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laundry day?
I have no side on any of this, just discussing what is an interesting video related to the topic.
laundry day?
Is someone stomping on your balls making you say everything you've posted on this site. There are support groups for abuse, don't be ashamed she overpowers you.HAHAHA the trials were a sham! If you stomp on someones balls long enough they will say anything.
when he says he's constantly surrounded by pussy, he means the 36 cats roaming around his mom's house.Is someone stomping on your balls making you say everything you've posted on thus site. There are support groups for abuse, don't be ashamed she overpowers you.
Let's put our guns down, this feller needs our help...have a heart guys
You know there's countries where you'd go to prison for exuding this sort of ridiculous bullshit from your mouth?HAHAHA the trials were a sham! If you stomp on someones balls long enough they will say anything.
This is true. In 1933 when hitler took power.How about an actual newspaper ?View attachment 3747637
That was the first tests on Russian prisoners. Carbon monoxide poisoning. They used a truck or car though. Himmler said it wasn't efficient enough so they went to zyklon b instead.they used the exhaust from the tanks to gas them. didn't take long, and gap under the door wouldn't count for shit. four tanks at full throttle, 2000 dead in under three minutes. then cleared and repeated.
View attachment 3747652
The final solution is the one. The nazis were planning on winning the war and relocating the Jews to Madagascar. But it never happened so once the war was pretty much over, the final solution came into play.Please show one document where Hitler ordered the execution of Jews, there should be many such documents.
What does it matter what methods were used? There werw in fact concentration camps. There were in fact millions of jews and other "undesirables" and dissenters rounded up and killed.They claim zyklon B was used. This is a trial, specifics are important.
The final solution is the one. The nazis were planning on winning the war and relocating the Jews to Madagascar. But it never happened so once the war was pretty much over, the final solution came into play.
Genocide is part of our history as well. The idea of Eugenics started here in America actually. We killed how many natives? Then blacks, Irish, and countless other groups of ppl. Factor in conventional wars and were way over 50 million alone
The illuminati and central bank control wouldn't stop in Madagascar even. I think actually most of the rothchilds don't even live in Israel. Prob too dangerous for themMadagascar was a much better choice than Palestine. Think how much suffering could have been prevented if they chose Madagascar.
I watched a thing on history about a week ago about Hitler and the Holocaust.
It was very disturbing and had graphic video and pics of camps and mass graves.
My wife didn't want to watch it. I made her sit there and watch me. If we ignore history we are doomed to repeat it.
The illuminati and central bank control wouldn't stop in Madagascar even. I think actually most of the rothchilds don't even live in Israel. Prob too dangerous for them. America and Europe both are still under control from those factions and it could have been Mars they moved the Jews to and it would still be the same old shit, just another area, because the majority of Jewish ppl have nothing to do with this. It's just like our leaders and the crimes they commit. Are we guilty too? Because we did elect them. I heard in Iraq and Afghanistan that we are using depleted uranium in shells fired and such, which is causing birth defects. If this is true that's a form of genocide as well, and a terrible one too.
What does it matter what methods were used? There werw in fact concentration camps. There were in fact millions of jews and other "undesirables" and dissenters rounded up and killed.
Look, there are some evil muslims and some evil jews. They represent a minority. A dangerous minority because all evil is dangerous but not a justification for hating all jews or muslims.