Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
Btw the rothchilds still control everything and the builderburger group as well as some other elitist societies. And every country has its factions and players in the power struggle but the overall puppet master is the central bank Rothchild dynasty. Control of money + media + world leaders = the boss. Whether you like what I said or not the truth is all out there but no one will ever fully know the real truth of ww2, or to what degree the nazis were working with the powers that be. Hitler til the end supposedly thought he could swing a deal with the allies and convince them the ussr was the greatest threat. Patton himself wanted to march to Moscow even. And the soviets swallowed up the bulk of Europe to influence them after the war since they did the work and wanted control. Patton was held hours outside of Prague because Ike didn't think it was worth losing our boys, which they regretted later. Berlin too. See I'm giving facts, that video I don't believe in its entirety either and think it's a bit rascist but I do believe hitler did work out some deal. His body was never found, and the supposed body they did find was dna tested and not him or Eva Braun. And Stalin once said even he knew the allies let hitler escape and was last seen taking uboat rides to South America. I watched a film from South America on this topic. The nazis even supposedly sent a group to Antarctica and built bases there. But mengela, eichmann, and many other top nazis escaped to South America. And how many were even hunted down? There is a ton of sketchy shit in ww2 and the real truth is hidden in theories and mysteries. But the Rothchild monopoly and the Zionist movements history are both well known things. I personally think hitler traded gold, art and some sacrificial lambs to save his own hide and escape. He did hold most of Europes treasures. And hitler even could be Rothchild spawn. His grandmother worked for the baron as a servent and had an illegitimate son, alois hitler who moved his way up to a decent official in the Austrian customs. Adolf spring boarded to fuhrer of Germany. You just don't rise like that esp to fuhrer without powerful people backing you, or even president of a country for that matter. A quick look at us presidents even shows the family tree of wealth controlling things. But you don't have to take my word for it. I figured I'd give facts and some opinion. Not call names and act like I'm special ;) lol


Well-Known Member
Btw the rothchilds still control everything and the builderburger group as well as some other elitist societies. And every country has its factions and players in the power struggle but the overall puppet master is the central bank Rothchild dynasty. Control of money + media + world leaders = the boss. Whether you like what I said or not the truth is all out there but no one will ever fully know the real truth of ww2, or to what degree the nazis were working with the powers that be. Hitler til the end supposedly thought he could swing a deal with the allies and convince them the ussr was the greatest threat. Patton himself wanted to march to Moscow even. And the soviets swallowed up the bulk of Europe to influence them after the war since they did the work and wanted control. Patton was held hours outside of Prague because Ike didn't think it was worth losing our boys, which they regretted later. Berlin too. See I'm giving facts, that video I don't believe in its entirety either and think it's a bit rascist but I do believe hitler did work out some deal. His body was never found, and the supposed body they did find was dna tested and not him or Eva Braun. And Stalin once said even he knew the allies let hitler escape and was last seen taking uboat rides to South America. I watched a film from South America on this topic. The nazis even supposedly sent a group to Antarctica and built bases there. But mengela, eichmann, and many other top nazis escaped to South America. And how many were even hunted down? There is a ton of sketchy shit in ww2 and the real truth is hidden in theories and mysteries. But the Rothchild monopoly and the Zionist movements history are both well known things. I personally think hitler traded gold, art and some sacrificial lambs to save his own hide and escape. He did hold most of Europes treasures. And hitler even could be Rothchild spawn. His grandmother worked for the baron as a servent and had an illegitimate son, alois hitler who moved his way up to a decent official in the Austrian customs. Adolf spring boarded to fuhrer of Germany. You just don't rise like that esp to fuhrer without powerful people backing you, or even president of a country for that matter. A quick look at us presidents even shows the family tree of wealth controlling things. But you don't have to take my word for it. I figured I'd give facts and some opinion. Not call names and act like I'm special ;) lol
Nobody is gonna read that fecal cascade.


Well-Known Member
I wrote about the irish slave trade on riu previously, watch out for the incomming
The truth dosent suit everyone does it? But it makes it easy to weed out the less intelligent by posting and watching them all get nasty and call names instead of facts or opinions besides brief ones with no basis of info behind them. Just shows how little they know and the first thing they do is turn to insults, ignorance is bliss though


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry what are you asking?

I think there need to be options for people who are victims of rape or incest. There is plenty of support offered for that.

I do not think monetary reasons are an excuse to terminate a life tho and the vast majority of abortions are done for that reason.

Plenty of places to buy condoms, get free birth control (iud), and people should be more careful in selecting their sexual partners. Parents also need to educate their children more about the consequences of un protected sex and sex with people you don't know on a deep personal level. Sex is a very vulnerable position for women to be in. They risk a lot.

I know I will be talking to my daughter about it.

Also, why are people so upset about possibly losing access to ending the life they conceived through their own actions?

Seems outrageously selfish.

(Obviously, I am not talking about victims of rape or incest.)
I can't read your mind and a bit of data isn't really information. The number is just that. Why is the fact that 1% of women get abortions due to rape so important to you? What's the difference if it's .5% or 1% or 10%.

Also, I can't tell from your diatribe, would you exclude all other women from access to abortion services? Because selfish?


Well-Known Member
The truth dosent suit everyone does it? But it makes it easy to weed out the less intelligent by posting and watching them all get nasty and call names instead of facts or opinions besides brief ones with no basis of info behind them. Just shows how little they know and the first thing they do is turn to insults, ignorance is bliss though
sorry you got outed so quickly as an anti-semitic conspiracy peddling loser. happens to a lot of people like you around here.
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