Do you think people should be protected from punishment from their employer for expressing opinions

Are you saying your opinions while at the job location/site and towards customers ?
No. Say I work at Footlocker or something and I say something racist on Facebook, should I be subject to consequences from my employer? Should someone be able to complain to the Footlocker FB page and get me fired?
No. Say I work at Footlocker or something and I say something racist on Facebook, should I be subject to consequences from my employer? Should someone be able to complain to the Footlocker FB page and get me fired?
I think the employer will only care if it affects business.
No. Say I work at Footlocker or something and I say something racist on Facebook, should I be subject to consequences from my employer? Should someone be able to complain to the Footlocker FB page and get me fired?
Well major corporations tend to fire over these things as they don't want to be associated with something harmful to their reputation I'm sure they cover their asses when you sign your employee paperwork though I'm not 100% only worked for one major corporation before which was a call center

Is it right ? I'm not sure
Would someone being racist and working at footlocker stop me from shopping there ? No

Does a business/charity mission that's homophobic , racist etc stop me from using their company ? Yes
It would stop me. I haven't eaten at Denny's or bought gas from Texaco in over 20 years.
That's ok too you're allowed to that its your money spend it where you want

It just I know that if isn't the mission plan or the thoughts of the company themselves than I do not fault the company

Their hiring staff may not have known they were racist etc prior to hiring them who knows every case is situational / different
That's ok too you're allowed to that its your money spend it where you want

It just I know that if isn't the mission plan or the thoughts of the company themselves than I do not fault the company

Their hiring staff may not have known they were racist etc prior to hiring them who knows every case is situational / different
Understandable. The examples that I sighted both involved upper management, meaning the racism was coming from the top.
As far as I'm concerned, working for any major corporation these days is like working for a communist regime.
You roll over for the bullshit and nonsense like a trained puppy dog and like it, or they come up with a phony excuse,
that looks good on paper, to get rid of your ass. Once you're gone they still do their best to fuc you over.
It's all about money, greed, the stock price and it's a fucen shame.
As far as I'm concerned, working for any major corporation these days is like working for a communist regime.
You roll over for the bullshit and nonsense like a trained puppy dog and like it, or they come up with a phony excuse,
that looks good on paper, to get rid of your ass. Once you're gone they still do their best to fuc you over.
It's all about money, greed, the stock price and it's a fucen shame.

I would say look where the tax cuts/profits are going before discounting this thought.
As far as I'm concerned, working for any major corporation these days is like working for a communist regime.
You roll over for the bullshit and nonsense like a trained puppy dog and like it, or they come up with a phony excuse,
that looks good on paper, to get rid of your ass. Once you're gone they still do their best to fuc you over.
It's all about money, greed, the stock price and it's a fucen shame.

What is an employer supposed to be like? Your mommy?

A company is all about the stock price and revenue and keeping the doors open. That is the point.
Of course I think you should be protected, because it's our right to say what we want.

When I was in the Navy, I was stationed on Adak, an isolated island in the Aleutians. Once a week a plane would arrive with fresh food and supplies. We would have fresh milk and eggs for 3-4 days, and then the rest of the week was powdered eggs and powdered milk, and no fresh food. One day I was in the chow hall, eating their slop, and I noticed a Suggestion Box on the wall. So I filled out a slip complaining about the shitty food. I then took a couple of pads of suggestion slips, and passed them out to everyone in the chow hall. Many men filled them out with nasty notes about the food.

The Commanding Officer then threatened to charge me with "mutinous action."

He never did, and the food still sucked.

In the military, making a suggestion is considered to be mutiny.
