling what the TRUMP! described when he "nailed it" in his speech.
I guess my earlier question is which is more likely to result in more terrorists - carpet bombing or drones...

I have always been of the mind that I would really find the drones more radicalizing. First, they don't have any warning whatsoever. They know the things are up there but fly so high that it is tough to see them. But suddenly... boom! Secondly, the feeling of helplessness to know that their enemy doesn't even give them a chance to fire at a human - because that human is far away, maybe in America; they may have dinner with their family this very evening. To me the use of drones invites attacks in America.

Carpet bombing may be more effective in the absolute sense in that it leaves far fewer survivors to radicalize. My biggest problem is the need to indiscriminately kill millions of people. I have some issues with that. You cannot kill everybody and those that are not killed will probably be drawn into violence at a higher rate than those subjected to drones.

What I particularly resent about TRUMPS! views is the notion that this is a problem that he can solve quickly if he shows enough fortitude and strength. This simply is not true according to anybody who knows a damn about terrorism. His claim that it is shows a lack of knowledge about the problem or that he is just outright being disingenuous as he has been on so many things. Saying that a large security problem such as terrorism can be "solved" in a short time leads me to believe he will be demanding extraordinary powers or making his own attempt at ruling through executive order. Additionally, I believe he would tend to abuse the clandestine nature of Homeland Security as a way to escape oversight.

In my view, America has done a very good job of avoiding the brunt of terrorism. I certainly do not see the world as that resembling what the TRUMP! described when he "nailed it" in his speech.

If we were not ignoring the sovereignty of any country we feel like and get the focus back on America we are going to invite attacks. However, countries that dont do this are subject to attacks as well. Because it is a religious holy war.

Obama promised to get us out of all this. Although I disagreed with some of the methods and tactics ultimately I agree fundamentally we should be out. Of course, he didnt get out, he just got into the messes he wanted to get into. No different than Bush in that respect.
If we were not ignoring the sovereignty of any country we feel like and get the focus back on America we are going to invite attacks. However, countries that dont do this are subject to attacks as well. Because it is a religious holy war.

Obama promised to get us out of all this. Although I disagreed with some of the methods and tactics ultimately I agree fundamentally we should be out. Of course, he didnt get out, he just got into the messes he wanted to get into. No different than Bush in that respect.

literally everything you just typed is false. impressive, even for you.
I guess my earlier question is which is more likely to result in more terrorists - carpet bombing or drones...

I have always been of the mind that I would really find the drones more radicalizing. First, they don't have any warning whatsoever. They know the things are up there but fly so high that it is tough to see them. But suddenly... boom! Secondly, the feeling of helplessness to know that their enemy doesn't even give them a chance to fire at a human - because that human is far away, maybe in America; they may have dinner with their family this very evening. To me the use of drones invites attacks in America.

Carpet bombing may be more effective in the absolute sense in that it leaves far fewer survivors to radicalize. My biggest problem is the need to indiscriminately kill millions of people. I have some issues with that. You cannot kill everybody and those that are not killed will probably be drawn into violence at a higher rate than those subjected to drones.

What I particularly resent about TRUMPS! views is the notion that this is a problem that he can solve quickly if he shows enough fortitude and strength. This simply is not true according to anybody who knows a damn about terrorism. His claim that it is shows a lack of knowledge about the problem or that he is just outright being disingenuous as he has been on so many things. Saying that a large security problem such as terrorism can be "solved" in a short time leads me to believe he will be demanding extraordinary powers or making his own attempt at ruling through executive order. Additionally, I believe he would tend to abuse the clandestine nature of Homeland Security as a way to escape oversight.

In my view, America has done a very good job of avoiding the brunt of terrorism. I certainly do not see the world as that resembling what the TRUMP! described when he "nailed it" in his speech.
I don't think either are particularly effective at winning the hearts and minds of a population. Maybe you are right about the invisible and constant threat is more radicalizing. The thing is, we've been using drones for a long time now and the situation has only spread and gotten worse. Carpet bombing is an attack on an entire populace and is an international war crime for good reason. Not that drone strikes aren't illegal by international law too. But neither "break the will" of the opponent, that is proven.

The US is the aggressor worldwide and seen by the world as the major threat to peace. If we want peace, and I'm not sure the oligarchs do, we need to stop threatening others. That's the only way to set up conditions for building bridges with other cultures and its people. WWII finally ended but it was the Marshall Plan that won the peace. We support Israel in order to use them as an excuse for attacking other countries and enable the US to control oil supply. Our relationship with the radical Islamic Saudi government is all about the same. The leaders of our country thus far have shown no sign of even wanting peace. So, drone strikes vs carpet bombing? Can I vote no to both?

Find a different shit room pus bag
The reality and what we're are taught are two different stories. I'm not a nazi, I just know that there's a lot more to the story than were told. Hitler did work with the rothchilds and I don't believe that the nazis weren't brutal but explain what the truth is then? I'm prob an expert on ww2 and we killed 16 million civilians ourselves intentionally in Germany alone. America killed even more in Japan. And Stalin he was just as bad or worse. An Great Britain is prob the biggest imperialist of them all. I'm Irish and what has been done to the Irish is an incredible atrocity that history books choose to ignore. So I do believe hitler worked with the west at some point. And we assumed their scientists esp for the space race and atom bomb right away. Hitler was spotted in Argentina shortly after the fall of Berlin. Fbi files clearly show records of hitler sightings. So there's much more to the story than meets the eye. And as far as anti Semitic shit, most of my friends are Jewish, like csb seeds esp, one of my best friends so I'm not hater on Jews.
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